• Contact-free reversible switching of improper ferroelectric domains by electron and ion irradiation 

      Roede, Erik Dobloug; Mosberg, Aleksander Buseth; Evans, Donald; Bourret, Edith; Yan, Zewu; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Meier, Dennis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Focused ion beam (FIB) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) are used to reversibly switch improper ferroelectric domains in the hexagonal manganite ErMnO3. Surface charging is achieved by local ion (positive charging) ...
    • Magnetic domain configuration of (111)-oriented LaFeO3 epitaxial thin films 

      Hallsteinsen, Ingrid; Moreau, Magnus; Chopdekar, R.V.; Christiansen, Emil; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Vullum, Per Erik; Grepstad, Jostein; Holmestad, Randi; Selbach, Sverre Magnus; Scholl, A; Arenholz, E; Folven, Erik; Tybell, Per Thomas Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In antiferromagnetic spintronics control of the domains and corresponding spin axis orientation is crucial for devices. Here we investigate the antiferromagnetic axis in (111)-oriented LaFeO3/SrTiO3, which is coupled to ...
    • Structure–transport correlations in Na11Sn2SbSe12 and its sulfide solid solutions 

      Ramos, Erika P.; Assoud, Abdelijalil; Laidong, Zhou; Shyamsunder, Abhinandan; Rettenwander, Daniel; Nazar, Linda F. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We report a new ion conductor—Na11Sn2SbSe12—as a possible candidate for a solid catholyte in composite cathodes for all-solid state Na-batteries, which exhibits a room temperature ionic conductivity of 0.15 ± 0.03 mS cm−1 ...