• Stråleeksponering og optimalisering ved røntgen thorax av premature og neonatale pasienter 

      Førde, Guro Vangen; Aas, Ingeborg Marie (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Problemstilling: Hvilke faktorer bidrar til økt stråledose ved røntgen thorax av premature og neonatale pasienter innlagt på intensivavdeling, og hvordan kan disse optimaliseres for å opprettholde prinsippet om ALARA? ...
    • Strålevern og sikkerhet blant yrkesaktive radiografer på konvensjonell røntgen i Norge 

      Viken, Ina Marie Schei; Skog, Rebekka Finanger; Steen, Rebekka (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Mål: Strålevern er en essensiell del av radiograffaget. Det er regler, lovverk, retningslinjer, og anbefalinger for bruk av medisinsk røntgenstråling for å ivareta pasienter og helsepersonells sikkerhet. Dette reiser ...
    • Strength and Power Testing of Athletes: A Multicenter Study of Test-Retest Reliability 

      Lindberg, Kolbjørn Andreas; Solberg, Paul Andre; Bjørnsen, Thomas; Helland, Christian; Rønnestad, Bent; Frank, Martin; Haugen, Tommy; Østerås, Sindre; Kristoffersen, Morten; Midttun, Magnus; Sæland, Fredrik; Eythorsdottir, Ingrid Eir Thorp; Paulsen, Gøran (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Purpose:This study examined the test–retest reliability of common assessments for measuring strength and power of the lowerbody in high-performing athletes.Methods:A total of 100 participants, including both male (n=83) ...
    • Strength determinants of jump height in the jump throw movement in women handball players 

      McGhie, David; Østerås, Sindre; Ettema, Gertjan; Paulsen, Gøran; Sandbakk, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      McGhie, D, Østerås, S, Ettema, G, Paulsen, G, and Sandbakk, Ø. Strength determinants of jump height in the jump throw movement in women handball players. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000–000, 2018—The purpose of the study ...
    • Strength training improves double-poling performance after prolonged submaximal exercise in cross-country skiers 

      Øfsteng, Sjur Johansen; Sandbakk, Øyvind; Van Beekvelt, Mireille; Hammarström, Daniel; Kristoffersen, Raymond; Hansen, Joar; Paulsen, Gøran; Rønnestad, Bent (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of adding strength training with or without vibration to cross-country (XC) skiers' endurance training on double-poling (DP) performance, physiological, and kinematic ...
    • Strength training reduces cardiac and renal oxidative stress in rats with Renovascular hypertension 

      Miguel dos Santos, Rodrigo; Dos Santos, Jucilene Freitas; Macedo, Fabricio Nunes; Marçal, Anderson Carlos; Santana-Filho, Valter J.; Wichi, Rogerio Brandão; Lauton-Santos, Sandra (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background Strength training has beneficial effects on kidney disease, in addition to helping improve antioxidant defenses in healthy animals. Objective To verify if strength training reduces oxidative damage to the ...
    • Strength training with stretching in children with cerebral palsy to improve gross motor skills - A literature review 

      Opdahl, Vera Stræte; Norbye, Sandra Grace Davis; Wæge, Marie (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Bakgrunn: Cerebral parese (CP) er den vanligste årsaken til motorisk funksjonshemming hos barn. Å leve med CP kan være utfordrende, da det vil påvirke grovmotoriske ferdigheter, og barns mulighet til å delta i dagligdagse ...
    • Strength training: The impact of executing the concentric phase of a movement with maximal intended velocity 

      Espedal, Lars (Master thesis, 2019)
      Strength training is typically performed with the intention to increase the skeletal muscle force-generating capacity. For an optimal outcome, it has been argued that repetitions should be carried out with maximal intended ...
    • Strengthening primary care for diabetes and hypertension in Eswatini: study protocol for a nationwide cluster-randomized controlled trial 

      Theilmann, Michaela; Ginindza, Ntombifuthi; Myeni, John; Dlamini, Sijabulile; Cindzi, Bongekile Thobekile; Dlamini, Dumezweni; Dlamini, Thobile L.; Greve, Maike; Harkare, Harsh Vivek; Hleta, Mbuso; Khumalo, Philile; Kolbe, Lutz M.; Lewin, Simon Arnold; Marowa, Lisa-Rufaro; Masuku, Sakhile; Mavuso, Dumsile; Molemans, Marjan; Ntshalintshali, Nyasatu; Nxumalo, Nomathemba; Osetinsky, Brianna; Pell, Christopher; Reis, Ria; Shabalala, Fortunate; Simelane, Bongumusa R.; Stehr, Lisa; Tediosi, Fabrizio; van Leth, Frank; De Neve, Jan-Walter; Bärnighausen, Till; Geldsetzer, Pascal (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background Diabetes and hypertension are increasingly important population health challenges in Eswatini. Prior to this project, healthcare for these conditions was primarily provided through physician-led teams at ...
    • Streptococcus agalactiae - systemisk infeksjon hos voksne: karakterisering av polysakkaridkapsel og utvalgte overflateproteiner 

