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The article presents some comparative statistics on social contact in rural and urban areas. Rural areas are defined as sparsely populated areas, and urban areas are defined as densely populated areas. Data are obtained from the Norwegian surveys of level of living in 1980,1983,1987,1991 and 1995. There are statistically significant differences between rural and urban areas considering social contact between neighbours. More peolple in rural areas have contact with neighbors and family members and more often have good freinds in the local community. There are no significant differences between rural and urban areas in having intimate freinds or in giving unpaid help to sick or elderly kin, freinds or neoghbors. Nor are there any differences in giving unpaid child care to other households, exept for the eldery in urban areas giving more child care than elderly in rural areas. The differences found are related to demographic and structural features, as living close to kin leads to more contact either accidentally or by other ways, and neighbors also might more often be relatives in rural areas. Having more good freinds in the rural local community and less mobility in the population. More men than woman report having good freinds in the local community, and this might be related to the fact that men more often are born in the local community where they live. The simularity in intimate freinds is seen as following the general process of homogenisation in life styles and culture, where mobility and communication go beyond community boundaries and hence freindship. The equality between the areas in giving help to others might also be seen in the perspective of homogenisation og life style and level of living, where rural and urban people are more or less equally self-sufficient and occupied during everyday life.