• Differences in combinations and concentrations of drugs of abuse in fatal intoxication and driving under the influence cases 

      Edvardsen, Hilde Marie Erøy; Tverborgvik, Torill; Frost, Joachim; Rogde, Sidsel; Morild, Inge; Waal, Helge; Clausen, Thomas; Slørdal, Lars; Vindenes, Vigdis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Background In toxicology, international classification systems focus on single intoxicants as the cause of death. It is, however, well known that very few drug related deaths are caused by a single substance and that ...
    • Differences in course of illness between patients with bipolar II disorder with and without epileptiform discharges or other sharp activity on electroencephalograms: a cross-sectional study 

      Drange, Ole Kristian; Sæther, Sverre Georg; Finseth, Per Ivar; Morken, Gunnar; Vaaler, Arne; Arntsen, Vibeke; Henning, Oliver Johannes; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Elvsåshagen, Torbjørn; Malt, Ulrik Fredrik; Bøen, Erlend (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background A diagnosis of bipolar II disorder requires that the symptoms cannot be better explained by a medical condition. Epilepsy is in some cases associated with an affective syndrome mimicking an unstable bipolar ...
    • Differences in diurnal saliva cortisol variation between patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and patients with Fibromyalgia, and the role of Insomnia Severity as a predictor. 

      Kjelkenes, Rikka (Master thesis, 2019)
      Objective: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) is a severe chronic disease, that severely impacts the quality of life. The underlying pathophysiology of CFS/ME is still unknown, but a substantial ...
    • Differences in gastrointestinal hormones and appetite ratings among obesity classes: Gastrointestinal hormones and appetite in obesity 

      Aukan, Marthe Isaksen; Nymo, Siren; Ollestad, Karoline Haagensli; Akersveen Boyesen, Guro; DeBenedictis, Julia Nicole; Rehfeld, Jens Frederik; Coutinho, Silvia; Martins, Catia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The aim of this study was to compare gastrointestinal (GI) hormones and subjective ratings of appetite among obesity classes, and between classes of obesity and controls. Ninety-eight adult individuals with obesity, divided ...
    • Differences in gastrointestinal hormones and appetite ratings between individuals with and without obesity—A systematic review and meta-analysis 

      Aukan, Marthe Isaksen; Coutinho, Silvia; Pedersen, Sindre Andre; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Martins, Catia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Determining if gastrointestinal (GI) hormone response to food intake differs between individuals with, and without, obesity may improve our understanding of obesity pathophysiology. A systematic review and meta-analysis ...
    • Differences in golf performance between men and women relative to anthropometric and physiological sex differences – Comparing performances between players on the PGA and LPGA tour 

      Villanen, Jemina (Master thesis, 2023)
      Golf is an increasingly popular sport with tough competition at the professional level. The Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA) tour is the biggest professional men’s tour, whereas the Ladies Professional Golf Association ...
    • Differences in medication knowledge and risk of errors between graduating nursing students and working registered nurses: comparative study 

      Simonsen, Bjørg Øfstedal; Dæhlin, Gro Kvanli; Johansson, Inger Signe; Farup, Per Grønaas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Background: Nurses experience insufficient medication knowledge; particularly in drug dose calculations, but also in drug management and pharmacology. The weak knowledge could be a result of deficiencies in the basic ...
    • Differences in medication knowledge and risk of errors between graduating nursing students and working registered nurses: comparative study 

      Simonsen, Bjørg Øfstedal; Dæhlin, Gro Kvanli; Johansson, Inger Signe; Farup, Per Grønaas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Background: Nurses experience insufficient medication knowledge; particularly in drug dose calculations, but also in drug management and pharmacology. The weak knowledge could be a result of deficiencies in the basic ...
    • Differences in metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in the cerebrospinal fluid are associated with delirium 

      Aksnes, Mari; Schibstad, Mari Haavig; Chaudhry, Farrukh Abbas; Neerland, Bjørn Erik; Caplan, Gideon A.; Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina; Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug; Myrstad, Marius; Edwin, Trine Holt; Persson, Karin Ester Torun; Idland, Ane-Victoria; Pollmann, Christian Thomas; Bjørkholt Olsen, Roy; Wyller, Torgeir Bruun; Zetterberg, Henrik; Cunningham, Emma; Watne, Leiv (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Background The aetiology of delirium is not known, but pre-existing cognitive impairment is a predisposing factor. Here we explore the associations between delirium and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of matrix ...
    • Differences in sleep quality and quantity during the menstrual cycle, and how this relates to subjective energy level and muscular feeling among endurance junior athletes 

