Now showing items 2528-2547 of 21018

    • Autoregressive Normalising Flows for Density Estimation and Variational Inference: A proper introduction and a novel flow 

      Hultén, Edvard (Master thesis, 2020)
      I denne oppgaven presenterer vi en klasse med modeller kalt "normalising flows". Dette er en klasse med modeller som drar nytte av fleksibiliteten og de beregningsmessige fordelene som tilbys av det moderne dyp lærings-paradigmet, ...
    • AutoStack: automatisk og adaptiv utrulling av Openstack 

      Tufte, Geir André; Finsrud, Kjetil André; Noem, Anders Godtland (Bachelor thesis, 2014)
      NORSK: Automatisering er blitt et stadig mer fremtredende tema i informatikkens verden, og er med på å spare verdifull tid, samt forenkle kompliserte prosesser. Samtidig har den raskt voksende bruken av nettskyer til ...
    • AutoTrust: Automatic software package assessment using trust criteria 

      Morstøl, Hallvard Molin; Rynning-Tønnesen, Sverre (Master thesis, 2023)
      Motivasjon: Denne masteroppgaven er en studie i forsyningskjedesikkerhet for programvare. Arbeidet var motivert av økningen i programvareangrep på forsyningskjeden ved bruk av ondsinnede programvarepakker. Mål: Målet er ...
    • AutoTrust: Automatic software package assessment using trust criteria 

      Morstøl, Hallvard Molin; Rynning-Tønnesen, Sverre (Master thesis, 2023)
      Motivasjon: Denne masteroppgaven er en studie i forsyningskjedesikkerhet for programvare. Arbeidet var motivert av økningen i programvareangrep på forsyningskjeden ved bruk av ondsinnede programvarepakker. ...
    • Autotuned Dynamic Positioning for Marine Surface Vessels 

      Alme, Jon (Master thesis, 2008)
      Dynamic positioning of surface vessels involves control of vessels with changing dynamics, shifting conditions, for different operational tasks. A controller with fixed controller parameters cannot have an optimal performance ...
    • Autotuning Benchmarking Techniques: A Roofline Model Case Study 

      Tørring, Jacob; Meyer, Jan Christian; Elster, Anne C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Peak performance metrics published by vendors often do not correspond to what can be achieved in practice. It is therefore of great interest to do extensive benchmarking on core applications and library routines. Since ...
    • Autotuning CUDA: Applying NLP Techniques to LS-CAT 

      Bjertnes, Lars; Tørring, Jacob Odgård; Elster, Anne C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The abstract relation between hardware parameters and program performance makes setting program parameters a difficult task. Without autotuning, software can miss low-level optimizations, resulting in lower performance. ...
    • AUV Pipeline Following using Reinforcement Learning 

      Fjerdingen, Sigurd Aksnes; Kyrkjebø, Erik; Transeth, Aksel Andreas (Chapter, 2010)
      This paper analyzes the application of several reinforcement learning techniques for continuous state and action spaces to pipeline following for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). Continuous space SARSA is compared ...
    • Availability communication: Requirements for an awareness system to support nurses' handling of nurse calls 

      Klemets, Joakim Henrik M; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      The recent development of mobile technologies allows nurses to receive different types of requests anywhere. However, the interruptions generated by these devices often presents a challenge for nurses in their daily work ...
    • Availability Modelling of Software-Defined Backbone Networks 

      Kamisinski, Andrzej; Gonzalez, Andres Javier; Helvik, Bjarne Emil; Nencioni, Gianfranco; Heegaard, Poul Einar (Chapter, 2016)
      Software-Defined Networking (SDN) promises to improve the programmability and flexibility of networks, but it may also bring new challenges that need to be explored. The main objective of this paper is to present a ...
    • Avalanche Simulations using Fracture Mechanics on the GPU 

      Boge, Øivind Laupstad (Master thesis, 2014)
      Snow is an extremely complex material due to the structure of snow crystals and how snow behaves when it is settled within snow layers. These factors makes it hard to accurately simulate how snow layers are affected by ...
    • Avalanche Simulations using Fracture Mechanics on the GPU 

      Boge, Øivind Laupstad (Master thesis, 2014)
      Snow is an extremely complex material due to the structure of snow crystals and how snow behaves when it is settled within snow layers. These factors makes it hard to accurately simulate how snow layers are affected by ...
    • Avansert bildebehandling for autonome helikoptre 

      Hansen, Jo Vetle Aure (Master thesis, 2005)
      Et autonomt helikopter er utstyrt med et videokamera. For at helikopteret skal kunne utføre nyttige oppdrag må bildeinformasjon fra videokameraet tolkes på en sikker og effektiv måte. Dette dokumentet presenterer en ...
    • Average Qp and Qs estimation in marine sediments using a dense receiver array 

      Rørstadbotnen, Robin André; Landrø, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • Averaging Level Control of a Separator using Gain Scheduling 

      Halvorsrød, Sverre Oliver (Master thesis, 2007)
      In mature production wells slugging is, or can be, a major challenge when it comes totuning of the first separator control loops. The objectives of the tuning are to minimizethe variation of the outflow, whilst at the same ...
    • Avfallshåndtering for næringsbygg - utfordringer og potensiale ved en sirkulær økonomi 

      Høglo, Arne Martin (Master thesis, 2016)
      Global oppvarming som følge av menneskeskapte klimagassutslipp er en av vår tids store utfordringer. For å redusere risikoen for farlige klimaendringer ble 195 land enige om å gjøre hva de kan for å begrense oppvarmingen ...
    • Avoiding AC/DC grid interaction in MMC based MTDC Systems 

      Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu; Bergna-Diaz, Gilbert; Uhlen, Kjetil (Chapter, 2017)
      In this paper, the interaction between ac and dc grids is studied for two types of MMC control structures; conventional and non-conventional control structures. Linear analysis methods that are based mode shapes and ...
    • Avoiding Voltage Rise in Distribution Grids Using Energy Storage Systems 

      Melkevik, Mari (Master thesis, 2016)
      As a consequence of the combination of increased worldwide energy consumption and rising concerns regarding environment, the amount of renewable electric power plants are rapidly increasing. These are often connected ...
    • AVR32 based Modular Embedded Computer 

      Heggheim, Trond Ramo (Master thesis, 2007)
      A modular embedded computer system based on the AVR32AP7000 CPU is specified. Existing solutions and earlier work is investigated.
    • The awareness of operators: a goal-directed task analysis in SOCs for critical infrastructure 

      Ofte, Håvard Jakobsen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Security operation centers (SOCs) are increasingly established to meet the growing threat against cyber security. The operators of SOCs respond to complex incidents under time constraints. Within critical infrastructure, ...