Now showing items 1413-1432 of 1597

    • The handbook for standardized field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate change experiments and observational studies (ClimEx) 

      Halbritter Rechsteiner, Aud Helen; De Boeck, Hans J.; Eycott, Amy Elizabeth; Reinsch, Sabine; Robinson, David A.; Vicca, Sara; Berauer, Bernd; Christiansen, Casper Tai; Estiarte, Marc; Grünzweig, José M.; Gya, Ragnhild; Hansen, Karin; Jentsch, Anke; Lee, Hanna; Linder, Sune; Marshall, John; Peñuelas, Josep; Schmidt, Inger Kappel; Stuart-Haëntjens, Ellen; Wilfahrt, Peter; Vandvik, Vigdis; Abrantes, Nelson; Almagro, María; Althuizen, Inge; Barrio, Isabel C.; te Beest, Mariska; Beier, Claus; Beil, Iilka; Berry, Z. Carter; Birkemoe, Tone; Bjerke, Jarle W.; Blonder, Benjamin; Blume-Werry, Gesche; Bohrer, Gil; Campos, Isabel; Cernusak, Lucas S.; Chojnicki, Bogdan H.; Cosby, Bernhard J.; Dickman, Lee T.; Djukic, Ika; Filella, Iolanda; Fuchslueger, Lucia; Gargallo-Garriga, Albert; Gillespie, Mark Andrew; Goldsmith, Gregory R.; Gough, Christopher; Halliday, Fletcher W.; Hegland, Stein Joar; Hoch, Gunter; Holub, Petr; Jaroszynska, Francesca Orinda Holl; Johnson, Daniel M.; Jones, Scott B.; Kardol, Paul; Keizer, Jan J.; Klem, Karel; Konestabo, Heidi Sjursen; Kreyling, Jürgen; Kröel-Dulay, György; Landhäusser, Simon M.; Larsen, Klaus S.; Leblans, Niki; Lebron, Inma; Lehmann, Marco M.; Lembrechts, Jonas J.; Lenz, Armando; Linstädter, Anja; Llusià, Joan; Macias-Fauria, Marc; Malyshev, Andrey V.; Mänd, Pille; Marshall, Miles; Matheny, Ashley M.; McDowell, Nate; Meier, Ina C.; Meinzer, Frederick C.; Michaletz, Sean T.; Miller, Megan L.; Muffler, Lena; Oravec, Michal; Ostonen, Ivika; Porcar-Castell, Albert; Preece, Catherine; Prentice, Iain C.; Radujković, Dajana; Ravolainen, Virve; Ribbons, Relena; Ruppert, Jan C.; Sack, Lawren; Sardans, Jordi; Schindlbacher, Andreas; Scoffoni, Christine; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Smart, Simon M; Smith, Stuart; Soper, Fiona; Speed, James David Mervyn; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne; Sydenham, Markus A. K.; Taghizadeh-Toosi, Arezoo; Telford, Richard J.; Tielborger, Katja; Töpper, Joachim Paul; Urban, Otmar; van der Ploeg, Martine; Van Langenhove, Leandro; Večeřová, Kristýna; Ven, Arne; Verbruggen, Erik; Vik, Unni; Weigel, Robert; Wohlgemuth, Thomas; Wood, Lauren K.; Zinnert, Julie; Zurba, Kamal (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      1. Climate change is a world-wide threat to biodiversity and ecosystem structure, functioning and services. To understand the underlying drivers and mechanisms, and to predict the consequences for nature and people, we ...
    • The Hydrothermal Breccia of Berglia-Glassberget, Trøndelag, Norway: Snapshot of a Triassic Earthquake 

      Müller, Axel; Ganerød, Morgan; Wiedenbeck, Michael; Spjelkavik, Skule Olaus Svendsen; Selbekk, Rune (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The quartz-K-feldspar-cemented breccia of Berglia-Glassberget in the Lierne municipality in central Norway forms an ellipsoid structure 250 m × 500 m in size. The hydrothermal breccia is barren in terms of economic commodities ...
    • The importance of herbivore density and management as determinants of the distribution of rare plant species 

      Speed, James David Mervyn; Austrheim, Gunnar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Herbivores are often drivers of ecosystem states and dynamics and in many situations are managed either as livestock or through controlled or exploitative hunting of wild populations. Changes in herbivore density can affect ...
    • The Index Seminum: Seeds of change for seed exchange 

      Havinga, Reinout; Kool, Anneleen; Achille, Frédéric; Bavcon, Joze; Berg, Christian; Bonomi, Costantino; Burkart, Michael; De Meyere, Dirk; Hart, Joke't; Havström, Mats; Keßler, Paul; Knickmann, Barbara; Köster, Nils; Martinez, Remy; Ostgaard, Havard; Ravnjak, Blanka; Scheen, Anne-Cathrine; Smith, Pamela; Smith, Paul; Socher, Stephanie A.; Vange, Vibekke (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Botanic gardens have been exchanging seeds through seed catalogues for centuries. In many gardens, these catalogues remain an important source of plant material. Living collections have become more relevant for genetic ...
    • The invertebrate fauna of anthropogenic soils in the High-Arctic settlement of Barentsburg, Svalbard 

