• Sustaining girls' participation in STEM, gaming and making 

      Katterfeldt, Eva-Sophie; Dittert, Nadine; Schelhowe, Heidi; Kafai, Yasmin B; Jaccheri, Maria Letizia; Gomez Escribano, Javier (Chapter, 2018)
      The fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), computer gaming and activities with digital technologies associated with the Maker movement are still dominated by a rather homogeneous group of (mostly white ...
    • SustainIT: A Collaborative Serious Game for Sustainability and IT 

      Myrvoll, Benedicte Helen (Master thesis, 2023)
      Bærekraftsutfordringene er av umiddelbar global bekymring, og informasjonsteknologi (IT) har en avgjørende rolle i å støtte bærekraftig utvikling. Samtidig bidrar også IT til problemene. Til tross for det stadig økende ...
    • Svake høyfrekvente elektromagnetiske felt - en vurdering av helserisiko og forvaltningspraksis 

      Alexander, Jan; Brunborg, Gunnar; Feychting, Maria; Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Gismervik, Svein; Haanes, Jan Vilis; Hamnerius, Yngve; Hannevik, Merete; Heimdal, Per Eirik; Hillert, Lena; Klæboe, Lars Hind Bakken; Kristensen, Petter; Moen, Bente Elisabeth; Oftedal, Gunnhild; Tynes, Tore; Langeland, Bjørn Tore (rapport Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt;, Research report, 2012)
    • Svartelistede arter i vegkanten 

      Lundemo, Malene; Hagen, Anders Lunde (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Gjøvik kommune er selv ansvarlig for å opprettholde naturmangfoldet, noe som inkluderer bekjemping av svartelistede plantearter. Kommunen etterspurte en løsning fra oss som ville forenkle registreringen og dermed bekjempelsen ...
    • Sviktmodell for krafttransformatorer 

      Furnes, Bjørn Tore (Master thesis, 2016)
      Arbeidet beskrevet i denne rapporten er utført i samarbeid med SINTEF Energi og forskningsprosjektet «Trafotiltak». Hovedmålet i SINTEF-prosjektet er å utarbeide et teknisk-økonomisk beslutningsverktøy for forvaltning av ...
    • Svært anstrengte kraftsituasjoner 

      Wethelund, Tord (Master thesis, 2007)
      Formålet med denne oppgaven er å vise hvordan tiltak som skal sikre det norske kraftsystemet i en tørrårssituasjon, vil påvirke den normale disponeringen av vannmagasinene. Den høye vannkraftandelen i det norske ...
    • Swarm electrification: Harnessing surplus energy in off-grid solar home systems for universal electricity access 

      Fuchs, Ida; Balderrama, Sergio; Quoilin, Sylvain; Crespo del Granado, Pedro Andres; Rajasekharan, Jayaprakash (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Achieving universal access to electricity by 2030, as set out by the Sustainable Development Goals, presents a significant challenge given the current rate of progress. A recent promising concept is swarm electrification. ...
    • Swarm intelligence in bio-inspired robotics 

      Berg, Jannik; Karud, Camilla Haukenes (Master thesis, 2011)
      In this report, we have explored swarm intelligence through a box-pushing taskwith physical robots called e-pucks. Research on social insects has been presentedtogether with dierent ways of controlling autonomous robots, ...
    • Swarm Routing in Information Centric Networks 

      Descamps Vilà, Adrià (Master thesis, 2019)
      The current Internet usage is changing, with an important increase in the consumption of content-based applications. However, the current host-based architecture is not prepared to integrate this amount of information. ...
    • Swarm-based information retrieval - Automatic knowledge-acquisition using MAS, SI and the Internet 

      Rykkelid, Håvard (Master thesis, 2006)
      In testing the viability of automatic knowledge-acquisition, using simple techniques and brute force on the Internet, a system was implemented in Java. Techniques from both multi-agent system and swarm intelligence paradigms ...
    • Swarm-based information retrieval: Automatic knowledge-acquisition using MAS, SI and the Internet 