      Lerfald, Maren (Master thesis, 2020)
      Kvinner har hormonelle svingninger i løpet av menstruasjonssyklusen som har fysiske og psykiske effekter på kroppen, og som potensielt påvirker treningskvalitet, restitusjon, treningsrespons og idrettsprestasjon. Hovedmålet ...
    • Differences in stroke mimics in young and old patients and their outcome in NOR-TEST study 

      Jacobsen, Eskil (Master thesis, 2022)
      Bakgrunn: Effektiv håndtering av pasienter som ankommer akuttmottaket med mistenkt iskemisk slag er avgjørende for best mulig utkomme. Tidlig reperfusjon gir bedre resultater. En andel av pasientene som behandles med ...
    • Differences in trauma team activation criteria among Norwegian hospitals 

      Larsen, Kristin T; Uleberg, Oddvar; Skogvoll, Eirik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Background: To ensure the rapid and correct triage of patients in potential need of specialized treatment, Norwegian hospitals are expected to establish trauma teams with predefined criteria for their activation. The ...
    • Different solutions in generation of angular momentum during imitation jump take-offs among diverse level ski jumpers 

      Fjeld, Birk Eirik (Master thesis, 2017)
      Introduction: During the push-off motion in ski jumping, the athlete strives to generate both a high vertical velocity and a correct angular momentum. The latter is important as it brings the athlete into the flight position. ...
    • Different Typologies of Gamers Are Associated with Mental Health: Are Students DOOMed? 

      Finserås, Turi Reiten; Sivertsen, Børge; Pallesen, Ståle; Leino, Tony Mathias; Mentzoni, Rune Aune; Skogen, Jens Christoffer (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background: The inclusion of Internet Gaming Disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-5) led to a rapid development of assessment instruments based on the suggested diagnosis. However, ...
    • Differential and shared genetic effects on kidney function between diabetic and non-diabetic individuals 

