Now showing items 5622-5641 of 6131

    • Tradable green certificates for renewable support: The role of expectations and uncertainty 

      Hustveit, Magne; Frogner, Jens Sveen; Fleten, Stein-Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This paper analyzes tradable green certificate markets, where producers investing in new renewable capacity receive certificates based on their production. These are sold to electricity retailers, who are required to buy ...
    • Trade concentration and dynamics of Norwegian imports: an application of R-MANOVA model 

      Tesfay, Yohannes Yebabe; Solibakke, Per Bjarte (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This article proposes to analyse trade concentration and dynamics of the Norwegian imports expenditures by applying the two-way random effect MANOVA (R-MANOVA) model. The MANOVA model factors considered in this econometric ...
    • Trade in Environmentally Sound Technologies: The Case of Ghana's Solar Industry 

      Tangene, Christian (Master thesis, 2019)
      FN's miljøprogram ga nylig ut rapporten Trade in Environmentally Sound Technologies: Implications for Developing countries. Environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) er definert som "teknologier som reduserer miljørisiko ...
    • Trade Secret Management in Collaborations and Open Innovation 

      Lie, Haakon Thue (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:149, Doctoral thesis, 2020)
      Trade secrets are secrets with commercial value that are delimited and managed. They may concern technology, business strategy, customer data and any information of value to a business that is intentionally concealed. ...
    • Trade Unions and Gender Equality 

      Strøm, Karina (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Through this bachelor thesis it has been shown that a high degree of trade unionisation in a country does not lead to gender equality in wage. This result was found through regression analysis and hypothesis testing. The ...
    • Trade Unions and Productivity. Empirical Analyses of the Norwegian Labor Market 

      Kostøl, Fredrik Bakkemo (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:406, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      This thesis is concerned with the question of how trade unions influence the productivity of firms and workers. To answer this question, I utilize rich administrative register data from Norway to investigate how unions ...
    • Trade Unions and the Process of Technological Change 

      Kostøl, Fredrik Bakkemo; Svarstad, Elin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We investigate how trade unions influence the process of technological change at the workplace level. Using matched employer-employee data, comprising all Norwegian workplaces and working individuals in the period 2000-2014, ...
    • Trade unions and the well-being of workers 

      Blanchflower, David G.; Bryson, Alex; Green, Colin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Using data on nearly 2 million respondents from the United States and Europe, we show the partial correlation between union membership and employee job satisfaction is positive and statistically significant. This runs ...
    • Trade-Off Theory for Dual Holders 

      Lindset, Snorre; Nygård, Guttorm; Persson, Svein Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      A dual holder simultaneously owns (private) debt and equity in the same firm. Private debt has a tax advantage, a positive cashflow, which incentivizes its use. This cashflow leads to a lower net cost of debt, which again ...
    • Trading algorithms to represent the wholesale market of energy communities in Norway and England 

      Heilmann, Jakob; Wensaas, Marthe; Crespo del Granado, Pedro; Hashemipour, Seyed Naser (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The development of local electricity markets (LEMs) and energy communities is accelerating the shift from consumerism to prosumerism. However, there is no concrete understanding of how electricity sharing in LEMs should ...
    • Trading based on the dual-beta model: Evidence from the Norwegian Stock Market 

      Nystuen, Andreas; Nyrnes, Anders Quist (Master thesis, 2022)
      Tradisjonelle finansielle målinger av risiko er begrenset til variansbaserte metoder, og det vanligste måleverktøyet er beta. Et problem med tradisjonell beta-beregning er at den vektes likt til både opp- og nedside ...
    • Trading strategies based on the lead-lag relationship between the spot and the futures prices for the Nikkei 225 Stock Average Index 

      Aksdal, Julie Marie; Grønberg, Ulrikke (Master thesis, 2016-01-13)
      The main objective for this master thesis was to investigate the relationship between the spot and futures market for the Nikkei 225 Stock Average Index, in order to give an indication about the efficiency of the Japanese ...
    • Tradition and Transformation in Denmark 

      Bennike, Søren; Storm, Rasmus K.; Elmose-Østerlund, Karsten; Schelde, Nikolaj; Ottesen, Laila (Chapter, 2023)
      This country-specific chapter seeks to explore football in Denmark. We start by examining the early years of football, starting from the 1870s. From there, we present decisive landmarks for the understanding of Danish ...
    • Training of innovative teams 

      Sylten, Kari Mørkved; Hole, Jill Aasen; Solem, Tone (Master thesis, 2017)
      Innovative teams are essential in most organizations, as they are put together to solve complex challenges. It is important that teams are operating as effective as possible to achieve good results. Research has shown that ...
    • Tramp Ship Routing and Scheduling in the Dry Bulk Industry including Bunker Optimization and Fleet Repositioning 

      Omholt-Jensen, Simen (Master thesis, 2023)
      Den maritime shippingindustrien er en bærebjelke for den globale økonomien. I 2019, ble mer enn 11 milliarder tonn med varer transportert av skip. I denne komplekse og mangfoldige indus- trien finnes tørrbulk operatører ...
    • Tramp Ship Routing with Bunker Optimization and Flexible Cargo Quantities: Case from Dry Bulk Shipping 

      Omholt-Jensen, Simen; Fagerholt, Kjetil; Meisel, Frank (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We study the Tramp Ship Routing and Scheduling Problem with Bunker Optimization (TSRSPBO). The TSRSPBO includes, in addition to the routing and scheduling of the vessels in the given fleet, decisions about how much to ...
    • Tramp shipping in the LNG trade 

      Fretheim, Steinar Halland; Bondevik, Halfdan (Master thesis, 2014)
      LNG is to an increasing extent traded through spot markets and short-term contracts. At the same time, gas production is growing and the number of importers and exporters of LNG is increasing. These trends lead to greater ...
    • Transfer of labour-management partnership in multinational companies 

      Rolfsen, Monica (Journal article, 2013)
      There has been a growing interest in how multinational corporations transfer various management practices from one country to another. The positions vary from an extreme where all practices will become globally standardised; ...
    • Transformasjons- og transaksjonsledelse for instituttledere ved NTNU Ålesund 

      Hedenstad, Astrid; Sollien, Vilde Christine (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Denne oppgaven er konfidensiell. En organisasjon sin omstillingsevne innen dynamiske omgivelser er viktig, da endringshastigheten i det norske markedet er økende (Carlin, 2015). Derfor er det en rekke foreliggende ...
    • Transformasjonsledelse i en digitale arbeidshverdagen 

      Heggheim, Markus Bjørnvold (Master thesis, 2022)
      Teknologi er i stadig utvikling, og under Covid-19 ble omfanget av hjemmekontor økte voldsomt. Den digitale arbeidshverdagen ble det nye for mange ledere og medarbeidere. Det ble en svært brå overgang fra fysisk oppmøte ...