Now showing items 1426-1445 of 1597

    • The Postgraduate Research Methods Course in Conservation: The Practical Approach Taken at the University of Gothenburg 

      Peacock, Elizabeth E. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The theory-led Master’s Research Methods course in the Department of Conservation at the University of Gothenburg was completely redesigned for the 2013 autumn term from a theory-led to a student-oriented learning format. ...
    • The Response of Alpine Salix Shrubs to Long-Term Browsing Varies with Elevation and Herbivore Density 

      Speed, James David Mervyn; Austrheim, Gunnar; Hester, Alison J.; Mysterud, Atle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The widespread expansion of shrubs into arctic and alpine regions has frequently been linked to climatic warming, but herbivory can play a role in addition to, or in interaction with, climate. Willow (Salix spp.) shrubs ...
    • The Role of Individual Traits and Environmental Factors for Diet Composition of Sheep 

      Mysterud, Atle; Austrheim, Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Large herbivore consumption of forage is known to affect vegetation composition and thereby ecosystem functions. It is thus important to understand how diet composition arises as a mixture of individual variation in ...
    • The roles of statoliths, auxin transport, and auxin metabolism in root geotropism 

      Iversen, Tor-Henning (Det Kgl. Norske Videnskabers Selskab, Museet, Miscellanea / senere endret navn til Gunneria; 15, Research report, 1974)
    • The Sandbakken Qarry, Kvikne: A Window into Early Iron Age Soapstone Exploitation in Norway 

      Stenvik, Lars Fredrik; Grenne, Tor; Østerås, Bodil (Chapter, 2017)
      The oldest known example of large-scale soapstone exploitation in Norway is found at Kvikne (south central Norway), where quarrying took place during the pre-Roman Iron Age (5th to 1st century BC). The quarry is located ...
    • THE SOIL SCIENCE & ARCHAEO-GEOPHYSICS ALLIANCE (SAGA): going beyond prospection 

      Cuenca-Garcia, Carmen; Armstrong, Kayt; Aidona, Elina; De Smedt, Philippe; Rosveare, Anne; Rosveare, Martin; Schneidhofer, Petra; Wilson, Clare; Faßbinder, Jörg; Moffat, Ian; Sarris, Apostolos; Scheiblecker, Marion; Jrad, Abir; van Leusen, Martijn; Lowe, Kelsey (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Archaeological sites can be discovered and recorded in a high-resolution and non-invasive manner using geophysical methods. These measure the spatial variation of a range of physical properties of the soil which may be ...
    • The terrestrial invertebrate fauna of Edgeøya, Svalbard: Arctic landscape community composition reflects biogeography patterns 

      Ávila-Jimenéz, Maria Luisa; Solhøy, Torstein; Gwiazdowicz, Dariusz J.; Fjellberg, Arne; Dózsa‑Farkas, K.; Monson, F; De Smet, Willem H.; Stur, Elisabeth; Ekrem, Torbjørn; Coulson, Stephen James (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Colonisation and immigration history is often neglected as a factor when investigating community or species distribution patterns. However, for dynamic systems that are still reacting to large-scale environmental change, ...
    • The wolf reference genome sequence (Canis lupus lupus) and its implications for Canis spp. population genomics 

      Gopalakrishnan, Shyam; Samaniego Castruita, José Alfredo; Sinding, Mikkel Holger Strander; Kuderna, Lukas FK; Räikkönen, Jannikke; Petersen, Bent; Sicheritz-Ponten, Thomas; Larson, Greger; Orlando, Ludovic; Marques-Bonet, Tomas; Hansen, Anders J.; Dalén, Love; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Background: An increasing number of studies are addressing the evolutionary genomics of dog domestication, principally through resequencing dog, wolf and related canid genomes. There is, however, only one de novo assembled ...
    • Three, two, one! Revision of the long-bodied sphaerodorids (Sphaerodoridae, Annelida) and synonymization of Ephesiella, Ephesiopsis and Sphaerodorum 

