Now showing items 674-693 of 1597

    • Helt fossilt! Fra dinosaurene til oljealderen 

      Fremstad, Eli (Bli med ut!; 1, Research report, 2004)
    • Herbariedatabase TRH: Rapportering, administrasjon og konvertering av eldre data ved overgang til HERB 

      Såstad, Sigurd M. (Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Vitenskapsmuseet, Botanisk notat, 0804-0079; 1998:5, Research report, 1998)
    • Herbariedatabase. Universitetet i Trondheim, Vitenskapsmuseet, botanisk avdeling, Herbarium TRH. Versjon 1.0 

      Såstad, Sigurd Mjøen (Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Vitenskapsmuseet, Botanisk notat, 0804-0079; 1993:3, Research report, 1993)
    • Herbarium collection-based phylogenetics of the ragweeds (Ambrosia, Asteraceae) 

      Martin, Michael David; Quiroz-Claros, Elva; Brush, Grace S.; Zimmer, Elizabeth A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Ambrosia (Asteraceae) is a taxonomically difficult genus of weedy, wind-pollinated plants with an apparent center of diversity in the Sonoran Desert of North America. Determining Ambrosia’s evolutionary relationships has ...
    • Herbivore diversity effects on Arctic tundra ecosystems: a systematic review 

      Barbero-Palacios, Laura; Barrio, Isabel C.; García Criado, Mariana; Kater, Ilona; Petit Bon, Matteo; Kolari, Tiina H. M.; Bjørkås, Ragnhild; Trepel, Jonas; Lundgren, Erick; Björnsdóttir, Katrín; Hwang, Bernice C.; Bartra Cabre, Laura; Defourneaux, Mathilde; Ramsay, Jennifer; Lameris, Thomas K.; Leffler, A. Joshua; Lock, Janine G.; Kuoppamaa, Mari S.; Kristensen, Jeppe A.; Bjorkman, Anne D.; Myers-Smith, Isla; Lecomte, Nicolas; Axmacher, Jan C.; Gilg, Olivier; Den Herder, Michael; Pagneux, Emmanuel P.; Skarin, Anna; Sokolova, Natalia; Windirsch, Torben; Wheeler, Helen Claire; Serrano, Emmanuel; Virtanen, Tarmo; Hik, David S.; Kaarlejärvi, Elina; Speed, James David Mervyn; Soininen, Eeva M (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    • Herbivory and climate as drivers of woody plant growth: Do deer decrease the impacts of warming? 

      Vuorinen, Katariina; Rao, Shaila; Hester, Alison J.; Speed, James David Mervyn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Vegetation at ecotone transitions between open and forested areas is often heavily affected by two key processes: climate change and management of large herbivore densities. These both drive woody plant state shifts, ...

      Grootes, Pieter Meiert; Van Der Plicht, Hans (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Hessel de Vries contributed to radiocarbon (14C) dating for only one short decade. Yet, his development of proportional CO2 counting greatly facilitated 14C measurements, improved their reproducibility, and lowered both ...
    • Heterocope borealis in Norway - A copepod on the move, or on the edge of its natural distribution? 

      Koksvik, Jan Ivar; Jensen, Thomas Correll; Kjærstad, Gaute (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The calanoid copepod Heterocope borealis has been assumed to have an extremely northern distribution in Norway, limited to the north-eastern parts of Finnmark county. The recent records of the species in Lake Fustvatn and ...
    • Hiding in the background: community-level patterns in invertebrate herbivory across the tundra biome 

