Viser treff 21-40 av 120

    • Findings from an in-Depth Annual Tree-Ring Radiocarbon Intercomparison 

      Wacker, Lukas; Scott, Ethel Marian; Bayliss, Alex; Brown, David; Bard, Édouard; Bollhalder, Silvia; Friedrich, Michael; Capano, Manuela; Cherkinsky, Alexander; Chivall, David; Culleton, Brendan J.; Dee, Michael W; Friedrich, Ronny; Hodgins, Gregory W.L.; Hogg, Alan G.; Kennett, Douglas J.; Knowles, Timothy D.; Kuitems, Margot; Lange, Todd E.; Miyake, Fusa; Nadeau, Marie-Josée; Nakamura, Toshio; Naysmith, J.P.; Olsen, Jesper; Omori, Toshihiko; Petchey, Fiona; Philippsen, Bente; Ramsey, Christopher Bronk; Prasad, G.V.A.; Seiler, Martin; Southon, John; Staff, Richard A.; Tuna, Thibaut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The radiocarbon (14C) calibration curve so far contains annually resolved data only for a short period of time. With accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) matching the precision of decay counting, it is now possible to ...
    • Quaternary landscape evolution in a tectonically active rift basin (paleo-lake Mweru, south-central Africa) 

      Olivotos, Spiros; Niedermann, Samuel; Flügel, Tyrel; Mouslopoulou, Vasiliki; Merchel, Silke; Cotterill, Fenton; Bookhagen, Bodo; Gärtner, Andreas; Rugel, Georg; Scharf, Andreas; Nadeau, Marie-Josée; Braucher, Régis; Seiler, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Located between the Northern Province of Zambia and the southeastern Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lakes Mweru and Mweru Wantipa are part of the southwest extension of the East African Rift System ...
    • Earthworms, Darwin and prehistoric agriculture-Chernozem genesis reconsidered 

      Dreibrodt, Stefan; Hofmann, Robert; Dal Corso, Marta; Bork, Hans-Rudolf; Duttmann, Rainer; Martini, Sarah J.; Saggau, Philipp; Schwark, Lorenz; Shatilo, Liudmyla; Videiko, Michail; Nadeau, Marie-Josée; Grootes, Pieter Meiert; Kirleis, Wiebke; Müller, Johannes (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Chernozems are among the most fertile agricultural soils on Earth and are important terrestrial carbon reservoirs. Since the Miocene-advent of grassland-ecosystems, they develop on fine-grained calcareous parent materials, ...
    • A dated volcano-tectonic deformation event in Jan Mayen causing landlocking of Arctic charr 

      Larsen, Eiliv; Lyså, Astrid; Höskuldsson, Ármann; Davidsen, Jan Grimsrud; Nadeau, Marie-Josée; Power, Michael; Tassis, Georgios; Wastegård, Stefan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We provide the first documentation of tectonic deformation resulting from a volcanic eruption on the island of Jan Mayen. Vertical displacement of about 14 m southwest of the stratovolcano Beerenberg is associated with an ...
    • 10Be surface exposure dating of the deglaciation of northernmost Norway and Finland 

      Anjar, Johanna; Akçar, Naki; Lakeman, Thomas; Larsen, Eiliv; Seiler, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      During the Last Glacial Maximum, the coast of Finnmark county, northern Norway, was covered by the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS), which coalesced with the Barents Sea Ice Sheet (BSIS) off the coast. The region is thus ...
    • Archaeological Surveying of Subarctic and Arctic Landscapes: Comparing the Performance of Airborne Laser Scanning and Remote Sensing Image Data 

      Thuestad, Alma Elizabeth; Risbøl, Ole; Kleppe, Jan Ingolf; Barlindhaug, Stine; myrvoll, elin rose (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      What can remote sensing contribute to archaeological surveying in subarctic and arctic landscapes? The pros and cons of remote sensing data vary as do areas of utilization and methodological approaches. We assessed the ...
    • Teacher time outs in rehearsals: in‑service teachers learning ambitious mathematics teaching practices 

      Wæge, Kjersti; Fauskanger, Janne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The article focuses on rehearsals as part of a practice-based approach to professional development. Fourteen Norwegian elementary in-service teachers (ISTs) collaborate in learning cycles of enactment and investigation, ...
    • 2500 years of anthropogenic and climatic landscape transformation in the Stymphalia polje, Greece 

      Seguin, Joana; Bintliff, John L; Grootes, Pieter Meiert; Bauersachs, Thorsten; Dörfler, Walter; Heymann, Christian; Manning, Sturt W.; Müller, Samuel; Nadeau, Marie-Josée; Nelle, Oliver; Steier, Peter; Weber, Jan; Wild, Eva-Maria; Zagana, Eleni; Unkel, Ingmar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Lacustrine sediments generally record landscape development in the lake's catchment area controlled by palaeoclimatic and human induced changes. To improve our understanding on the anthropogenic and climatic influences on ...
    • Radiocarbon calibration around AD 1900 from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) tree rings from northern Norway 