      Capa, Maria; Bakken, Torkild; Meissner, Karin; Nygren, Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Background Long-bodied sphaerodorids (Annelida, Sphaerodoridae) is the common name for members of the three closely and morphologically homogenous currently accepted genera of benthic marine bristle worms: Ephesiella, ...
    • Tiltaksrettet fiskebiologisk undersøkelse i Selbusjøen og Nea 2001-2005 

      Arnekleiv, Jo Vegar; Koksvik, Jarl; Rønning, Lars; Kjærstad, Gaute (NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Zoologisk Serie, 0802-0833; 2006:2, Research report, 2006)
    • Tjæreproduksjon i myrmiler: En særegen midtnorsk tradisjon 

      Risbøl, Ole; Stenvik, Lars Fredrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Det har blitt produsert tjære i minst 2000 år her i landet. Gjennom historien har det vært ulike måter å produsere tjære på og arkeologiske undersøkelser har sammen med historiske kilder gitt oss et innblikk i de metoder ...
    • To bee, or not to bee? One leg is the question 

      Cavill, Emily; Liu, Shanlin; Zhou, Xin; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Temporal genomic studies that utilise museum insects are invaluable for understanding changes in ecological processes in which insects are essential, such as wild and agricultural pollination, seed dispersal, nutrient ...
    • To valmue-arter på Svalbard, og litt om fjell- og polarvalmuer 

      Solstad, Heidi; Eidesen, Pernille Bronken; Little, Lorna; Elven, Reidar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Morphological investigations confirm that there are two species of Papaver in Svalbard: P. dahlianum and P. cornwallisense. The two most distinctive diagnostic characters are the number of stamens and the length of papillae ...
    • Towards complete and error-free genome assemblies of all vertebrate species 

      Rhie, Arang; McCarthy, Shane A.; Fedrigo, Olivier; Damas, Joana; Formenti, Giulio; Koren, Sergey; Uiano-Silva, Marcela; Chow, William; Fungtammasan, Arkarachai; Kim, Juwan; Lee, Chul; Ko, Byung June; Chaisson, Mark; Gedman, Gregory L.; Cantin, Lindsey J.; Thibaud-Nissen, Francoise; Haggerty, Leanne; Bista, Iliana; Smith, Michelle; Haase, Bettina; Mountcastle, Jacquelyn; Winkler, Sylke; Paez, Sadye; Howard, Jason; Vernes, Sonja C.; Lama, Tanya M.; Grutzner, Frank; Warren, Wesley C.; Balakrishnan, Christopher N.; Burt, Dave; George, Julia M.; Biegler, Matthew T.; Iorns, David; Digby, Andrew; Eason, Daryl; Robertson, Bruce; Edwards, Taylor; Wilkinson, Mark; Turner, George; Meyer, Axel; Kautt, Andreas F.; Franchini, Paolo; Detrich, H. William III; Svardal, Hannes; Wagner, Maximillian; Naylor, Gavin J.P.; Pippel, Martin; Malinsky, Milan; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius; Jarvis, Erich D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      High-quality and complete reference genome assemblies are fundamental for the application of genomics to biology, disease, and biodiversity conservation. However, such assemblies are available for only a few non-microbial ...
    • A towering genome: Experimentally validated adaptations to high blood pressure and extreme stature in the giraffe 

      Liu, Chang; Gao, Jianbo; Cui, Xinxin; Li, Zhipeng; Chen, Lei; Yuan, Yuan; Zhang, Yaolei; Mei, Liangwei; Zhao, Lan; Cai, Dan; Hu, Mingliang; Zhou, Botong; Li, Zihe; Qin, Tao; Si, Huazhe; Li, Guangyu; Lin, Zeshan; Xu, Yicheng; Zhu, Chenglong; Yin, Yuan; Zhang, Chenzhou; Xu, Wenjie; Li, Qingjie; Wang, Kun; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius; Heller, Rasmus; Wang, Wen; Huang, Jinghui; Qiu, Qiang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The suite of adaptations associated with the extreme stature of the giraffe has long interested biologists and physiologists. By generating a high-quality chromosome-level giraffe genome and a comprehensive comparison with ...
    • Track analysis of distribution patterns in Chironomidae (Insecta:Diptera): implications for conservation biogeography in southeastern Brazil 

