• Uniqueness and properties of distributional solutions of nonlocal equations of porous medium type 

      del Teso, Félix; Endal, Jørgen; Jakobsen, Espen Robstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      We study the uniqueness, existence, and properties of bounded distributional solutions of the initial value problem for the anomalous diffusion equation ∂tu−Lμ[φ(u)]=0. Here Lμ can be any nonlocal symmetric degenerate ...
    • Uniqueness of conservative solutions for the Hunter–Saxton equation 

      Grunert, Katrin; Holden, Helge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      We show that the Hunter–Saxton equation ut+uux=14(∫x−∞dμ(t,z)−∫∞xdμ(t,z)) and μt+(uμ)x=0 has a unique, global, weak, and conservative solution (u,μ) of the Cauchy problem on the line.
    • Unit Testing with TDD in JavaScript 

      Kleivane, Tine Flåten (Master thesis, 2011)
      JavaScript has gained increased usage and attention the last years, but development and testing methods is still lagging behind.To mitigate some of these issues, this thesis brings together unit testing and JavaScript, ...
    • Unit-based Short-term Hydro Scheduling in Competitive Electricity Markets 

      Skjelbred, Hans Ivar (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:211, Doctoral thesis, 2019)
    • Unit-Selection Based Facial Video Manipulation Detection 

      Nielsen, Thomas; Khodabakhsh, Ali; Busch, Christoph (Chapter, 2020)
      Advancements in video synthesis technology have caused major concerns over the authenticity of audio-visual content. A video manipulation method that is often overlooked is inter-frame forgery, in which segments (or units) ...
    • Uniting Music and Painted Art Using Emotion Categories and Metadata 

      Langvik, Hedda Mathilde Sæther (Master thesis, 2022)
      Kunst i form av lyd kan fremprovosere audiell stimulus og visuell kunst kan provosere frem visuell stimulus. Begge disse typene av stimuli kan fremkalle følelser hos den som lytter eller observerer. Å se på malerier mens ...
    • Unity Game Development and Version Control Systems 

      Broen, Ingvild; Oseberg, Eirik Nicolai Ottesen; Ovesen, Eirik (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      I spillutviklingsbransjen er Unity en stor spiller. De tilbyr avanserte redigeringsfunksjoner, multiplattformstøtte og en solid spillmotor, har blitt en foretrukket teknologi blant utviklere, og har gjort sitt preg på ...
    • A universal automatic and self-powered gate driver power supply for normally-ON SiC JFETs 

      Giannakis, Andreas; Peftitsis, Dimosthenis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Normally-ON silicon carbide junction-field-effect transistors have a simple design and exhibit advantageous performance in terms of losses, elevated junction temperatures and high switching frequencies. However, under a ...
    • Universal Design Approaches among Norwegian Experts 

      Begnum, Miriam E. Nes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This study addresses a need for a better understanding of methodological decisions in universal design (UD) of ICT systems. Practices employed by recognized Norwegian professionals on UD of ICT systems are studied through ...
    • Universal Design of Electronic Forms for Mobile Phones: Accommodating the Cognitively Disabled 

      Flaten, Ragnhild (Master thesis, 2007)
      Mobile phones are increasingly becoming common property, which we carry with us practically all of the time. Self-services are also becoming more and more common. Along with the self-service society comes the need to access ...
    • Universal Identity 

      Gukild, Glenn De Arruda Camara (Master thesis, 2014)
      An identity is defined as "a set of attributes relating to an entity". One entity is distinguishable from another entity on the basis of its attributes within a context. "Black hair", "glasses" and "male" are attributes ...
    • Universal Programmable State Machine 

      Steensland, Asbjørn (Master thesis, 2019)
      Tilstandsmaskiner (FSM-er) blir utstrakt brukt i digital maskinvaredesign. Ettersom markedet for integrerte kretser og brikke-systemer er økende m ̊a designene følge etter. FSM-er blir ofte spesiallaget og hardkodet for ...
    • Universal Zero Dynamics: The SISO Case 

      Ebrahimi-Fard, Kurusch; Gray, W. Steven; Schmeding, Alexander (Chapter, 2021)
      Given a single-input, single-output (SISO) system with a Chen-Fliess series representation whose generating series has a well defined relative degree, it is shown that there is a notion of universal zero dynamics that ...
    • Universality and distribution of zeros and poles of some zeta functions 

      Seip, Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This paper studies zeta functions of the form P∞ n=1 χ(n)n −s , with χ a completely multiplicative function taking only unimodular values. We denote by σ(χ) the infimum of those α such that the Dirichlet series P∞ n=1 χ(n)n ...
    • Universality of Evolved Cellular Automata in-Materio 

      Nichele, Stefano; Farstad, Sigve Sebastian; Tufte, Gunnar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Evolution-in-Materio (EIM) is a method of using artificial evolution to exploit physical properties of materials for computation. It has previously been successfully used to evolve a multitude of different computational ...
    • Universell utforming av nettbaserte tjenester: En evaluering med funksjonshemmede brukere 

      Rømen, Dagfinn (Master thesis, 2008)
      Med utgangspunkt i Norge.nos kvalitetsmerking, er det blitt testet to kommunale nettsteder gjennom en serie med brukbarhetstester, bestående av en gruppe funksjonshemmede brukere, samt en kontrollgruppe. Funn ene fra ...
    • University students’ learning approaches: An adaptation of the revised two-factor study process questionnaire to Norwegian 

      Zakariya, Yusuf F.; Bjørkestøl, Kirsten; Nilsen, Hans Kristian; Goodchild, Simon; Lorås, Madeleine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper reports a Norwegian validation study of a widely used instrument to measure students’ approaches to learning, namely, Bigg’s revised two-factor study process questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F). Its cultural sensitivity ...
    • UniVRsity - Et Virtuelt Universitet 

      Aarstrand, Sindre (Master thesis, 2019)
      Virtuell virkelighet(VR) er en "blomstrende" teknologi. Maskinvare ble for første gang tilgjengelig for konsumere i 2016, og flere store selskaper investerer mye for å forbedre disse teknologiene, i tillegg til å senke ...
    • Unleashing the Potential of AI-Driven Digital Twins: A Framework for Research using a Sensor-Enhanced Greenhouse 

      Bruaset, Endre; Skare, Kristoffer (Master thesis, 2023)
      I løpet av de siste årene har store fremskritt blitt gjort innen kunstig intelligens, datamaskiners beregningskraft og tilgjengelighet på informasjon. Utviklingen av digitale tvillinger har derfor skutt fart, men konseptet ...
    • Unleashing the Potential of AI-Driven Digital Twins: A Framework for Research using a Sensor-Enhanced Greenhouse 

      Bruaset, Endre; Skare, Kristoffer (Master thesis, 2023)
      I løpet av de siste årene har store fremskritt blitt gjort innen kunstig intelligens, datamaskiners beregningskraft og tilgjengelighet på informasjon. Utviklingen av digitale tvillinger har derfor skutt fart, men konseptet ...