      Rheubottom, Sarah I.; Barrio, Isabel C.; Kozlov, Mikhail V.; Alatalo, Juha M.; Andersson, Tommi; Asmus, Ashley L.; Baubin, Capucine; Brearley, Francis Q.; Egelkraut, Dagmar; Ehrich, Dorothee; Gauthier, Gilles; Jonsdottir, Ingibjørg; Konieczka, Sophia; Lévesque, Esther; Olofsson, Johan; Prevéy, Janet S.; Slevan-Tremblay, Guillaume; Sokolov, Aleksandr; Sokolova, Natalia; Sokovnina, Svetlana; Speed, James David Mervyn; Suominen, Otso; Zverev, Vitali; Hik, David S. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Invertebrate herbivores depend on external temperature for growth and metabolism. Continued warming in tundra ecosys-tems is proposed to result in increased invertebrate herbivory. However, empirical data about how current ...
    • Hiding in the background: community-level patterns in invertebrate herbivory across the tundra biome 

      Rheubottom, Sarah I.; Barrio, Isabel C.; Kozlov, Mikhail V.; Alatalo, Juha M.; Andersson, Tommi; Asmus, Ashley L.; Baubin, Capucine; Brearley, Francis Q.; Egelkraut, Dagmar; Ehrich, Dorothee; Gauthier, Gilles; Jonsdottir, Ingibjørg; Konieczka, Sophia; Lévesque, Esther; Olofsson, Johan; Prevéy, Janet S.; Slevan-Tremblay, Guillaume; Sokolov, Aleksandr; Sokolova, Natalia; Sokovnina, Svetlana; Speed, James David Mervyn; Suominen, Otso; Zverev, Vitali; Hik, David S. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Invertebrate herbivores depend on external temperature for growth and metabolism. Continued warming in tundra ecosystems is proposed to result in increased invertebrate herbivory. However, empirical data about how current ...
    • High genomic diversity in the endangered East Greenland Svalbard Barents Sea stock of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) 

      Cerca, José; Westbury, Michael V; Heide-Jørgensen, Mads-Peter; Kovacs, Kit M.; Lorenzen, Eline D.; Lydersen, Christian; Shpak, Olga V.; Wiig, Øystein; Bachmann, Lutz (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The East Greenland-Svalbard-Barents Sea (EGSB) bowhead whale stock (Balaena mysticetus) was hunted to near extinction and remains Endangered on the International Union of Conservation of Nature Red List. The intense, ...
    • High-coverage genomes to elucidate the evolution of penguins 

      Pan, Hailin; Cole, Theresa L.; Bi, Xupeng; Fang, Miaoquan; Zhou, Chengran; Yang, Zhengtao; Ksepka, Daniel T.; Hart, Tom; Bouzat, Juan L.; Argilla, Lisa S.; Bertelsen, Mads F.; Boersma, P. Dee; Bost, Charles-André; Cherel, Yves; Dann, Peter; Fiddaman, Steven R.; Howard, Pauline; Labuschagne, Kim; Mattern, Thomas; Miller, Gary; Parker, Patricia; Phillips, Richard A.; Quillfeldt, Petra; Ryan, Peter G.; Taylor, Helen; Thompson, David R.; Young, Melanie J.; Ellegaard, Martin; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius; Sinding, Mikkel Holger Strander; Pacheco, George; Shepherd, Lara D.; Tennyson, Alan J.D.; Grosser, Stefanie; Kay, Emily; Nupen, Lisa J.; Ellenberg, Ursula; Houston, David M.; Reeve, Andrew Hart; Johnson, Kathryn; Masello, Juan F.; Stracke, Thomas; McKinlay, Bruce; Borboroglu, Pablo García; Zhang, De-Xing; Zhang, Guojie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Background Penguins (Sphenisciformes) are a remarkable order of flightless wing-propelled diving seabirds distributed widely across the southern hemisphere. They share a volant common ancestor with Procellariiformes ...
    • High-Definition Archaeology, Small-Scale Narratives and Monetary Practice in Medieval Scandinavian Urbanization 

      Christophersen, Axel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      High-definition archaeology is an efficient tool to study medieval urban economic practices. Medieval economy has been synthesized in ‘grand narratives’ which obscure the regional and local variations of economic practice. ...
    • Highly overlapping winter diet in two sympatric lemming species revealed by DNA metabarcoding 