      Svarva, Helene Løvstrand; Grootes, Pieter Meiert; Seiler, Martin; Thun, Terje; Værnes, Einar; Nadeau, Marie-Josée (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      To resolve an inconsistency around AD 1895 between radiocarbon (14C) measurements on oak from the British Isles and Douglas fir and Sitka spruce from the Pacific Northwest, USA, we measured the 14C content in single-year ...
    • At the threshold of the Viking Age: New dendrochronological dates for the Kvalsund ship and boat bog offerings (Norway) 

      Nordeide, Sæbjørg Walaker; Bonde, Niels; Thun, Terje (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Kvalsund in the Herøy archipelago, Møre og Romsdal County, provides a sheltered harbour in a high-risk seascape along the west coast of Norway: the peninsula Stadlandet is considered the most dangerous part of the seaway ...
    • The 1953-1965 rise in atmospheric bomb 14C in central Norway 

      Svarva, Helene Løvstrand; Grootes, Pieter Meiert; Seiler, Martin; Stene, Sølvi; Thun, Terje; Værnes, Einar; Nadeau, Marie-Josée (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Sub-annual measurements, eight increments per year, of cellulose in a Scots pine tree growing in central Norway are presented as a proxy for tropospheric 14CO2 at biweekly to monthly resolution. The results are validated ...
    • Status Report of the Trondheim Radiocarbon Laboratory 

      Seiler, Martin; Grootes, Pieter Meiert; Haarsaker, John Øystein; Lelu, Sylvie; Rzadeczka-Juga, Izabela; Stene, Sølvi; Svarva, Helene Løvstrand; Thun, Terje; Værnes, Einar; Nadeau, Marie-Josée (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The Trondheim radiocarbon (14C) laboratory has evolved from a traditional radiocarbon decay counting laboratory to an accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) facility primarily measuring 14C. This evolution required adjustments ...
    • Myrpinner og fuglefangst : gamle tolkninger og nye dateringer 

      Sylvester, Morten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Fenomenet myrpinner har vært kjent i norsk arkeologi i mer enn 130 år, men det er ikke presentert noe sammenfattende om temaet i den arkeologiske litteraturen siden 1907. I artikkelen «De gaadefulde myrpæle» av sognepresten ...
    • Fälthandbok - Fjällrev. En vägledning vid innventering av fjällrevsbeståndet, tålkning av spår och spårtecken, samt skillnader mellan fjällrev, rödrev och förrymda farmrävar 

      Eide, Nina Elisabeth; Andersen, Reidar; Elmhagen, Bodil; Linnell, John Durrus; Sandal, T.; Dalén, L; Angerbjörn, A.; Hellström, P.; Landa, Arild (NINA temahefte;, Research report, 2005)
    • OSL dating of Weichselian ice-free periods at Skorgenes, Western Norway 

      Anjar, Johanna; Alexanderson, Helena; Larsen, Eiliv; Lyså, Astrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      During recent years, many sites with sediments pre-dating the Last Glacial Maximum have been identified in formerly glaciated areas. As more and better dates are presented from these sites, the dynamic behaviour of the ...
    • First 10Be measurements at Trondheim 1 MV AMS 

      Seiler, Martin; Anjar, Johanna; Værnes, Einar; Nadeau, Marie-Josée; Scognamiglio, Grazia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The performance of the Trondheim 1 MV AMS system for 10Be measurements has been investigated. While the initial acceptance tests were done using the 1 + 1+ charge state, we concluded that the 2 + 2+ charge state offers ...
    • Ferskvannsbiologiske undersøkelser i Samsjøen, Holtsjøen, Samaelva og Søavassdraget, Sør-Trøndelag, i 2017 

      Davidsen, Jan Grimsrud; Sjursen, Aslak Darre; Davidsen, Anette Sophie Grimsrud; Kjærstad, Gaute; Rønning, Lars; Daverdin, Marc; Værnes, Einar; Hårsaker, Karstein; Arnekleiv, Jo Vegar (NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet naturhistorisk rapport;, Research report, 2018)
    • Langs elven og ud i fjorden – marinarkæologi i Nidelven, Trondheim 

      Sylvester, Morten (Chapter, 2017)
      The Nidelven River, which meanders through the centre of Trondheim before flowing into the Trondheim Fjord, has played a vital role in the location, growth and development of the city since its establishment in the 10th ...
    • Tree-ring growth shows that the significant population decline in Norway began before the Black Death 

      Thun, Terje; Svarva, Helene Løvstrand (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The Black Death (1349–1350 in Norway) is often cited as the cause of a severe population decline and building hiatus in the middle of the 14th century. This paper analyses this hypothesis by matching the Black Death with ...
    • Habitatklassifisering og trusselvurderinger av rødlistearter. Forslag til standarisert system 

      Ødegaard, Frode; Bakken, Torkild; Blom, Hans; Brandrud, Tor Erik; Stokland, Jogeir N.; Aarrestad, Per Arild (NINA rapport;, Research report, 2005)
      Målet med dette arbeidet har vært å utarbeide et system for presis og effektiv angivelse av ha- bitattyper og påvirkningsfaktorer for rødlistede arter. Det nye systemet skal inngå som menyer i et web-basert verktøy til ...