• Time-of-Flight (TOF) depth camera for Navigation and Mapping 

      Chris André Brombach (Master thesis, 2019)
      Denne masteroppgaven ser p ̊a bruken av time of flight(ToF) kamera som en visuellsensor til problematikk som lokalisering, kartlegging, kollisjonsunng ̊aelse og andreaktulle datasynsoppgaver. Den starter med en introduksjon ...
    • Time-Optimal Adaptation in Metabolic Network Models 

      Köbis, Markus Arthur; Bockmayr, Alexander; Steuer, Ralf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Analysis of metabolic models using constraint-based optimization has emerged as an important computational technique to elucidate and eventually predict cellular metabolism and growth. In this work, we introduce time-optimal ...
    • Time-Proportional Performance Analysis for Out-of-Order Processors 

      Gottschall, Björn (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:52, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      The quest for an increase in processor performance has become difficult due to the inherent power limitations of today’s chips. As processors become more complex with deeper and wider pipelines, out-of-order execution, and ...
    • Time-Scaling Approaches for the Identification of Input-Output Equilibrium Maps 

      Tandberg, Vebjørn (Master thesis, 2023)
      Å ha nøyaktig informasjon om likvektpunktene til et dynamisk unlineært system er viktig i prosessindustrien. Det er derfor interresant å undersøke måter å tillegne seg kjennskap om disse likevekstpunktene på en effektiv ...
    • Time-Series Cache 

      Knotten, David Rise; Aglen, Einar Andreas (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      I den moderne teknologiens verden er der en økning av enheter som er tilkoblet tingenes internett. Denne koblingen mot internettet har åpnet for sentralisering av tids-serie data som gjør at denne dataen, som typisk har ...
    • Time-series predictions with Recurrent Neural Networks - Studying Recurrent Neural Networks predictions and comparing to state-of-the-art Sequential Monte Carlo methods 

      Finsveen, Lene (Master thesis, 2018)
      Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have shown great success in sequence-to-sequence processing due to its ability to retain memory while incrementally processing sequence elements. It has become a fundamental algorithm for ...
    • Time-variable scene quality perception tests 

      Berge, Håvard (Master thesis, 2009)
      Plan and carry out perception tests of time-varying scene composition, spatial and temporal resolution of scene objects, respectively, as defined in DMP. Base the time-variation on short time intervals of only tenths of ...
    • Time-varying coherency study using TFC 

      Shweta, NN; Kishor, Nand; Uhlen, Kjetil; Mohanty, S. (Chapter, 2017)
      An assessment of the dynamic interactions between generators will provide valuable information which could improve control action and hence maintain stability in the interconnected system. The paper presents the study on ...
    • Timeframe-based contiguous file carving in video surveillance systems 

      Magnussen-Vik, Jostein (Master thesis, 2023)
      I straffesaker er ofte overvåkingsfilm en viktig del av bevisbildet. Det er viktig å få innhentet opptakene så tidlig som mulig på grunn av krav om sletting og lagringsplass på overvåkingssystemene. På grunn av personvernregler ...
    • TIMES-LYR – a long-term deterministic scenario analysis of the future energy system in Longyearbyen 

      Rinde, Einar Boman (Master thesis, 2020)
      Denne masteroppgaven utvikler en modell i VEDA-TIMES for å analysere overgangen fra dagens kullbaserte energisystem i Longyearbyen til et fornybart system fram mot 2050. Den lokale kullgruva som forsyner kraftverket stenges ...
    • A Timescale Analysis of Percussive Drilling 

      Song, Xianfeng (Doctoral thesis, 2021)
      Percussive drilling (PD) tools are widely recognized to be more efficient for drilling hard rock formations than conventional rotary drilling equipment. Thus, PD tools have been used to drill blast holes in mining and ...
    • Timeseries Prediction for a Predictive Digital Twin Using Neural Networks for the Zefyros Wind Turbine 

      Wassertheurer, Henrik Andreas Gusdal (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne forskningen utforsker bruken av digitale tvillinger og maskinlæringsmodeller for prediktiv analyse i havvindparker. Hovedmålet er å utvikle nøyaktige og pålitelige metoder for å forutsi kraftutbyttet i vindparker, ...
    • Timestamp prefix carving for filesystem metadata extraction 

      Porter, Kyle; Nordvik, Rune; Toolan, Fergus; Axelsson, Stefan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      While file carving is a popular and effective method for extracting file content from unallocated space in a forensic image, it can be time consuming to carve for the wide variety of possible file signatures. Furthermore, ...
    • Timesynchronization in NATO Narrowband Waveform (NBWF) 

      Josten, Pål (Master thesis, 2013)
      A common notion of time is essential to avoid collisions in distributed radio networks using TDMA. Local clocks with limited accuracy are normally used to control time in each individual node. These clocks require regular ...
    • A Timetable Solver Module - Based on Binary Integer Programming 

      Morland, Andreas Lowzow (Master thesis, 2014)
      In schools all over the world, weeks are spent each year trying to schedule timetables. These timetables usually follow specific rules, and have some restrictions they need to fulfill. By using an automated method for ...
    • Timetable: Dynamic Time Series Data Store Utilizing Managed Cloud Services 

      Larsen, Kristoffer Kjørlaug (Master thesis, 2018)
      Internet of Things (IoT) have in the recent years exploded in popularity and usage around the world. This advance have brought about new ways and technologies which enable companies and individuals to extend physical ...
    • Timing and time synchronization within LiDAR- and IMU-based simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) 

      Storli, Henrik Senderud (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne avhandlingen presenterer konstruksjonen av en sensorsammensetning bestående av en Ouster16 LiDAR, en STIM300 inertial måleenhet (IMU) og tre f9p u-blox globalt navigasjonssatellittsystem (GNSS)-mottakere, og undersøker ...
    • Timing Attacks on Machine Learning: State of the Art 

      Kianpour, Mazaher; Wen, Shao-Fang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Machine learning plays a significant role in today’s business sectors and governments, in which it is becoming more utilized as tools to help in decision making and automation process. However, these tools are not inherently ...
    • Timingkontroll i kringkastingsmiljø: Generering av MPEG transportstrømmer for testformål innen digitale kringkastingsmiljø 

      Spangelid, Kjetil (Master thesis, 2010)
      Innen distribusjon av digital-tv finnes det mange utfordringer knyttet til håndtering av forskjellige typer jitter. Siden tv-signalene ofte skal gjennom mange ledd kan ip-jitter, pakketap og andre typer feil oppstå under ...
    • Tiny Overseer - A System for Autonomous Low-Altitude Missions 

      Sjursen, Bjarte (Master thesis, 2018)
      This thesis will demonstrate a complete system based on commercial quadcopter drones with the ability to perform autonomous unmanned missions. The system is based on state of the art object detection networks with an ...