• Crossing the ice: an Iron Age to medieval mountain pass at Lendbreen, Norway 

      Pilø, Lars Holger; Finstad, Espen; Barrett, James (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Mountain passes have played a key role in past mobility, facilitating transhumance, intra-regional travel and long-distance exchange. Current global warming has revealed an example of such a pass at Lendbreen, Norway. ...
    • On a Mountain High: Finding and Documenting Glacial Archaeological Sites During the Anthropocene 

      Pilø, Lars; Finstad, Espen; Wammer, Elling Utvik; Post-Melbye, Julian Robert; Rømer, Axel Hee; Andersen, Øystein Rønning; Barrett, James (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Glacial archaeology is a developing field, brought on by climate change. High mountain ice is melting, which has led to the exposure of artifacts in North America, Mongolia, the Alps, and Scandinavia. The highest number ...