      Winkler, Thomas W.; Rasheed, Humaira; Teumer, Alexander; Gorski, Mathias; Rowan, Bryce X.; Stanzick, Kira J.; Thomas, Laurent; Tin, Adrienne; Hoppmann, Anselm; Chu, Audrey Y.; Tayo, Bamidele; Thio, Chris H. L.; Cusi, Daniele; Chai, Jin-Fang; Sieber, Karsten B.; Horn, Katrin; Li, Man; Scholz, Markus; Cocca, Massimiliano; Wuttke, Matthias; van der Most, Peter J.; Yang, Qiong; Ghasemi, Sahar; Nutile, Teresa; Li, Yong; Pontali, Giulia; Günther, Felix; Dehghan, Abbas; Correa, Adolfo; Parsa, Afshin; Feresin, Agnese; de Vries, Aiko P. J.; Zonderman, Alan B.; Smith, Albert V.; Oldehinkel, Albertine J.; De Grandi, Alessandro; Rosenkranz, Alexander R.; Franke, Andre; Teren, Andrej; Metspalu, Andres; Hicks, Andrew A.; Morris, Andrew P.; Tönjes, Anke; Morgan, Anna; Podgornaia, Anna I.; Peters, Annette; Körner, Antje; Mahajan, Anubha; Campbell, Archie; Freedman, Barry I.; Spedicati, Beatrice; Ponte, Belen; Schöttker, Ben; Brumpton, Ben Michael; Banas, Bernhard; Krämer, Bernhard K.; Jung, Bettina; Åsvold, Bjørn Olav; Smith, Blair H.; Ning, Boting; Penninx, Brenda W. J. H.; Vanderwerff, Brett R.; Psaty, Bruce M.; Kammerer, Candace M.; Langefeld, Carl D.; Hayward, Caroline; Spracklen, Cassandra N.; Robinson-Cohen, Cassianne; Hartman, Catharina A.; Lindgren, Cecilia M.; Wang, Chaolong; Sabanayagam, Charumathi; Heng, Chew-Kiat; Lanzani, Chiara; Khor, Chiea-Chuen; Cheng, Ching-Yu; Fuchsberger, Christian; Gieger, Christian; Shaffer, Christian M.; Schulz, Christina-Alexandra; Willer, Cristen J.; Chasman, Daniel I.; Gudbjartsson, Daniel F.; Ruggiero, Daniela; Toniolo, Daniela; Czamara, Darina; Porteous, David J.; Waterworth, Dawn M.; Mascalzoni, Deborah; Mook-Kanamori, Dennis O.; Reilly, Dermot F.; Daw, E. Warwick; Hofer, Edith; Boerwinkle, Eric; Salvi, Erika; Bottinger, Erwin P.; Tai, E-Shyong; Catamo, Eulalia; Rizzi, Federica; Guo, Feng; Rivadeneira, Fernando; Guilianini, Franco; Sveinbjornsson, Gardar; Ehret, Georg; Waeber, Gerard; Biino, Ginevra; Girotto, Giorgia; Pistis, Giorgio; Nadkarni, Girish N.; Delgado, Graciela E.; Montgomery, Grant W.; Snieder, Harold; Campbell, Harry; White, Harvey D.; Gao, He; Stringham, Heather M.; Schmidt, Helena; Li, Hengtong; Brenner, Hermann; Holm, Hilma; Kirsten, Holgen; Kramer, Holly; Rudan, Igor; Nolte, Ilja M.; Tzoulaki, Ioanna; Olafsson, Isleifur; Martins, Jade; Cook, James P.; Wilson, James F.; Halbritter, Jan; Felix, Janine F.; Divers, Jasmin; Kooner, Jaspal S.; Lee, Jeannette Jen-Mai; O’Connell, Jeffrey; Rotter, Jerome I.; Liu, Jianjun; Xu, Jie; Thiery, Joachim; Ärnlöv, Johan; Kuusisto, Johanna; Jakobsdottir, Johanna; Tremblay, Johanne; Chambers, John C.; Whitfield, John B.; Gaziano, John M.; Marten, Jonathan; Coresh, Josef; Jonas, Jost B.; Mychaleckyj, Josyf C.; Christensen, Kaare; Eckardt, Kai-Uwe; Mohlke, Karen L.; Endlich, Karlhans; Dittrich, Katalin; Ryan, Kathleen A.; Rice, Kenneth M.; Taylor, Kent D.; Ho, Kevin; Nikus, Kjell; Matsuda, Koichi; Strauch, Konstantin; Miliku, Kozeta; Hveem, Kristian; Lind, Lars; Wallentin, Lars; Yerges-Armstrong, Laura M.; Raffield, Laura M.; Phillips, Lawrence S.; Launer, Lenore J.; Lyytikäinen, Leo-Pekka; Lange, Leslie A.; Citterio, Lorena; Klaric, Lucija; Ikram, M. Arfan; Ising, Marcus; Kleber, Marcus E.; Francescatto, Margherita; Concas, Maria Pina; Ciullo, Marina; Piratsu, Mario; Orho-Melander, Marju; Laakso, Markku; Loeffler, Markus; Perola, Markus; de Borst, Martin H.; Gögele, Martin; Bianca, Martina La; Lukas, Mary Ann; Feitosa, Mary F.; Biggs, Mary L.; Wojczynski, Mary K.; Kavousi, Maryam; Kanai, Masahiro; Akiyama, Masato; Yasuda, Masayuki; Nauck, Matthias; Waldenberger, Melanie; Chee, Miao-Li; Chee, Miao-Ling; Boehnke, Michael; Preuss, Michael H.; Stumvoll, Michael; Province, Michael A.; Evans, Michele K.; O’Donoghue, Michelle L.; Kubo, Michiaki; Kähönen, Mika; Kastarinen, Mika; Nalls, Mike A.; Kuokkanen, Mikko; Ghanbari, Mohsen; Bochud, Murielle; Josyula, Navya Shilpa; Martin, Nicholas G.; Tan, Nicholas Y. Q.; Palmer, Nicholette D.; Pirastu, Nicola; Schupf, Nicole; Verweij, Niek; Hutri-Kähönen, Nina; Mononen, Nina; Bansal, Nisha; Devuyst, Olivier; Melander, Olle; Raitakari, Olli T.; Polasek, Ozren; Manunta, Paolo; Gasparini, Paolo; Mishra, Pashupati P.; Sulem, Patrick; Magnusson, Patrik K. E.; Elliott, Paul; Ridker, Paul M.; Hamet, Pavel; Svensson, Per O.; Joshi, Peter K.; Kovacs, Peter; Pramstaller, Peter P.; Rossing, Peter; Vollenweider, Peter; van der Harst, Pim; Dorajoo, Rajkumar; Sim, Ralene Z. H.; Burkhardt, Ralph; Tao, Ran; Noordam, Raymond; Mägi, Reedik; Schmidt, Reinhold; de Mutsert, Renée; Rueedi, Rico; van Dam, Rob M.; Carroll, Robert J.; Gansevoort, Ron T.; Loos, Ruth J. F.; Felicita, Sala Cinzia; Sedaghat, Sanaz; Padmanabhan, Sandosh; Freitag-Wolf, Sandra; Pendergrass, Sarah A.; Graham, Sarah E.; Gordon, Scott D.; Hwang, Shih-Jen; Kerr, Shona M.; Vaccargiu, Simona; Patil, Snehal B.; Hallan, Stein; Bakker, Stephan J. L.; Lim, Su-Chi; Lucae, Susanne; Vogelezang, Suzanne; Bergmann, Sven; Corre, Tanguy; Ahluwalia, Tarunveer S.; Lehtimäki, Terho; Boutin, Thibaud S.; Meitinger, Thomas; Wong, Tien-Yin; Bergler, Tobias; Rabelink, Ton J.; Esko, Tõnu; Haller, Toomas; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; Völker, Uwe; Foo, Valencia Hui Xian; Salomaa, Veikko; Vitart, Veronique; Giedraitis, Vilmantas; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Jaddoe, Vincent W. V.; Huang, Wei; Zhang, Weihua; Wei, Wen Bin; Kiess, Wieland; März, Winfried; Koenig, Wolfgang; Lieb, Wolfgang; Gao, Xin; Sim, Xueling; Wang, Ya Xing; Friedlander, Yechiel; Tham, Yih-Chung; Kamatani, Yoichiro; Okada, Yukinori; Milaneschi, Yuri; Yu, Zhi; Thio, Chris H. L.; van der Most, Peter J.; de Borst, Martin H.; Ho, Kevin; Josyula, Navya Shilpa; Pendergrass, Sarah A.; Rowan, Bryce X.; Robinson-Cohen, Cassianne; Gaziano, John M.; Phillips, Lawrence S.; Tao, Ran; Hung, Adriana M.; Stark, Klaus J.; Stefansson, Kari; Böger, Carsten A.; Hung, Adriana M.; Kronenberg, Florian; Köttgen, Anna; Pattaro, Cristian; Heid, Iris M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR) can progress to kidney failure. Risk factors include genetics and diabetes mellitus (DM), but little is known about their interaction. We conducted genome-wide association meta-analyses ...
    • Differential associations between types of social media use and university students' non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal behavior 

