• Internal Partial Discharges at High DC Voltage and the Effect of Superimposed AC Voltage 

      Olsen, Pål Keim (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:327, Doctoral thesis, 2020)
      The power electronic equipment needed in HVDC grids produces an AC ripple voltage with amplitude of around one-hundredth of the main DC voltage. The high voltage can result in partial discharges (PDs), which are a sign of ...
    • Internal Software Startups - A Multiple Case Study on Practices, Methods, and Success Factors 

      Kemell, Kai-Kristian; Risku, Juhani Henrik; Strandjord, Kari Eline; Nguyen Duc, Anh; Wang, Xiaofeng; Abrahamsson, Pekka Kalevi (Chapter, 2020)
      Startups are often seen as drivers of innovation. In an attempt to leverage this potential, larger business organizations have founded internal startups as a subset of internal corporate ventures (ICV). These smaller ...
    • Internal Wireless Bus for a CubeSat 

      Frances Matas, Jordi (Master thesis, 2013)
      NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) hosts NUTS (NTNU Test Satellite), which is mainly envisioned as an educational satellite where most tasks are performed by students while supported by university staff. ...
    • Internasjonalisering av Skijack AS 

      Loen, Axel Harbitz; Einarsen, Sondre Gutvik (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      I dagens samfunn er viktigheten av å kunne operere i et internasjonalt marked essensielt for at en bedrift skal kunne overleve. De aller fleste bedrifter starter opp i hjemlandet sitt for å se om det finnes et marked for ...
    • International Business Potential for Analytics of Room Utilization 

      Binde, Karl Bernhoff (Master thesis, 2015)
      Many universities worldwide have large campuses which they are trying to maintain and administer in the best way possible. Their infrastructure often includes numerous auditoriums with access to the Internet by the Wi-Fi ...
    • International Potential for a Free Model in a B2B&C Market 

      Tagesen, Kristian (Master thesis, 2016)
      Several establishments worldwide are growing in size and see frequent internal changes in buildings, which presents a demand to manage and accommodate these changes in order to maintain a satisfied customer base. One ...
    • International trade with electric power 

      Årdal, Frode (Master thesis, 2009)
      In 2003 the European Commission introduced the Directive 2003/54/EC and Regulation 1228/2003/EC which increased the focus on the liberalization of the European electricity market. The international electricity trade has ...
    • Internationalization of Statoil: An evalution of architectual principles 

      Riiser, Eskild (Master thesis, 2011)
      Statoil has many years of experience as an operator on the Norwegian continental shelf, but how can it make sure this competence is used wisely in other locations?Statoil has gone through major changes the last few years, ...
    • Internet Control for Residential Users 

      Cook, Torgeir Pedersen (Master thesis, 2013)
      Internet based services have become an important part of our lives, and broadband access has reached the commodity phase in most developed countries. A growing portion of the time spent on-line among younger Internet users ...
    • Internet filtering and how it affects security, efficiency and thriving in Norwegian companies 

      Deisz, Joachim (Master thesis, 2005)
      NORSK: I dette prosjektet har vi undersøkt hvordan internettfiltrering kan bidra til øket sikkerhet i nettverk, og hvordan internettsensur påvirker organisasjonen sosialt. Vi har valgt en blanding av kvalitativ og kvantitativ ...
    • Internet of Fish - Real-time monitoring of fish through LPWAN and Internet technologies 

      Kjelsvik, Per Arne (Master thesis, 2019)
      Akvakultur er en verdensomspennende og voksende industri, og særlig viktig er industrien i Norge. Ved økende omfang blir det samtidig økning i biomasse, risiko og kostnader. Det er mange utfordringer knyttet til til ...
    • Internet of Fish: Integration of acoustic telemetry with LPWAN for efficient real-time monitoring of fish in marine farms 

      Hassan, Waseem; Føre, Martin; Ulvund, John Birger; Alfredsen, Jo Arve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The aim of this study was to develop and test the feasibility of a concept called Internet of Fish (IoF). State-of-the-art acoustic telemetry systems could enable farmers to acquire behavioural data of fish in fish farms, ...
    • "Internet of small Trees”: Infrastructure for plant enthusiasts 

      Clad, Matthias Pascal (Master thesis, 2020)
      Å dyrke planter hjemme, har blitt stadig mer populært de siste par årene. Flere og flere ønsker å omgi seg med grønt, blomstrende liv i sine egne hjem, men de fleste mangler den nødvendige tiden eller ekspertisen til å ...
    • Internet of Things - Cybersecurity at Home 

      Bjørnhaug, Tormod (Master thesis, 2017)
      IoT enheter har flere ganger blitt bevist å mangle skikkelige sikkerhetsmekanismer. Forbrukere er ofte ikke klar over hvordan farene slike enheter påvirker deres privatliv og sikkerhet. Denne oppgaven utfordrer problemet ...
    • Internet of Things Chess board - Development of RFID chess piece detection running on the newest generation AVR microcontrollers. 

      Vårlid, Johan (Master thesis, 2018)
      When radio frequency identification (RFID) was first introduced, it was predicted to change the world, much like the Internet of Things (IoT) has been these last few years. Even though the adoption of RFID was slower than ...
    • Internet-of-Things Frameworks For Pervasive Games: A Comparative Study 

      Aunebakk, Eivind Vold (Master thesis, 2022)
      Treningsspill har beviste helseeffekter og kan i framtiden spille en større rolle i forebyggingen av negative helseeffekter, samt rehabilitering. Denne oppgaven er en del av forskningsprosjektet EXACT som går ut på å ...
    • Internutleie - Communicate 

      Hansen, June Veronica Einarsen; Hjelle, Sindre Opskar; Næsvold, Leif Torbjørn (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Teknologi åpner muligheter for automatisering av arbeidsprosesser som tidligere har vært manuelle, noe som kan være med på å effektivisere bedrifter. I denne oppgaven har vi utviklet en fullverdig web-applikasjon for ...
    • Internutleie - Communicate 

      Hansen, June Veronica Einarsen; Hjelle, Sindre Opskar; Næsvold, Leif Torbjørn (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Teknologi åpner muligheter for automatisering av arbeidsprosesser som tidligere har vært manuelle, noe som kan være med på å effektivisere bedrifter. I denne oppgaven har vi utviklet en fullverdig web-applikasjon for ...
    • Interoperability at the Application Layer in the Internet of Things 

      Oen, Hilde Marita (Master thesis, 2015)
      The Internet of Things consists of heterogeneous devices from a range of uncoordinated vendors, and this causes an interoperability problem. This thesis studies potential solutions to these challenges on the application ...