Browsing Institutt for fysikk by Journals "Optics Express"
Now showing items 1-20 of 31
Advanced solid-state lasers 2019: Focus issue introduction
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020) -
All-optical high-speed modulation of THz transmission through silicon core optical fibers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)High speed optical modulation of THz radiation is of interest for information processing and communications applications. In this paper infrared femtosecond pulses are used to generate free carriers that reduce the THz ... -
Anisotropic plasmonic Cu nanoparticles in sol-gel oxide nanopillars studied by spectroscopic Mueller matrix ellipsometry
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Broadened plasmon resonances of Cu nanoparticles in nanopatterned mixed oxide sol-gel nanopillars are shown to be readily detected by spectroscopic Mueller matrix ellipsometry. The plasmonic nanomaterials are obtained by ... -
Atmospheric dispersion management in mid-IR mode-locked oscillators
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The atmospheric dispersion in the mid-infrared transparency windows presents an important albeit often neglected factor when developing ultrashort-pulsed lasers. We show that it can amount to hundreds of fs2 in 2–3 µm ... -
Chaotic chirped-pulse oscillators
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)We present results of experimental investigation of the chaotic and quasi-periodic regime in the chirped-pulsed (dissipative soliton) Cr:ZnS and Cr:ZnSe mid-IR oscillators with significant third-order dispersion. The ... -
Chirped dissipative soliton absorption spectroscopy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)We present analytical theory of dissipative soliton absorption spectroscopy. A dissipative soliton formed in an all-normal-dispersion oscillator with a narrowband intracavity absorber acquires spectral features that follow ... -
Coherent octave-spanning mid-infrared supercontinuum generated in As2S3-silica double-nanospike waveguide pumped by femtosecond Cr:ZnS laser
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)A more than 1.5 octave-spanning mid-infrared supercontinuum (1.2 to 3.6 μm) is generated by pumping a As2S3-silica “double-nanospike” waveguide via a femtosecond Cr:ZnS laser at 2.35 μm. The combination of the optimized ... -
Degree of polarization of light scattered from correlated surface and bulk disorders
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Using a single scattering theory, we derive the expression of the degree of polarization of the light scattered from a layer exhibiting both surface and volume scattering. The expression puts forward the intimate connection ... -
Dispersion of polarization coupling, localized and collective plasmon modes in a metallic photonic crystal mapped by Mueller Matrix Ellipsometry
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)We report a spectroscopic Mueller matrix experimental study of a plasmonic photonic crystal consisting of gold hemispheroidal particles (lateral radius 54 nm, height 25 nm) arranged on a square lattice (lattice constant ... -
Effects of optical activity to Mueller matrix ellipsometry of composed waveplates
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Efficient half-harmonic generation of three-optical-cycle mid-IR frequency comb around 4 µm using OP-GaP
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)We report a broadband mid-infrared frequency comb with three-optical-cycle pulse duration centered around 4.2 µm, via half-harmonic generation using orientation-patterned GaP (OP-GaP) with ~43% conversion efficiency. We ... -
Efficient high-energy Raman soliton generation in a Tm:doped large mode area fiber amplifier
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)We report the Tm-doped all-fiber MOPA based on a LMA active fiber generating Raman solitons tunable in the range 1970-2300 nm directly from the LMA fiber. By tuning the chirp of the input pulse we reached more than 90 % ... -
Experimental and numerical studies of the scattering of light from a two-dimensional randomly rough interface in the presence of total internal reflection: Optical Yoneda peaks
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The scattering of polarized light from a dielectric film sandwiched between two different semi-infinite dielectric media is studied experimentally and theoretically. The illuminated interface is planar, while the back ... -
Experimental investigation of Gaussian random phase screen model for x-ray diffusers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The beam diffusing properties of stacked layers of diffuser material were evaluated experimentally and compared to a Gaussian random phase screen model. The model was found to give promising accuracy in combination with a ... -
Femtosecond SESAM-modelocked Cr:ZnS laser
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)We report self-starting femtosecond operation of a 180-MHz SESAM-controlled prismless Cr:ZnS laser around 2400 nm at open air and room temperature. Dispersion compensation was achieved by a combination of bulk materials ... -
Graphene mode-locked Cr: ZnS chirped-pulse oscillator
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)We report the first to our knowledge high-energy graphene mode-locked solid-state laser operating in the positive dispersion regime. Pulses with 15.5 nJ energy and 42 nm spectral bandwidth with 0.87 ps duration were obtained ... -
Graphene Mode-locked Cr:ZnS Laser with 41 fs Pulse Duration
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)We report the ultrashort-pulse Cr:ZnS laser mode-locked by graphene-based saturable absorber mirror. Using the combination of bulk material and a chirped mirror, we demonstrate the shortest reported so far mid-IR pulses ... -
High peak power and energy scaling in the mid-IR chirped-pulse oscillator-amplifier laser systems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The paper introduces a new route towards the ultrafast high laser peak power and energy scaling in a hybrid mid-IR chirped pulse oscillator-amplifier (CPO-CPA) system, without sacrificing neither the pulse duration nor ... -
High-resolution polarization-sensitive Fourier ptychography microscopy using a high numerical aperture dome illuminator
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Polarization-sensitive Fourier-ptychography microscopy (pFPM) allows for high resolution imaging while maintaining a large field of view, and without mechanical movements of optical-setup components. In contrast to ordinary ... -
Kerr nonlinear switching in a hybrid silica-silicon microspherical resonator
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)A hybrid silicon-core, silica-clad microspherical resonator has been fabricated from the semiconductor core fiber platform. Linear and nonlinear characterization of the resonator properties have shown it to exhibit ...