      Soininen, Eeva M; Gauthier, Gilles; Bilodeau, Frederic; Berteaux, Dominique; Gielly, Ludovic; Taberlet, Pierre; Gussarova, Galina; Bellemain, Eva; Hassel, Kristian; Stenøien, Hans K.; Epp, Laura; Schrøder-Nielsen, Audun; Brochmann, Christian; Yoccoz, Nigel Gilles (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Sympatric species are expected to minimize competition by partitioning resources, especially when these are limited. Herbivores inhabiting the High Arctic in winter are a prime example of a situation where food availability ...
    • Historic late blight outbreaks caused by a widespread dominant lineage of Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary 

      Saville, Amanda; Martin, Michael David; Ristaino, Jean B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary, the causal agent of potato late blight, was responsible for the Irish potato famine of the 1840s. Initial disease outbreaks occurred in the US in 1843, two years prior to European ...
    • Historic Sampling of a Vanishing Beast: Population Structure and Diversity in the Black Rhinoceros 

      Sánchez-Barreiro, Fátima; De Cahsan, Binia; Westbury, Michael V.; Sun, Xin; Margaryan, Ashot; Fontsere, Claudia; Bruford, Michael W.; Russo, Isa-Rita M; Kalthoff, Daniela C.; Sicheritz-Pontén, Thomas; Petersen, Bent; Dalén, Love; Zhang, Guojie; Marquès-Bonet, Tomás; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius; Moodley, Yoshan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis L.) is a critically endangered species historically distributed across sub-Saharan Africa. Hunting and habitat disturbance have diminished both its numbers and distribution since the ...
    • Historical demographic processes dominate genetic variation in ancient Atlantic cod mitogenomes 

      Martinez Garcia, Lourdes; Ferrari, Giada; Oosting, Tom; Ballantyne, Rachel; van der Jagt, Inge; Ystgaard, Ingrid; Harland, Jennifer; Nicholson, Rebecca; Hamilton-Dyer, Sheila; Baalsrud, Helle Tessand; Brieuc, Marine Servane Ono; Atmore, Lane; Burns, Finlay; Schmölcke, Ulrich; Jakobsen, Kjetill Sigurd; Jentoft, Sissel; Orton, David; Hufthammer, Anne Karin; Barrett, James; Star, Bastiaan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Ancient DNA (aDNA) approaches have been successfully used to infer the long-term impacts of climate change, domestication, and human exploitation in a range of terrestrial species. Nonetheless, studies investigating such ...
    • Historical land use patterns provide insight into contemporary insect diversity loss 

      Atmore, Lane; Buss, Danielle Lia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Healthy insect populations are vital for maintaining natural ecosystems and essential to global food security. The ongoing dramatic loss of insect species and biomass is thus a global cause for concern, with much focus on ...
    • Historical legacy of old-growth pine forest in Dividalen, nothern Scandes 

      Sjøgren, Per Johan E; Kirchhefer, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      The Dividalen (Sami: Dieváidvuovdi) valley in Troms county, North Norway, is well known for its old-growth pine forest, a biodiversity hotspot for dead wood-inhabiting fungi and lichens. The majority of the valley is ...
    • Historical population declines prompted significant genomic erosion in the northern and southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) 

      Sánchez-Barreiro, Fátima; Gopalakrishnan, Shyam; Ramos-Madrigal, Jazmín; Westbury, Michael V.; de Manuel, Marc; Margaryan, Ashot; Ciucani, Marta M.; Vieira, Filipe G.; Patramanis, Yannis; Kalthoff, Daniela C.; Timmons, Zena; Sicheritz-Pontén, Thomas; Dalén, Love; Ryder, Oliver A.; Zhang, Guojie; Marquès-Bonet, Tomás; Moodley, Yoshan; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Large vertebrates are extremely sensitive to anthropogenic pressure, and their populations are declining fast. The white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) is a paradigmatic case: this African megaherbivore has suffered a ...