Browsing NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket by Title
Now showing items 114-133 of 156
(Journal article, 2006) -
Rapport fra prosjektarbeid. Web-basert læremateriell for søking i bibliotekdatabaser
(Innblikk, 1502-3990; 2, Research report, 1999)Det er i første rekke to aspekter ved dette prosjektarbeidet som utpeker seg. Det er et enmannsprosjekt og det dreier seg om såkalt web-basert læremateriell (eller nettbasert læring) som det heter på norsk. Å arbeide alene ... -
RDA in Norway
(Lecture, 2019)The NO-RDA node aims to foster national, regional and international RDA engagement through a focus on areas of strategic importance for the Nordic region, such as Data Management Plans, FAIR Data Stewardship and management ... -
RDN - Resource Discovery Network
(Journal article, 2005) -
(Journal article, 2005) -
Review of the theory, principles, and design requirements of human-centric Internet of Things (IoT)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
(Journal article, 2005) -
(Journal article, 2005) -
Some highlights from the PKP 2019 International Scholarly Publishing Conference
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This an overview of the PKP 2019 International Scholarly Publishing Conference that took place at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) on November 20–22, 2019. -
Spenningsfeltet mellom standardisering, variasjon og prioritering i norske sykehjem
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Etablering av tjenestestandarder har til hensikt å regulere, endre og forbedre fagutøveres arbeid, noe som skal føre til at tjenestene får jevnere og bedre kvalitet. Standarder i den norske helse- og omsorgssektoren er ... -
Språklig og litterær re-videring: Cortázar lest med nye øyne
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Artikkelen undersøker fenomenet språkrevidering fra et akademisk perspektiv. Gjennom en komparativ lesning av to bokmålsutgaver av Julio Cortázars Seremonier, utgitt for første gang i 1970 og presentert som «språkrevidert» ... -
The state of political science, 2020
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article maps the state of political science since the turn of the millennium. It begins by reviewing the influential description of the discipline in Robert Goodin’s (2011 [2009]) introduction to the Oxford Handbook ... -
Statistical approaches in the studies assessing associations between human milk immune composition and allergic diseases: A scoping review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)A growing number of studies are focusing on the associations between human milk (HM) immunological composition and allergic diseases. This scoping review aims to identify statistical methods applied in the field and highlight ... -
The struggle and enrichment of play: Domestications and overflows in the everyday life of gamer parents
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Gaming is a frequent source of conflict for families. Research on parents and gaming has identified a lack of gaming-related expertise, a general devaluation or fear of play, and authoritative and restrictive parenting ... -
Svindel og lureri
(Journal article, 2004)Internett er fullt av snille mennesker som vil meg vel. De kappes om å gi meg penger, bare jeg vil hjelpe litt til med å overføre penger fra utlandet til min konto. Det kommer flere slike tilbud hver dag inn i epostkassen ... -
Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of a novel thienopyrimidine with phototoxicity towards rat glioma F98 cells
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Glioblastoma multiforme is one of the most aggressive cancer forms in humans, and has low recovery rates after surgery, ionizing radiation and chemotherapy. Therefore, there is a high interest in the development of new ... -
Systematic searches: a new area of cooperation between the library and the social sciences
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Recent years have seen increasing opportunities for libraries to participate in the research process of our patrons. Our skills in conducting thorough searches and documenting the search process in a transparent way, are ... -
The teaching tube: reflections on a journey
(Chapter, 2021) -
Teknologihistorieprosjektet ved Universitetsbiblioteket i Trondheim - sluttrapport
(Innblikk, 1502-3990; 6, Research report, 2002) -
The more they tried it the less they liked it:Norwegian and Romanian student’s response to electronic course material
(Communications in Computer and Information Science;552;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2015)In this paper we will present and compare survey findings from Romania and Norway taken from the “Multinational study on students’ preferences regarding print versus electronic resources for course readings”. This study ...