• Computer Assisted Language Learning towards 2010: Mobile Learning, User generated Content and Convergence 

      Drabløs, Lars Are Holth (Master thesis, 2008)
      Many topics have been touched in this thesis. I would like to conclude with some answers to the questions raised in the initial problem description and point out further challenges in some cases. We have seen that there ...
    • Conceptualization and Design of a Context-Aware Platform for User-centric Applications 

      Hristova, Ana (Master thesis, 2008)
      With the appearance and expansion of mobile devices, ubiquitous computing is becoming more popular nowadays and the user and his tasks are becoming the focus of application development. One area of ubiquitous computing is ...
    • Configuration and Design of Video Conferencing Systems: How to prepare for the future communication technology 

      Børresen, Marius (Master thesis, 2009)
      Vital Forsikring ASA( Vital)are planning their next platform of infrastructure, one of the objectives with this platform are better interactions. In order to gain more efficient interaction within the company, and to save ...
    • Content Distribution in Ad Hoc Networks 

      Johnsen, Lotte (Master thesis, 2006)
      Multicast is used to send data to many receivers simultaneously. Multicast protocols developed for wired networks are not suitable for a Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET), mainly because the mobile nodes create a changing ...
    • Contex-Aware Call Control 

      Vestmoen, Håkon (Master thesis, 2006)
    • Context-Aware Services in Aquaculture: FiFaMoS - Fish Farm Monitoring System 

      Grødal, Jon Arne; Paaske, Frank Gjervik (Master thesis, 2006)
      This thesis focuses on context-aware services that make decisions based on the situation (i.e. context) of the involved entities. Context may in general be based on user input, sensed or derived (e.g. combination of multiple ...
    • Control plane of an OpMiGua network: Simulation or analytic study, analysing the feasibility of suggested solutions. 

      Rahmati, Mohammad Yaser (Master thesis, 2008)
      This report contains the introduction and result of the master s thesis studied in the last semester of my study in the NTNU in 2008. The thesis was about studying a control plan for OpMiGua by using the existing technologies ...
    • Cooperation through pheromone sharing in swarm routing 

      Kjeldsen, Vebjørn (Master thesis, 2007)
      Traditional routing protocols build routing tables that are optimized on one parameter only, this parameter is typically hop counts. With the introduction of new requirements, brought forth by a wide range of communication ...
    • Cost comparison studies of different network platforms: OpEx modeling and analysis 

      Moe, Øyvind Solberg (Master thesis, 2007)
      The importance of Operational Expenditures (OpEx) on the overall network cost has been shown in recent studies. This master thesis is part of a series of techno economical studies focused on the evaluation of OpEx and the ...
    • Creating applications with Widget concepts 

      Holth, Karsten Peder (Master thesis, 2009)
      Widgets are small standalone Web applications usually designed for a single specific function and quick instant access to Web 2.0 services, Internet content, native resources or device functionality, packaged in a way to ...
    • Cryptanalysis of IEEE 802.11i TKIP 

      Halvorsen, Finn Michael; Haugen, Olav (Master thesis, 2009)
      The Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) was created to fix the weaknesses of Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). Up until November 2008, TKIP was believed to be a secure alternative to WEP, although some weak points were ...
    • Cryptanalysis of IEEE 802.11i TKIP 

      Halvorsen, Finn Michael; Haugen, Olav (Master thesis, 2009)
      The Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) was created to fix the weaknesses of Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). Up until November 2008, TKIP was believed to be a secure alternative to WEP, although some weak points were ...
    • Datalagringsdirektivet 

      Leren, Eystein Huse (Master thesis, 2009)
      Datalagringsdirektivet EU 2006/24/EF har til hensikt å harmonisere lovgivningen som gjelder lagring av trafikkdata gjennom hele EU området, og gjennom dette gjøre medlemslandene bedre rustet til å bekjempe alvorlig ...
    • Decoding GSM 

      Glendrange, Magnus; Hove, Kristian; Hvideberg, Espen (Master thesis, 2010)
      We have participated in the creation of almost two terabytes of tables aimed at cracking A5/1, the most common ciphering algorithm used in GSM. Given 114-bit of known plaintext, we are able to recover the session key with ...
    • Dependability modelling of Jgroup/ARM 

      Sæstad, Ane (Master thesis, 2008)
      In the later years, fault tolerant distributed systems have been applied to a variety of network internal and external services. Keeping distributed systems consistent and fault tolerant require management functionality. ...
    • Design and implementation of a mobile distributed heartbeat monitoring system based on Bluetooth 

      Bruno, Rocco (Master thesis, 2007)
      The goal of this master thesis is to develop a mobile, distributed monitoring system for outdoor cardiovascular training, based on Bluetooth sensors, mobile handsets with Java Micro Edition (Java ME) and XML Web Services ...
    • Design of a Secure System of Mutual Authentication Using RFID JavaCards Over SIP 

      Llop Donet, Jose Ignacio (Master thesis, 2009)
      The necessity of mutual authentication is growing due the need to perform sensitive operations over the Internet. It is a perpetual problem to find a secure place to store the keys. In this Master Thesis we present an ...
    • Design of Backbone for Wireless Citywide Networks like Wireless Trondheim 

      Torstensen, Asgeir (Master thesis, 2006)
      This master's thesis will investigate some of the technological solutions available for the construction of a backbone for a wireless citywide network (CWN), such as Wireless Trondheim, and a special attention is given ...
    • Designing a simple dynamic Digital Signage Network 

      Hagen, Andreas Ødegård (Master thesis, 2006)
      Digital Signage Networks (DSN) is a continious emerging digital advertisment medium. Display devices, typically large format plasma or LCD screens, are used to provide rich multimedia advertisments in shops, buses, at ...
    • Detecting Wireless Identity Spoofs in Urban Settings, Based on Received Signal Strength Measurements 

      Pedersen, Øystein Aas (Master thesis, 2010)
      The most common gateway for executing attacks in 802.11 networks are the MACspoofing attack. Current Todays Wireless IDS implements different methods todetect MAC spoofing, but are particularly interested in using methods ...