Institutt for kjemi
Recent Submissions
Lining materials for carbochlorination reactors
(Master thesis, 2024)Aluminium er et av de mest produserte metallene globalt, med mer enn 70 metriske tonn produsert i 2023. Hall-Héroult-metoden er mest brukt i dag, noe som resulterer i direkte utslipp av CO2-gass. Parisavtalen legger press ... -
Ultrasound enhanced diffusion in hydrogels: An experimental and non-equilibrium molecular dynamics study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Focused ultrasound has experimentally been found to enhance the diffusion of nanoparticles; our aim with this work is to study this effect closer using both experiments and non-equilibrium molecular dynamics. Measurements ... -
Microwave assisted synthesis of pyrimidinyl 3,4-dihydroquinazolin-2(1H)-imines - New compounds for biological evaluation
(Master thesis, 2024)Enzymet «nei like DNA glycosylase 2» (NEIL2) bidrar til reparasjon av oksidative skader på DNA. Mens NEIL2 kan begrense skader av inflammasjoner, viser undersøkelser, som denne masteroppgaven er basert på at hemming også ... -
Essential trace elements in Norwegian obese patients before and 12 months after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery: Copper, manganese, selenium and zinc
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Objectives: The objective of the present study was to assess trace element status in morbidly obese subjects before and one year after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) in order to identify possible deficiencies. Methods: ... -
Spredning av PFAS fra brannøvingsfelt i Longyearbyen
(Master thesis, 2024)Svalbard er en del av Arktis, og kan av den grunn bli sett på som et uberørt område der forurensning i stor grad skjer i form av langtransport. I Longyearbyen har det i nyere tid blitt sett nærmere på lokale kilder til ... -
Synthesis of 2-Chloro-1-(6-fluorochroman-2-yl)-ethanol: A Precursor for Enantiopure β-Blocker (+)-Nebivolol
(Master thesis, 2024)β–blokkere er en klasse av legemidler so hovedsaklig brukes til å behandle problemer relatert til hjerte og sirkulasjonssystemet. De fleste β–blokkere er typisk solgt som racemiske blandinger, og inneholder like mengder ... -
Mercury and selected trace elements in Arctic permafrost
(Master thesis, 2024)Arktis er svært sårbart for klimaendringer. Et varmere klima har ført til at permafrosten smelter, og dersom denne utviklingen fortsetter, kan det få alvorlige konsekvenser for miljøet og levende organismer. Permafrost har ... -
Estimating metastable thermodynamic properties by isochoric extrapolation from stable states
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The description of metastable fluids, those in local but not global equilibrium, remains an important problem of thermodynamics, and it is crucial for many industrial applications and all first order phase transitions. One ... -
Screening of Suspected Emerging Organic Contaminants in Terrestrial and Marine Sediments: Assessing Long-Range Transport Pathways to the Arctic
(Master thesis, 2024)Målet med denne studien var å identifisere hvilke grupper av nye organiske miljøgifter som kan påvises i sedimenter i Svalbard-regionen, sammenligne sedimentforurensning mellom marine og terrestriske miljøer, og vurdere ... -
Innovating Interdisciplinarity in Higher Education: Exploring the Impact of a Grassroots Community of Practice
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Skills in interdisciplinary collaboration are required to address many complex problems facing society. As such, interdisciplinarity is a critical competency for students to develop. However, teachers’ effectiveness in ... -
Global microplastic fiber pollution from domestic laundry
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024) -
Biotic transformation of methylmercury at the onset of the Arctic spring bloom
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Despite the lack of local anthropogenic mercury sources, methylated mercury (MeHg) concentrations in Arctic biota are higher than in biota from lower latitudes. The main entry route occurs during the bioconcentration of ... -
Study of Organic and Inorganic Pollutants in Soil at Brøggerdalen, and Comparisons of Pollution levels in Moss to Determine the Use of Background Areas
(Master thesis, 2024)The Arctic has for a long time been used for the monitoring of long range transported pollutants. This is because it has a low population and therefore a low local impact on the concentrations of pollutants, in addition ... -
An Orbital Invariant Similarity Constrained CC2 Model
(Master thesis, 2024)Med inspirasjon fra similarity constrained coupled cluster singles and doubles (SCCSD) modellen utviklet av Kjønstad og Koch blir nødvendige likninger for utviklingen av en similarity constrained coupled cluster modell på ... -
Study on the fate of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances during thermophilic anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge and the role of granular activated carbon addition
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Limited information is available on the removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in anaerobic digestion (AD). Τhe fate of six PFAS was studied in thermophilic bioreactors in the presence of granular activated ... -
Machine learning coupled with causal inference to identify COVID-19 related chemicals that pose a high concern to drinking water
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Various synthetic substances were utilized in large quantities during the recent coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19. Some of these chemicals could potentially enter drinking water sources. Persistent, mobile, and toxic (PMT) ... -
The effect of ultrasound on the synthesis of CuSAPO-34
(Master thesis, 2024)For å undersøke om ultralyd kunne forbedre krystalliniteten, overflatearealet og den katalytiske aktiviteten til CuSAPO-34, ble både konvensjonell og ultralydbehandlet CuSAPO-34 syntetisert hydrotermisk med krystalliseringstider ... -
A multiscale modelling of 2-aminoethanol (MEA) within the Python-ecosystem
(Master thesis, 2024)En multiskala modelleringsmetode har blitt brukt for å studere referansemolekylet, 2-aminoetanol (MEA), i "etter-forbrenning fangst av karbondioksid" (PCC), med håp om å øke innsikten i konformasjonsstabilitet, ... -
Synthesis, crystal structure and biological evaluation of N,N’-disubstituted guanidines
(Master thesis, 2024)Som del av et større forskningsprosjekt, var et av hovedmålene for denne masteroppgaven å syntetisere nye analoger av et «hit» stoff, med mål om å inhibere DNA glykosylasen NEIL2. Med bakgrunn i dette ble 17 N,N’-disubstituerte ... -
Thermal Driving Forces Across Membrane Systems: Energy Conversion and Water Purification
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:223, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Among the energy sources used to fuel our modern industrialized society, industrial waste heat is among the most abundant and untapped. Wherever energy conversion from high-grade sources occurs, a fraction of this energy ...