      Javnes, Sveinung (Master thesis, 2020)
      De sist ti-årene har det skjedd en klar økning i forekomsten av invasive infeksjoner med gruppe B streptokker (GBS) i Norge og mange andre land. Avdeling for medisinsk mikrobiologi ved St. Olavs hospital er nasjonalt ...
    • Streptococcus agalactiae in pregnant women in Zimbabwe: Epidemiology and serotype marker characteristics 

      Mavenyengwa, Rooyen Tinago (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:40, Doctoral thesis, 2012)
      Background Streptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococcus, GBS) is one of the leading causes of serious bacterial infections such as septicaemia, pneumonia and meningitis in newborns, causing 0.5 to more than 2 cases per ...
    • The Streptococcus agalactiae R3 surface protein is encoded by sar5 

      Basson, Adelle; Olaisen, Camilla; Selvik, Linn-Karina M.; Lyng, Randi Valsø; Lysvand, Hilde; Gidon, Alexandre; Ås, Christina Gabrielsen; Afset, Jan Egil; Dragset, Marte Singsås (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Streptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococcus; GBS) is an important human pathogen causing pneumonia, sepsis and meningitis in neonates, as well as infections in pregnant women, immunocompromised individuals, and the ...
    • Streptolysin O Induces the Ubiquitination and Degradation of Pro-IL-1β 

      Hancz, Dora; Westerlund, Elsa; Valfridsson, Christine; Aemero, Getachew Melkamu; Bastiat-Sempe, Benedicte; Ørning, Mathias Pontus; Lien, Egil; Wessels, Michael; Persson, Jenny (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Group A Streptococcus (GAS) is a common and versatile human pathogen causing a variety of diseases. One of the many virulence factors of GAS is the secreted pore-forming cytotoxin streptolysin O (SLO), which has been ...
    • Stress - årsaker og konsekvenser for nyutdannede sykepleieres helse. 

      Rønningen, Hilde; Simensen, Fredrik; Sitarz, Krystian Jakub (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Hensikten med denne litteraturstudien var å undersøke hva som kan være årsaker til arbeidsrelatert stress for nyutdannede sykepleiere, og hvilke konsekvenser som kan oppstå for sykepleieres helse. Nyutdannede sykepleiere ...
    • Stress disrupts insight-driven mnemonic reconfiguration in the medial temporal lobe 

      Grob, Anna-Maria; Milivojevic, Branka; Alink, Arjen; Döller, Christian Fritz Andreas; Schwabe, Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Memories are not stored in isolation. Insight into the relationship of initially unrelated events may trigger a flexible reconfiguration of the mnemonic representation of these events. Such representational changes allow ...
    • Stress exposure and mental health concerns in Norwegian prehospital emergency medicine personnel 

      Reid, Bjørn Ole (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:51, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      Emergency medical services (EMS) provide a prehospital medical response 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in all seasons. Physician staffed EMS (P-EMS) complement EMS, and in Norway, both helicopters from Helicopter EMS ...
    • Stress in surgical educational environments: a systematic review 

      Tjønnås, Maria Suong; Guzmán-García, Carmen; Sánchez-González, Patricia; Gómez, Enrique Javier; Oropesa, Ignacio; Våpenstad, Cecilie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background The effects of stress on surgical residents and how stress management training can prepare residents to effectively manage stressful situations is a relevant topic. This systematic review aimed to analyze the ...
    • «Stress med arbeidspress?» Hvordan påvirket omorganiseringen av innleggelsesprosessen til elektive kreftpasienter sykepleieres opplevelse av stress og arbeidspress? 

      Sacha, Grazyna Joanna (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Abstrakt Innledning: Sykepleiere har viktige oppgaver knyttet til behandling av alvorlig syke pasienter i sykehus, noe som kan føre til stress og stort arbeidspress. Denne artikkelen beskriver en studie med sykepleiere ...
    • Stress og utbrenthet hos sykepleier i palliativ omsorg 

      Haraldsen, Lene; Baksetersveen, Camilla (Student paper, others, 2017)
      Introduksjon: Tidligere forskning viser at det er indikasjon på at det er utbredt forekomst av stressrelatert bekymring og utbrenthet blant sykepleiere som jobber innen palliativ omsorg. Forskjellige mestringsstrategier ...
    • Stress resilience of spermatozoa and blood mononuclear cells without prion protein 

      Reiten, Malin Rokseth; Malachin, Giulia; Kommisrud, Elisabeth; Østby, Gunn Charlotte; Waterhouse, Karin Elisabeth; Krogenæs, Anette Kristine; Kusnierczyk, Anna; Bjørås, Magnar; Jalland, Clara Maria Osnes; Nekså, Liv Heidi; Røed, Susan Skogtvedt; Stenseth, Else-Berit; Myromslien, Frøydis Deinboll; Zeremichael, Teklu Tewoldebrhan; Bakkebø, Maren Kolltveit; Espenes, Arild; Tranulis, Michael A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The cellular prion protein PrPC is highly expressed in neurons, but also present in non-neuronal tissues, including the testicles and spermatozoa. Most immune cells and their bone marrow precursors also express PrPC. ...