• Using Sentiment Analysis to Improve Course Recommendations for MOOCs 

      Solbjørg, Ingrid Amalie (Master thesis, 2023)
      Massive åpne nettkurs (MOOCer) har blitt brukt i e-læring det siste tiåret, og fremveksten deres eksploderte under COVID-19-pandemien. Nye kurs blir stadig tilgjengeliggjort, noe som gjør at studentene blir overveldet og ...
    • Using SIM for strong end-to-end Application Authentication 

      Lunde, Lars; Wangensteen, Audun (Master thesis, 2006)
      Today the Internet is mostly used for services that require low or none security. The commercial and governmental applications have started to emerge but met problems since they require strong authentication, which is both ...
    • Using SIM for strong end-to-end Application Authentication 

      Lunde, Lars; Wangensteen, Audun (Master thesis, 2006)
      Today the Internet is mostly used for services that require low or none security. The commercial and governmental applications have started to emerge but met problems since they require strong authentication, which is both ...
    • Using similarity learning to enable decision support in aquaculture 

      Mathisen, Bjørn Magnus (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:331, Doctoral thesis, 2021)
      Aquaculture (AQ) is an industry that cultivates food in water. This includes many types of seafood such as salmon, trout, and whitefish, as well as shellfish and algae. Farms for seafood production are typically described ...
    • Using situational and narrative analysis for investigating the messiness of software security 

      Tøndel, Inger Anne; Cruzes, Daniela Soares; Jaatun, Martin Gilje (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Background: Software engineering work and its context often has characteristics of what in social science is termed 'messy'; it has ephemeral and irregular qualities. This puts high demands on researchers doing inquiry and ...
    • Using Social Media as Evidence in Criminal Investigations 

      Siljan, Marianne Voss (Master thesis, 2023)
      Bruken av sosiale medier har vokst eksponentielt gjennom årene, så vel som mengden kriminalitet som utføres på sosiale medieplattformer. Med denne veksten følger utfordringer med å bruke data fra sosiale medier i etterforskning ...
    • Using software repository authorship data in evaluation of group work 

      Lian, Håvard Holmboe (Master thesis, 2017)
      Group work is very common in university courses that teach computer programming. This work is very hard to evaluate and grade, and usually results in very high grades being given to all students regardless of individual ...
    • Using Spatial Augmented Reality to Increase Perceived Translucency of Real 3D Objects 

      Trumpy, Giorgio; Gigilashvili, Davit (Journal article, 2023)
      Translucency is an important optical and perceptual attribute that has a significant impact on the appearance of objects and materials. Expensive and time-consuming manufacturing process is required to produce a translucent ...
    • Using Static Analysis To Detect Vulnerabilities in OpenID Connect Clients 

      Sørensen, Elias Brattli (Master thesis, 2020)
      OpenID Connect has blitt en bransjestandard for å håndtere autentisering og autorisering i Web-applikasjoner. Likevel er det vanskelig for utviklere å forstå protokollen og imple- mentere en klient-applikasjon på en sikker ...
    • Using Sub-Phonemic Units for HMM Based Phone Recognition 

      Hamar, Jarle Bauck (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:185, Doctoral thesis, 2013)
      A common way to construct a large vocabulary continuous speech recogniser LVCSR is to use 3 state HMMs to model phonemic units. In this dissertation the focus is to improve this standard phone model. To this end three ...
    • Using SURF imaging for efficient detection of micro-calcifications 

      Denarie, Bastien Emmanuel (Master thesis, 2010)
      The presence of clustered micro-calcifications is an important indicator of early stage breast cancers, and an efficient real-time ultrasound imaging support is needed for conducting needle biopsies. SURF is a dual-frequency ...
    • Using synthetic data to improve the detection of sheep in drone images 

      Østtveit, Bjørnar (Master thesis, 2022)
      Gjenfinning av sau på slutten av beitesesongen er ofte en veldig tidkrevende prosess. Etter flesteparten av sauene er returnert kan det ofte være noen få dyr igjen som ikke kom seg tilbake med resten. Lokalisering og ...
    • Using technology in class, not just having technology in class 

      Talmo, Tord Mjøsund; Stoica, George Adrian (Journal article, 2017)
      NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) has been involved in development of educational technology to use in class since 2005. During these years NTNU has developed five different software to use as tools in ...
    • Using the Composite Likelihood Method on 4D AVA Seismic Data 

      Borgan, Yngve (Master thesis, 2011)
      This thesis is concerned with 4D AVA seismic inversion problems. By comparing two seismic surveys done over the same area, but at different times, one hopes to discover untapped pockets of oil or gas. Using the full ...
    • Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter with Kernel Methods for History Matching of Petroleum Reservoirs 

      Vabø, Jon Gustav (Master thesis, 2008)
      The problem of conditioning a petroleum reservoir model to production data, so called history matching, is considered. The history matching problem is formulated within a Bayesian framework, where prior geological knowledge, ...
    • Using the Geographical Location of Photos in Mobile Phones 

      Amundsen, Jon Anders (Master thesis, 2008)
      Digital cameras in mobile phones have become very popular in the recent years, and it is common to have large photo collections stored in the phone. Organizing these photos on the phone is still a big problem though. This ...
    • Using the human gait for authentication 

      Søndrol, Torkjel (Master thesis, 2005)
      NORSK: Denne rapporten presenterer en ny metode for å verifisere en persons identitet ved hjelp av kinetisk ganglagsanalyse. Ganglagsdata samles inn ved å bruke en innretning festet til personens bein, hvor den registrerer ...
    • Using the ICU library for collations in MySQL 

      Vågene, Lars-Olav (Master thesis, 2023)
      Kollasjoner er regler som definerer rekkefølgen av tegn, noe som applikasjoner bruker for å sortere tekst for et gitt språk. International Components for Unicode (ICU) er et mye brukt bibliotek som blant annet har støtte ...
    • Using the Kinect Sensor for Social Robotics 

      Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved (Master thesis, 2011)
      This thesis presents an innovative approach to social robotics through gesture recognition. The focus is on recognizing gestures because this is an important aspect regarding interpretation of a person's intent when he or ...
    • Using the lens of science capital to capture and explore children’s attitudes toward science in an informal making-based space 

      Christidou, Dimitra; Papavlasopoulou, Sofia; Giannakos, Michail (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Purpose Governments and organizations worldwide are concerned over the declining number of young people choosing to study Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), especially after the age of 16. Research ...