• V0609 Forretningspotensial for lokasjonsbasert reklame 

      Flaaen, Odd Arild (Master thesis, 2009)
      Interessen for personalisering av tjenester har i de siste årene økt betraktelig. Kundene forventer mer av tjenestetilbyderen enn tidligere. En tjeneste skal ikke lenger være generisk, men tilpasset hver enkelt kundes ...
    • V2X-Based Mobile Localization in 3D Wireless Sensor Network 

      Javed, Iram; Tang, Xianlun; Shaukat, Kamran; Sarwar, Muhammed Umer; Alam, Talha Mahboob; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Saleem, Muhammad Asim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In a wireless sensor network (WSN), node localization is a key requirement for many applications. The concept of mobile anchorbased localization is not a new concept; however, the localization of mobile anchor nodes gains ...
    • Vacuum free energy, quark condensate shifts and magnetization in three-flavor chiral perturbation theory to O(𝑝6) in a uniform magnetic field 

      Adhikari, Prabal; Strumke, Inga (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We study three-flavor QCD in a uniform magnetic field using chiral perturbation theory (χPT). We construct the vacuum free energy density, quark condensate shifts induced by the magnetic field and the renormalized magnetization ...
    • Valg av eksperiment på romlige felt ved hjelp av eksperimentverdi 

      Opdahl, Magdalon Inge (Master thesis, 2009)
      Vi har i denne oppgaven satt opp et rammeverk for å sammenligne forskjellige eksperimenter på romlige felt. Eksperimentene består av en eller flere enkeltundersøkelser på det romlige feltet. Rammeverket består av en modell ...
    • Valg av open source rammeverk for tilstandsløst API 

      Kvalvik, Per Christian Bach; Kvernstad, Espen; Moen, Jon Sondre (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Det kommer stadig nye teknologier som gjør det enklere å bygge nettsider med separat logikk og brukergrensesnitt. Det kan være vanskelig å velge hvilken teknologi som er best tilpasset forskjellige bruksområder til personlig ...
    • Valg av styrestrategier for veilysanlegg 

      Haugstad, Skjold Hogne (Master thesis, 2011)
      Denne masteroppgaven har som formål å finne sparepotensialet for styrestrategier for veilysanlegg, som samtidig oppfyller kravene i veinormalen. Analysen går i hovedsak ut på en case studie av det nåværende veilysanlegget ...
    • Valg, modellering og utprøving av treghetssensorer for bruk sammen med GPS i vanskelige omgivelser 

      Hystad, Tor Ivar (Master thesis, 2006)
      Denne rapporten dokumenterer utviklingen av en lavkost treghetsnavigasjonsmodul. Rapporten tar for seg prosessen fra valg av komponenter til ferdig prototyp. Treghetsnavigasjonsmodulen er designet for å kunne integreres ...
    • Valg, modellering og utprøving av treghetssensorer for bruk sammen med GPS i vanskelige omgivelser 

      Hystad, Tor Ivar; Høilund, Tore Johan (Master thesis, 2006)
      Denne rapporten dokumenterer utviklingen av en lavkost treghetsnavigasjonsmodul. Rapporten tar for seg prosessen fra valg av komponenter til ferdig prototyp. Treghetsnavigasjonsmodulen er designet for å kunne integreres ...
    • Validating query execution plan estimates in MySQL 

      Eriksen, Andreas Selfjord (Master thesis, 2010)
      The query optimizer in MySQL chooses from the available query execution plans by estimating the cost of execution for each plan. In this project, MySQL will be extended to record the actual cost of executing each query. ...
    • Validation of a Developed Enterprise Architecture Framework for Digitalisation of Smart Cities: a Mixed‑Mode Approach 

      Bokolo, Anthony Junior; Petersen, Sobah Abbas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      To support smart cities in aligning information technology (IT) and business strategies to achieve urban digitalization, this study aims to present an Enterprise Architecture Framework (EAF) to facilitate the digitalization ...
    • Validation of hyperspectral camera operations with an experimental aircraft 

      Langer, Dennis D.; Prentice, Elizabeth; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      HYPSO-1 is a Small Satellite with a hyperspectral camera payload inside a six unit cubesat platform, launched january 2022. This paper describes how the operation of the same hyperspectral camera is validated by deployment ...
    • Validation of marine collision avoidance systems using Adaptive Stress Testing 

      Hjelmeland, Hanna Waage (Master thesis, 2022)
      Maritime Autonome Overflate-Skip (MAOS) har potensiale til å bidra til en mer fleksibel urban mobilitetsløsning med reduserte utslipp av drivhusgasser. For å muliggjøre maritim autonomi må systemene gjennomgå grundig ...
    • Validation of multi-body modelling methodology for reconfigurable underwater robots 

      Nielsen, Mikkel Cornelius; Eidsvik, Ole Alexander; Blanke, Mogens; Schjølberg, Ingrid (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      This paper investigates the problem of employing reconfigurable robots in an underwater setting. The main results presented is the experimental validation of a modelling methodology for a system consisting of N dynamically ...
    • Validation of Safety Metrics for Object Detectors in Autonomous Driving 

      Rønnestad, Andreas; Montecchi, Leonardo; Ceccarelli, Andrea (Chapter, 2024)
      Object detection consists in perceiving and locating instances of objects in multi-dimensional data, such as images or lidar scans. While object detection is a fundamental step in autonomous vehicles applications, it is ...
    • Validation of ship intention model for maritime collision avoidance control using historical AIS data 

      Rothmund, Sverre Velten; Haugen, Helene Engebakken; Veglo, Guro Drange; Brekke, Edmund Førland; Johansen, Tor Arne (Chapter, 2023)
      This article tests the method for inferring and modeling ship intentions presented in [1] on real ship encounters gathered through the automatic identification system (AIS) that all larger ships are required to use. Empirical ...
    • Validation of stereo vision based liver surface reconstruction for image guided surgery 

      Teatini, Andrea; Wang, Congcong; Palomar, Rafael; Alaya Cheikh, Faouzi; Edwin, Bjørn; Elle, Ole Jacob (Chapter, 2018)
      Image guided surgery systems aim to provide navigation to surgeons in order to improve accuracy and safety of the procedures. Through stereo reconstruction algorithms, it is possible to generate 3D surfaces intra-operatively ...
    • Validation of the numerical simulations of flow around a scaled-down turbine using experimental data from wind tunnel 

      Siddiqui, Muhammad Salman; Rasheed, Adil; Kvamsdal, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Aerodynamic characteristic of a small scale wind turbine under the influence of an incoming uniform wind field is studied using k-ω Shear Stress Transport turbulence model. Firstly, the lift and drag characteristics of the ...
    • Validation of user profiles for building energy simulations 

      Rangøy, Eline (Master thesis, 2013)
      To make Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB) commercially competitive as dwellings the energy supply and on-site generation has to be thoroughly planned. The optimal mix of energy sources depend on the demand profiles for the ...
    • Validation study of an approximate 2014 European power-flow model using PowerGAMA 

      Lie, Arne Øvrebø; Rye, Eirik Andre; Svendsen, Harald Georg; Farahmand, Hossein; Korpås, Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This study presents a validation study of an approximated model of the European power system in 2014. A lightweight and open-source power-flow tool is used for this study. The tool and the model are publicly available and ...
    • Valuable Puzzles for Proofs-of-Work 

      Boyd, Colin Alexander; Carr, Christopher (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Proof-of-work (PoW) is used as the consensus mechanism in most cryptocurrencies. PoW-based puzzles play an important part in the operation and security of a cryptocurrency, but come at a considerable energy cost. One ...