      Silva, Fabio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) are among the most diverse and widespread aquatic insects, with roughly 5,500 described species, inhabiting an enormous variety of aquatic ecosystems, ranging from moist soils to pools in ...
    • Tracking aquatic animals for fisheries management in European waters 

      Özgül, Aytaç; Birnie-Gauvin, Kim; Abecasis, David; Alós, Josep; Aarestrup, Kim; Reubens, Jan; Bolland, Jonathan; Lök, Altan; Edwards, J; Pengal, Polona; Prchalová, Marie; Říha, Milan; Pickholtz, Renanel; Vollset, Knut; Afonso, Pedro; Davidsen, Jan Grimsrud; Arlinghaus, Robert; Ünal, Vahdet; Lennox, Robert (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Acoustic telemetry (AT) has emerged as a valuable tool for monitoring aquatic animals in both European inland and marine waters over the past two decades. The European Tracking Network (ETN) initiative has played a pivotal ...
    • Traditional plant functional groups explain variation in economic but not size‐related traits across the tundra biome 

      Thomas, Haydn J.D.; Myers-Smith, Isla H.; Bjorkman, Anne D.; Elmendorf, Sarah C.; Blok, Daan; Cornelissen, Johannes H. C.; Forbes, Bruce C.; Hollister, Robert D.; Normand, Signe; Prevéy, Janet S.; Rixen, C; Schaepman-Strub, G; Wilmking, M; Wipf, S; Cornwell, W; Kattge, J; Goetz, SJ; Guay, KC; Alatalo, JM; Anadon-Rosell, A; Angers-Blondin, S; Berner, LT; Björk, RG; Buchwal, A; Buras, A; Carbognani, M; Christie, K; Siegwart Collier, L; Cooper, Elisabeth J.; Eskelinen, A; Frei, ER; Grau, O; Grogan, P; Hallinger, M; Heijman, MMPD; Hermanutz, L; Hudson, JMG; Hulber, K; Iturrate-Garcia, M; Iversen, CM; Jaroszynska, Francesca Orinda Holl; Johnstone, JF; Kaarlejärvi, E; Kulonen, A; Lamarque, LJ; Lévesque, E; Little, CJ; Michelsen, A; Milbau, A; Nabe-Nielsen, J; Nielsen, SS; Ninot, JM; Oberbauer, SF; Olofsson, J; Onipchenko, VG; Petraglia, A; Rumpf, SB; Semenchuk, Philipp; Soudzilovskaia, NA; Spasojevic, MJ; Speed, James David Mervyn; Tape, KD; Te Beest, M; Tomaselli, M; Trant, A; Treier, UA; Venn, S; Vowles, T; Weijers, S; Zamin, T; Atkin, OK; Bahn, M; Blonder, B; Campetella, G; Cerabolini, BEL; Chapin III, FS; Dainese, M; de Vries, FT; Díaz, S; Green, W; Jackson, R; Manning, P; Niinemets, Ü; Ozinga, WA; Penuelas, J; Reich, PB; Schamp, B; Sheremetev, S; van Bodegom, Peter Michiel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Aim : Plant functional groups are widely used in community ecology and earth system modelling to describe trait variation within and across plant communities. However, this approach rests on the assumption that functional ...
    • Trans-Atlantic genetic uniformity in the rare snowbed sedge Carex rufina 

      Westergaard, Kristine; Alsos, Inger Greve; Engelskjøn, Torstein; Flatberg, Kjell Ivar; Brochmann, Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)