• Keeping connected without the Internet backbone 

      Mæland, Endre Medhus; Berbom, Sigmund Bernhard (Master thesis, 2022)
      Store deler av dagens digitale kommunikasjon er avhengig av en eller flere sentrale enheter som kan sørge for sikker kommunikasjon. Slike enheter er ofte utilgjengelige når internett er utilgjengelig. Utilgjengeligheten ...
    • Keeping the human element to secure autonomous shipping operations 

      Meland, Per Håkon; Nesheim, Dag Atle; Rødseth, Ørnulf Jan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Autonomous shipping operations are becoming economically and technically feasible, but this development also requires new human roles and responsibilities onshore for managing cyber events. The goal of this paper is to ...
    • Kernel regression on graphs in random Fourier features space 

      Elias, Vitor; Gogineni, Vinay Chakravarthi; Martins, Wallace; Werner, Stefan (Chapter, 2021)
      This work proposes an efficient batch-based implementation for kernel regression on graphs (KRG) using random Fourier features (RFF) and a low-complexity online implementation. Kernel regression has proven to be an efficient ...
    • Kernel Regression over Graphs using Random Fourier Features 

      Meireles Elias, Vitor Rosa; Gogineni, Vinay Chakravarthi; Martins, Wallace; Werner, Stefan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This paper proposes efficient batch-based and online strategies for kernel regression over graphs (KRG). The proposed algorithms do not require the input signal to be a graph signal, whereas the target signal is defined ...
    • Kernighan-Lin heuristic in an IDS 

      Smestad, Mats Erik (Master thesis, 2006)
      NORSK: Organisasjoner og bedrifter i dag krever å være online og koblet til Internet. Dette stiller høye sikkerhetskrav. I perimetersikring for organisasjonen er Intrusion Detection System, IDS, et viktig element. Men ...
    • Key Competencies for Critical Infrastructure Cyber-Security: a Systematic Literature Review 

      Chowdhury, Nabin; Gkioulos, Vasileios (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Purpose The purpose of this paper can be encapsulated in the following points: identify the research papers published on the topic: competencies and skills necessary for critical infrastructure (CI) cyber-security (CS) ...
    • Key Exchange in Special Circumstances 

      Fondevik, Elsie Mestl (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:246, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
    • Key factors in making Information Security Policies Effective 

      Wold, Gullik (Master thesis, 2004)
      NORSK: Målet med denne oppgaven har vært å finne frem til nøkkelfaktorer som kjennetegner en effektiv policy for informasjonssikkerhet. Utfordringen har vært å finne frem til hva vi ikke vet og ikke forstår i arbeidet ...
    • Key Factors Needed for Developing a Higher Education Cross-Campus Learning Environment in a Nordic Context 

      Nykvist, Shaun S.; de Caro-Barek, Veruska; Støckert, Robin; Lysne, Dag Atle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The use of digital technologies and online tools to support both students and educators has become synonymous with transforming learning within Higher Education, particularly within post graduate courses. It can be argued ...
    • Key Management for Data Plane Encryption in SDN Using WireGuard 

      Braadland, Anna Selvåg (Master thesis, 2017)
      Software Defined Networks (SDNs) decouple the control plane and the data plane, congregating control functions in a designated entity in the network, the controller. The decoupling realizes a highly dynamic network which ...
    • Key recovery: Inert and public 

      Boyd, Colin Alexander; Boyen, Xavier; Carr, Christopher; Haines, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      We propose a public key infrastructure framework, inspired by modern distributed cryptocurrencies, that allows for tunable key escrow, where the availability of key escrow is only provided under strict conditions and ...
    • Key Regions, Graphs, and Identity: Grouping Behavior Patterns to Unravel Shared Accounts 

      Nafeez Zawad Hossain (Master thesis, 2023)
      Kontodeling har blitt en vanlig forekomst i dagens tidsalder for digitale tjenester, noe som utgjør spesielle vanskeligheter for brukeridentifikasjon og tjenester rettet mot bestemte brukere. Konvensjonelle autentisering ...
    • Key Themes, Trends, and Drivers of Mobile Ambient Air Quality Monitoring: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 

      Wang, An; Paul, Sanjana; deSouza, Priyanka; Machida, Yuki; Mora, Simone; Duarte, Fábio; Ratti, Carlo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Mobile ambient air quality monitoring is rapidly changing the current paradigm of air quality monitoring and growing as an important tool to address air quality and climate data gaps across the globe. This review seeks to ...
    • Keystroke dynamics - Can attackers learn someone’s typing characteristics 

      Rundhaug, Fred Erlend N. (Master thesis, 2007)
      NORSK: Denne masteroppgaven er om keystroke dynamics i autentiserings situasjoner. Brukernes taste karakteristikk er sjekket i tillegg til deres brukernavn og passord, dette øker sikkerheten i passord/brukernavn ...
    • Keystroke dynamics based text copying detection 

      Pedersen, Mats Johan (Master thesis, 2021)
      Digitaliseringen av akademisk arbeid har åpnet nye veier for akademisk uærlighet. Ved introduksjonen av digitale hjemmeeksamener har det blitt en utfordring å verifisere om det er studenten selv som svarer på eksamen, eller ...
    • Keystroke Dynamics on a Device with Touch Screen 

      Johansen, Uno Andre (Master thesis, 2012)
      Keystroke Dynamics has been heavily researched over many years. Despite the large activity there are few real world implementations using Keystroke Dynamics as an authentication mechanism. The change in how internet banks ...
    • Keystroke Dynamics. How typing characteristics differ from one application to another 

      Barghouthi, Hafez (Master thesis, 2009)
      This Master thesis is about continuous authentication using keystroke dynamics. We will look to the typing characteristics in different applications and how those characteristics vary from one application to another. It ...
    • Keyword Search on Spatial Network Databases: Road network indexing for efficient query processing 

      Carlsson, Øystein Egeland (Master thesis, 2011)
      Given a spatial location and a set of keywords, a spatial keyword query locates spatio-textual objects based on both the location of the objects, and the textual relevance of the query keywords to the description of the ...
    • KGen: a knowledge graph generator from biomedical scientific literature 

      Rossanez, Anderson; Reis, Julio; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Ribaupierre, Hélène (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background Knowledge is often produced from data generated in scientific investigations. An ever-growing number of scientific studies in several domains result into a massive amount of data, from which obtaining new ...
    • KiC : kompetanseheving innen Color Management 

      Bragerhaug, Heidi; Løseth, Lisa G.; Prestegård, Rine Beito; Skattum, Ole Jacob Bøe (Bachelor thesis, 2003)
      NORSK: Fotobransjen har de siste årene hatt en overgang fra analog til digital arbeidsfl yt. Dette har ført til økt behov for kompetanse innen fargestyring og digital bildebehandling. Lik fargegjengiving i ulike digitale ...