      Kingsbury, Mila; Reme, Bjørn-Atle; Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Sivertsen, Børge; Øverland, Simon Nygaard; Cantor, Nathan; Hysing, Mari; Petrie, Keith; Colman, Ian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Objective To examine differential associations between types of social media use and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and suicidal behaviors. Methods Participants were N = 40,065 Norwegian college and university students, ...
    • Differential Effectiveness of Atypical Antipsychotics on Hallucinations: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial 

      Sinkeviciute, Igne; Hugdahl, Kenneth Jan; Bartz-Johannessen, Christoffer; Kroken, Rune Andreas; Løberg, Else-Marie; Kjelby, Eirik; Rettenbacher, maria; Joa, Inge; Reitan, Solveig Merete Klæbo; Alisauskiene, Renata; Fathian, Farivar; Johnsen, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background Most studies investigating antipsychotic effectiveness report either total psychopathology or symptom cluster findings. Studies focusing on a separate symptom, such as hallucinations, a hallmark symptom in ...
    • Differential Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Krill Meal, Soybean Meal, Butyrate, and Bactocell® on the Gene Expression of Atlantic Salmon Head Kidney 

      Jalili, Mahsa; Gerdol, Marco; Greco, S.; Pallavicini, Alberto; Buonocore, Francesco; Scapigliati, Giuseppe; Picchietti, Simona; Esteban, Maria Angeles; Rye, Morten Beck; Bones, Atle M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The head kidney is a key organ that plays a fundamental role in the regulation of the fish immune response and in the maintenance of endocrine homeostasis. Previous studies indicate that the supplementation of exogenous ...
    • Differential expression of Vitamin D associated genes in the aorta of coronary artery disease patients with and without rheumatoid arthritis 

      Oma, Ingvild; Olstad, Ole Kristoffer; Andersen, Jacqueline Kirsti; Lyberg, Torstein; Molberg, Øyvind; Fostad, Ida; Fagerland, Morten; Almdahl, Sven Martin; Rynning, Stein Erik; Yndestad, Arne; Aukrust, Pål; Whist, Jon Elling; Hollan, Ivana (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Background Vitamin D has an important role in the immune system, and has been linked to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and coronary artery disease (CAD). The exact mechanisms by which vitamin D is involved in these processes ...
    • Differential Gene Expression at the Maternal-Fetal Interface in Preeclampsia Is Influenced by Gestational Age 

      Lian, Ingrid Alsos; Langaas, Mette; Moses, Eric; Johansson, Åsa (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Genome-wide transcription data of utero-placental tissue has been used to identify altered gene expression associated with preeclampsia (PE). As many women with PE deliver preterm, there is often a difference in gestational ...