• Topological Defects and Dipolar Magnetism in Magnetic Nanostructures 

      Slöetjes, Samuel Dingeman (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:69, Doctoral thesis, 2020)
      In this work, magnetism in micro- and nanoscale magnetic structures has been explored. We focus on two different topics, topological defects and dipolar magnetism. As a model system for the study of interacting topological ...
    • Topological Detection in Spatially and Directionally Tuned Neural Network Activity 

      Hermansen, Erik (Master thesis, 2017)
      Persistent homology has become the main tool in topological data analysis, using methods from algebraic topology to describe the underlying space of data sets. In this thesis, persistent homology is used to detect topological ...
    • Topological Dynamics and Algebra in the Spectrum of L infinity of a locally compact Group: With Application to Crossed Products 

      Norling, Magnus Dahler (Master thesis, 2009)
      In this text, I will look at some new approaches that may shed some light on the Kadison Singer problem, mainly one instigated by Vern Paulsen using dynamical systems in the Stone-Cech compactification of a discrete group. ...
    • Topological freeness for C*-correspondences 

      Carlsen, Toke; Kwasniewski, Bartosz K.; Ortega Esparza, Eduardo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      We study conditions that ensure uniqueness theorems of Cuntz–Krieger type for relative Cuntz–Pimsner algebras associated to a ⁎-correspondence X over a ⁎-algebra A. We give general sufficient conditions phrased in terms ...
    • Topological full groups of ample groupoids with applications to graph algebras 

      Ortega Esparza, Eduardo; Nyland, Petter Kjeverud (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      We study the topological full group of ample groupoids over locally compact spaces. We extend Matui’s definition of the topological full group from the compact to the locally compact case. We provide two general classes ...
    • Topological full groups of ample groupoids with applications to graph algebras 

      Nyland, Petter Kjeverud; Ortega Esparza, Eduardo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      We study the topological full group of ample groupoids over locally compact spaces. We extend Matui’s definition of the topological full group from the compact to the locally compact case. We provide two general classes ...
    • The topological nilpotence degree of a Noetherian unstable algebra 

      Heard, Drew Kenneth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We investigate the topological nilpotence degree, in the sense of Henn–Lannes–Schwartz, of a connected Noetherian unstable algebra R. When R is the mod p cohomology ring of a compact Lie group, Kuhn showed how this invariant ...
    • Topological Quantum Computation 

      Ruud, Håkon (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Quantum computation is a proposed model of computation that applies quantum mechanics to perform information processing and store information in quantum states. Quantum mechanics applies for many different phenomena, ...
    • Topological Quantum Field Theory 

      Spreemann, Gard (Master thesis, 2009)
    • A topological splitting of the space of meromorphic germs in several variables and continuous evaluators 

      Dahmen, Rafael; Paycha, Sylvie; Schmeding, Alexander (Journal article, 2024)
      We prove a topological decomposition of the space of meromorphic germs at zero in several variables with prescribed linear poles as a sum of spaces of holomorphic and polar germs. Evaluating the resulting holomorphic ...
    • Topologisk dataanalyse på konvolusjonelle nevrale nettverk 

      Larsen, Tor Erik (Master thesis, 2020)
      I denne oppgaven presenteres et forsøk på å gjenskape den såkalte primærsirkelen av pikselmatriser i vektorrommet av vekter i et konvolusjonelt nevralt nettverk (CNN) trent på et bildedatasett, ved hjelp av åpen kildekode ...
    • Topologiske kvantefeltteoriar og koplingar til kommutative frobeniusalgebraar 

      Johnstuen, Håkon Skjalg Selland (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      I denne bacheloroppgåva utforskar me frobeniusalgebraar og finn ulike måtar å karakterisera dei på. Det blir gjeven ei innføring i orientert kobordismeteori, og kategoriane av frobeniusalgebraar og kobordismar definerast. ...
    • Topology and Data 

      Brekke, Øyvind (Master thesis, 2010)
      Today there is an immense production of data, and the need for better methods to analyze data is ever increasing. Topology has many features and good ideas which seem favourable in analyzing certain datasets where statistics ...
    • Topology and Data 

      Brekke, Birger (Master thesis, 2010)
      In the last years, there has been done research in using topology as a new tool for studying data sets, typically high dimensional data. These studies have brought new methods for qualitative analysis, simplification, and ...
    • Topology and Data 

      Hatlem, Hans Olav (Master thesis, 2015)
    • Topology and spatial-pressure-distribution reconstruction of an englacial channel 

      Piho, Laura; Alexander, Andreas; Kruusmaa, Maarja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Information about glacier hydrology is important for understanding glacier and ice sheet dynamics. However, our knowledge about water pathways and pressure remains limited, as in situ observations are sparse and methods ...
    • Topology Estimation in Powergrids 

      Risvaag, Andreas; Rasmussen, Kim Erling (Master thesis, 2021)
      Abstract will be available on 2024-02-09
    • Topology in WebRTC Services 

      Husøy, Tarjei Klinge (Master thesis, 2015)
      Bandwidth efficient, low latency, cheap - pick two. This has been the traditional trade-off for video conferencing providers, where the network topology has limited achievable performance in many conversation types. Consumers ...
    • Topology optimisation of Stokes flow 

      Bernstrøm, Erlend Hoff (Master thesis, 2015)
      In this paper we will investigate topology optimization of Stokes flow. We will construct two different algorithms for solving the problem. We will first construct the algorithms with using sobolev spaces. We will then ...
    • Topology Optimization for Unsteady Flow with Applications in Biomedical Flows 

      Hasund, Kari Elisabeth Skaar (Master thesis, 2017)
      In this thesis, we will apply a topology optimization method to unsteady fluid flow, using a density model and level set method, in order to optimize the shape of a coronary artery bypass anastomosis. The fluid movement ...