      Rykkelid, Håvard (Master thesis, 2006)
      In testing the viability of automatic knowledge-acquisition, using simple techniques and brute force on the Internet, a system was implemented in Java. Techniques from both multi-agent system and swarm intelligence paradigms ...
    • Switchboard 

      Løvås, Tron; Nyen, Anders Flisvang; Aasen, Stig Rune (Bachelor thesis, 2013)
      NORSK: Switchboard-applikasjonen bygger på en eksisterende applikasjon utviklet av UNINETT. Applikasjonen brukes til å viderekoble innkommende samtaler til ønsket person via en Asterisk og Kamailio SIP server. Gjennom ...
    • Switching in multipliers 

      Kalis, Jakub Jerzy (Master thesis, 2009)
      Digital multipliers are an important part of most of digital computation systems, such as microcontrollers and microprocessors. Multiplication operation is a quite complex task, thus there is many different solution varying ...
    • Switching Performance Assessment of a 1.2 kV, 300 A, 175 °C All-SiC Half-Bridge Module Using Computer Tools - Investigation of the Impact of Internal Stray Inductance on Switching Behavior 

      Endalsvoll, Joakim Leer (Master thesis, 2017)
      In this thesis, a half-bridge module rated at 1.2 kV, 300, 175 °C A employing SiC MOSFETs and SiC Schottky diodes has been developed and evaluated using computer tools. The developed module emulated a commercial available ...
    • Switching sequences for non-predictive declutching control of wave energy converters 

      Garcia Rosa, Paula Bastos; Fosso, Olav B; Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Aiming at improving the energy absorption from waves, a number of studies have considered declutching control - a phase-control method that consists of disengaging the power take-off (PTO) system from the oscillating body ...
    • SWOOP: Software-Hardware Co-design for Non-speculative, Execute-Ahead, In-Order Cores 

      Tran, Kim-anh; Jimborean, Alexandra; Carlson, Trevor E.; Koukos, Konstantinos; Själander, Magnus; Kaxiras, Stefanos (Chapter, 2018)
      Increasing demands for energy efficiency constrain emerging hardware. These new hardware trends challenge the established assumptions in code generation and force us to rethink existing software optimization techniques. ...
    • swSpTRSV: A Fast Sparse Triangular Solve with Sparse Level Tile Layout on Sunway Architectures 

      Wang, Xinliang; Liu, Weifeng; Xue, Wei; Wu, Li (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Sparse triangular solve (SpTRSV) is one of the most important kernels in many real-world applications. Currently, much research on parallel SpTRSV focuses on level-set construction for reducing the number of inter-level ...
    • Sykepleieres bruk og ikke-bruk av pasientsignalsystemet ved St. Olavs Hospital: En sosioteknisk tilnærming. 

      Sund, Veronica; Hafredal, Monika Grimstad (Master thesis, 2014)
      Ved utbyggingen av nye St. Olavs Hospital i Trondheim, ble den leverte IKT-løsningen betegnet som Norges dyreste og mest kompliserte IKT-prosjekt. Infrastrukturen som ble implementert inneholder blant annet et fast og et ...
    • Sykling mot rødt lys i Trondheim 

      Rudolfsen, Andrea Randi Føreland (Master thesis, 2019)
      Denne studien undersøker syklister og hvordan de forholder seg til lysregulering ved kryss. To datainnsamlingsmetoder ble brukt til å samle informasjon om syklistene, både en observasjonsstudie og et nettbasert spørreskjema, ...
    • Symmetric Key Exchange with Full Forward Security and Robust Synchronization 

      Boyd, Colin Alexander; Davies, Gareth T.; de Kock, Bor; Gellert, Kai; Jager, Tibor; Millerjord, Lise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We construct lightweight authenticated key exchange protocols based on pre-shared keys, which achieve full forward security and rely only on simple and efficient symmetric-key primitives. All of our protocols have rigorous ...