• Diabetic cats have decreased gut microbial diversity and a lack of butyrate producing bacteria 

      Kieler, Ida Nordang; Osto, Melania; Hugentobler, Leoni; Puetz, Lara; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius; Hansen, Torben; Pedersen, Oluf; Reusch, Claudia E.; Zini, Eric; Lutz, Thomas A.; Bjørnvad, Charlotte Reinhard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Obesity and inactivity are major risk factors of feline diabetes mellitus (FDM) and human type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM). In recent years, changes in the gut microbiota have been suggested as a contributing factor to ...
    • Diversity, habitat endemicity and trophic ecology of the fauna of Loki’s Castle vent field on the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge 

      Eilertsen, Mari Heggernes; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Tandberg, Anne Helene S.; Alvestad, Tom; Budaeva, Nataliya; Martell, Luis; Ramalho, Sofia P.; Falkenhaug, Tone; Huys, Rony; Oug, Eivind; Bakken, Torkild; Høisæter, Tore; Rauch, Cessa; Carvalho, Francisca Maria Correia de; Savchenko, Alexandra; Ulvatn, Tone; Kongshavn, Katrine; Berntsen, Cassandra Mari; Olsen, Bernt Rydland; Pedersen, Rolf B. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Loki’s Castle Vent Field (LCVF, 2300 m) was discovered in 2008 and represents the first black-smoker vent field discovered on the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge (AMOR). However, a comprehensive faunal inventory of the LCVF has not ...
    • Environmental DNA filtration techniques affect recovered biodiversity 

      Majaneva, Markus; Diserud, Ola Håvard; Eagle, Shannon; Boström, Erik; Hajibabaei, Mehrdad; Ekrem, Torbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Freshwater metazoan biodiversity assessment using environmental DNA (eDNA) captured on filters offers new opportunities for water quality management. Filtering of water in the field is a logistical advantage compared to ...
    • From greening to browning: Catchment vegetation development and reduced S-deposition promote organic carbon load on decadal time scales in Nordic lakes 

      Finstad, Anders Gravbrøt; Andersen, Tom; Larsen, Søren; Tominaga, Koji; Blumentrath, Stefan; de Wit, Heleen; Tømmervik, Hans; Hessen, Dag Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Increased concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), often labelled “browning”, is a current trend in northern, particularly boreal, freshwaters. The browning has been attributed to the recent reduction in sulphate ...
    • High genomic diversity in the endangered East Greenland Svalbard Barents Sea stock of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) 

      Cerca, José; Westbury, Michael V; Heide-Jørgensen, Mads-Peter; Kovacs, Kit M.; Lorenzen, Eline D.; Lydersen, Christian; Shpak, Olga V.; Wiig, Øystein; Bachmann, Lutz (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The East Greenland-Svalbard-Barents Sea (EGSB) bowhead whale stock (Balaena mysticetus) was hunted to near extinction and remains Endangered on the International Union of Conservation of Nature Red List. The intense, ...
    • Identification of microbial pathogens in Neolithic Scandinavian humans 

      Bergfeldt, Nora; Kırdök, Emrah; Oskolkov, Nikolay; Mirabello, Claudio; Unneberg, Per; Malmström, Helena; Fraser, Magdalena; Sanchez-Quinto, Federico; Jørgensen, Roger; Skar, Birgitte; Lidén, Kerstin Birgitta; Jakobsson, Mattias; Storå, Jan; Götherström, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      With the Neolithic transition, human lifestyle shifted from hunting and gathering to farming. This change altered subsistence patterns, cultural expression, and population structures as shown by the archaeological/zooarc ...
    • Macroalgal browsing on a heavily degraded, urbanized equatorial reef system 

      Bauman, Andrew G; Hoey, Andrew; Dunshea, Glenn; Feary, David A.; Low, Jeffery; Todd, Peter A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      The removal of macroalgal biomass is critical to the health of coral reef ecosystems. Previous studies on relatively intact reefs with diverse and abundant fish communities have quantified rapid removal of macroalgae by ...
    • Marine habitat use and feeding ecology of introduced anadromous brown trout at the colonization front of the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen archipelago 

      Davidsen, Jan Grimsrud; Bordeleau, Xavier; Eldøy, Sindre Håvarstein; Whoriskey, Frederick G.; Power, Michael John; Crossin, Glenn T; Buhariwalla, Colin; Gaudin, Philippe (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      In 1954, brown trout were introduced to the Kerguelen archipelago (49°S, 70°E), a pristine, sub-Antarctic environment previously devoid of native freshwater fishes. Trout began spreading rapidly via coastal waters to ...
    • Maximizing citizen scientists’ contribution to automated species recognition 

      Koch, Wouter; Hogeweg, Laurens; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland; Finstad, Anders Gravbrøt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Technological advances and data availability have enabled artificial intelligence-driven tools that can increasingly successfully assist in identifying species from images. Especially within citizen science, an emerging ...
    • Molecular mechanisms underlying nuchal hump formation in dolphin cichlid, Cyrtocara moorii 

      Lecaudey, Laurene Alicia; Sturmbauer, Christian; Singh, Pooja; Ahi, Ehsan Pashay (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      East African cichlid fishes represent a model to tackle adaptive changes and their connection to rapid speciation and ecological distinction. In comparison to bony craniofacial tissues, adaptive morphogenesis of soft tissues ...
    • Population consequences of climate change through effects on functional traits of lentic brown trout in the sub-Arctic 

      Bærum, Kim Magnus; Finstad, Anders Gravbrøt; Ulvan, Eva Marita; Haugen, Thrond O. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Climate-induced plasticity in functional traits has received recent attention due to the immense importance phenotypic variation plays in population level responses. Here, we explore the efect of diferent climate-change ...
    • Redefining the oceanic distribution of Atlantic salmon 

      Rikardsen, Audun H.; Righton, David; Strøm, John Fredrik; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Gargan, Patrick G.; Sheehan, Timothy F.; Økland, Finn; Chittenden, Cedar; Hedger, Richard David; Næsje, Tor; Renkawitz, Mark; Sturlaugsson, Johannes; Caballero, Pablo; Baktoft, Henrik; Davidsen, Jan Grimsrud; Halttunen, Elina; Wright, Serena; Finstad, Bengt; Aarestrup, Kim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Determining the mechanisms driving range-wide reductions in Atlantic salmon marine survival is hindered by an insufcient understanding of their oceanic ecology and distribution. We attached 204 pop-up satellite archival ...
    • Unravelling social status in the first medieval military order of the Iberian Peninsula using isotope analysis 

      Perez Ramallo, Patxi; Rissech, Carme; Lloveras, Lluis; Lucas, Mary Alexis; Urbina, Dionisio; Urquijo, Catalina; Roberts, Patrick (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Medieval Iberia witnessed the complex negotiation of religious, social, and economic identities, including the formation of religious orders that played a major role in border disputes and conflicts. While archival records ...
    • Urban aliens and threatened near-naturals: Land-cover affects the species richness of alien- and threatened species in an urban-rural setting 

      Petersen, Tanja Kofod; Speed, James David Mervyn; Grøtan, Vidar; Austrheim, Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Urbanisation has strong effects on biodiversity patterns, but impacts vary among species groups and across spatial scales. From a local biodiversity management perspective, a more general understanding of species richness ...