      Coulson, Stephen James; Fjellberg, Arne; Gwiazdowicz, Dariusz J.; Lebedeva, Natalia V.; Melekhina, Elena N.; Solhøy, Torstein; Erséus, Christer; Maraldo, Kristine; Miko, Ladislav; Schatz, Heinrich; Schmelz, Rüdiger M; Søli, Geir Einar Ellefsen; Stur, Elisabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The terrestrial environment of the High Arctic consists of a mosaic of habitat types. In addition to the natural habitat diversity, various human-influenced types may occur. For the resident invertebrate fauna, these ...
    • The marine Isopod Crustacea of the Tristan da Cunha Archipelago 

      Sivertsen, Erling; Holthuis, Lipke B. (Gunneria, 0332-8554; 35, Research report, 1979)
    • The next generation fungal diversity researcher 

      Grube, Martin; Gaya, Ester; Kauserud, Håvard; Smith, Adrian M.; Avery, Simon V.; Fernstad, Sara F.; Muggia, Lucia; Martin, Michael D.; Eivindsen, Tove; Kõljalg, Urmas; Bendiksby, Mika (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Fungi are more important to our lives than is assumed by the general public. They can comprise both devastating pathogens and plant-associated mutualists in nature, and several species have also become important workhorses ...
    • The northern Scandinavian viking hall: A case study from Viklem in Ørland, Norway 

      Ellingsen, Ellen J. Grav; Sauvage, Raymond (Chapter, 2019)
      Our aim with this paper was to discuss two possible Viking Age and Early medieval wooden hall buildings from Viklem at Ørlandet in relation to the Scandinavian Viking Age halls. To do this we analysed the buildings from ...
    • The Norwegian Sphagna: a field colour guide 

      Flatberg, Kjell I. (NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Botanisk Serie, 0802-2992; 2002:1, Research report, 2002)
      Colour plates illustrate fifty-four Sphagnum taxa, 50 species and 4 subspecies. This constitues all the known peat mosses from Norway including arctic Svalbard. Macroscopic keys to sections and species within the different ...
    • The peatland map of Europe 

      Tanneberger, Franziska; Moen, Asbjørn; Joosten, Hans; Nilsen, Nils (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Based on the ‘European Mires Book’ of the International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG), this article provides a composite map of national datasets as the first comprehensive peatland map for the whole of Europe. We also ...
    • The polychaetous annelids of Trondheimsfjorden, Norway 

      Holthe, Torleif (Gunneria, 0332-8554; 64, Research report, 1977)
    • The population genomic basis of geographic differentiation in North American common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) 

      Martin, Michael D; Olsen, Morten T; Samaniego, Jose; Zimmer, Elizabeth A; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is an invasive, wind‐pollinated plant nearly ubiquitous in disturbed sites in its eastern North American native range and present across growing portions of Europe, Africa, Asia, ...
    • The Postgraduate Research Methods Course in Conservation: The Practical Approach Taken at the University of Gothenburg 

      Peacock, Elizabeth E. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The theory-led Master’s Research Methods course in the Department of Conservation at the University of Gothenburg was completely redesigned for the 2013 autumn term from a theory-led to a student-oriented learning format. ...
    • The Response of Alpine Salix Shrubs to Long-Term Browsing Varies with Elevation and Herbivore Density 

      Speed, James David Mervyn; Austrheim, Gunnar; Hester, Alison J.; Mysterud, Atle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The widespread expansion of shrubs into arctic and alpine regions has frequently been linked to climatic warming, but herbivory can play a role in addition to, or in interaction with, climate. Willow (Salix spp.) shrubs ...
    • The Role of Individual Traits and Environmental Factors for Diet Composition of Sheep 

      Mysterud, Atle; Austrheim, Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Large herbivore consumption of forage is known to affect vegetation composition and thereby ecosystem functions. It is thus important to understand how diet composition arises as a mixture of individual variation in ...
    • The roles of statoliths, auxin transport, and auxin metabolism in root geotropism 

      Iversen, Tor-Henning (Det Kgl. Norske Videnskabers Selskab, Museet, Miscellanea / senere endret navn til Gunneria; 15, Research report, 1974)
    • The Sandbakken Qarry, Kvikne: A Window into Early Iron Age Soapstone Exploitation in Norway 

      Stenvik, Lars Fredrik; Grenne, Tor; Østerås, Bodil (Chapter, 2017)
      The oldest known example of large-scale soapstone exploitation in Norway is found at Kvikne (south central Norway), where quarrying took place during the pre-Roman Iron Age (5th to 1st century BC). The quarry is located ...
    • THE SOIL SCIENCE & ARCHAEO-GEOPHYSICS ALLIANCE (SAGA): going beyond prospection 

      Cuenca-Garcia, Carmen; Armstrong, Kayt; Aidona, Elina; De Smedt, Philippe; Rosveare, Anne; Rosveare, Martin; Schneidhofer, Petra; Wilson, Clare; Faßbinder, Jörg; Moffat, Ian; Sarris, Apostolos; Scheiblecker, Marion; Jrad, Abir; van Leusen, Martijn; Lowe, Kelsey (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Archaeological sites can be discovered and recorded in a high-resolution and non-invasive manner using geophysical methods. These measure the spatial variation of a range of physical properties of the soil which may be ...