Now showing items 97-116 of 126

    • Population Balance Modeling of Agglomeration in Granulation Processes 

      Maurstad, Ola (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2002:38, Doctoral thesis, 2002)
      Agglomeration (the sticking together of particles) is often the major growth mechanism in granulation processes. The population balance equation (PBE) is a mathematical framework that is often applied to systems to describe ...
    • Probabilistic robust design of control systems for high-fidelity cyber–physical testing 

      Sauder, Thomas Michel; Marelli, Stefano; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Cyber–physical empirical methods consist in partitioning a dynamical system under study into a set of physical and numerical substructures that interact in real-time through a control system. In this paper, we define and ...
    • Probablistic Evaluation of FPSO-Tanker Collision in Tandem Offloading Operation 

      Chen, Haibo (Dr.ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2003:9, Doctoral thesis, 2003)
      Collisions between FPSO and shuttle tanker in tandem offloading operation have caused a growing concern in the North Sea. Several recent contact incidents between FPSO/FSU and shuttle tanker have clearly demonstrated a ...
    • Prosjekteringsledelse i byggeprosessen: Suksesspåvirker eller andres alibi for fiasko 

      Meland, Øystein H. (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2000:116, Doctoral thesis, 2000)
    • Quaternary geological Mapping of Fennoscandia and Nordland: Deglaciation, Deposits, Stratigraphy and Applications 

      Bargel, Terje H (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2003:40, Doctoral thesis, 2003)
      Quaternary geological mapping is performed by geological surveys in most countries. At the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), mapping of the surficial deposits has been one of the main tasks from the establishment of the ...
    • Random Field Models and near Well Reservoir Characterization 

      Røislien, Jo (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2004:64, Doctoral thesis, 2004)
      In Part 1 T-distributed random fields (TRF) are adressed. The main contribution of this paper is the introduction of a new, analytically tractable, heavy-tailed continuous random field model, namely the TRF model. In Gunning ...
    • Real-time reconfigurable devices implemented in UV-light programmable floating-gate CMOS 

      Aunet, Snorre (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2002:52, Doctoral thesis, 2002)
      This dissertation describes using theory, computer simulations and laboratory measurements a new class of real time reconfigurable UV-programmable floating-gate circuits operating with current levels typically in the pA ...
    • Real-time supervision of building HVAC system performance 

      Djuric, Natasa (Doctoral Theses at NTNU, 1503-8181; 1503-8181, Doctoral thesis, 2008)
      This thesis presents techniques for improving building HVAC system performance in existing buildings generated using simulation-based tools and real data. Therefore, one of the aims has been to research the needs and ...
    • Roller Skis Assembly Line Learning Factory – Development and Learning Outcomes 

      Ogorodnyk, Olga; Granheim, Malin Victoria; Holtskog, Halvor; Ogorodnyk, Ievgen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This paper describes the process of creating a learning factory based on an assembly line of roller skis used in order to enhance students’ practical and theoretical knowledge on topics of kaizen, waste types, efficiency, ...
    • Sand Erosion in Hydraulic Machinery 

      Thapa, Bhola (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2004:105, Doctoral thesis, 2004)
      The topic of this thesis is damage of hydraulic machinery due to sand erosion. This is a very broad topic in which all the aspects of design of hydraulic machinery namely material selection; mechanics of material and ...
    • Ships and sea structures with a hydrodynamic perspective 

      Faltinsen, Odd Magnus (Journal article, 2022)
      This article is about evolutionary design and freedom and is based on my new book, Freedom and Evolution: Hierarchy in Nature, Society and Science [1]. There is a lot to say about this broad subject, therefore I’ve reduced ...
    • Shock Tube Experiments on Nitromethane and Promotion of Chemical Reactions by Non-Thermal Plasma 

      Seljeskog, Morten (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2002:67, Doctoral thesis, 2002)
      This dissertation was undertaken to study two different subjects both related to molecular decomposition by applying a shock tube and non-thermal plasma to decompose selected hydrocarbons. The first approach to molecular ...
    • Silane Crosslinked Wood-Thermoplastic Composites 

      Bengtsson, Magnus (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2005:201, Doctoral thesis, 2005)
      Wood-thermoplastic composites are a more environmental friendly alternative for pressure-treated lumber but can also replace engineering plastic products. These composites have been on the market for more than ten years ...
    • Simulations of Turbulent Flow between a Rotating and a Stationary Disk 

      Lygren, Magne (Dr. ingeniøravhandling; 2001:12, Doctoral thesis, 2001)
      The main focus of this thesis is turbulent flow between a rotating and a stationary disk. The extension of the disks is assumed to be large enough to prevent the outer boundary conditions to influence the flow of the region ...
    • Slipforming of Vertical Concrete Structures. Friction between Concrete and Slipform Panel 

      Fosså, Kjell Tore (Dr.ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2001:61, Doctoral thesis, 2001)
      Slipforming is a construction method that has been used in several decades for production of concrete structures. It is a wide range of different structures that are slipformed, but typical are vertical structures such as ...
    • Sloshing in rectangular tanks and interaction with ship motions 

      Rognebakke, Olav (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 16, Doctoral thesis, 2002)
      Sloshing is a violent resonent free surface flow in a container. The main objective of this thesis has been to study sloshing in rectangular and prismatic tanks. The tank may be excited by a harmonic motion or it may move ...
    • Smart production planning and control; concept for improving planning quality with production feedback data 

      Rahmani, Mina; Syversen, Øyvind; Romsdal, Anita; Sgarbossa, Fabio; Strandhagen, Jan Ola (Chapter, 2023)
      Planning quality depends on the use of correct, accurate, realistic, and reliable planning data. Industry 4.0 has facilitated large-scale data collection from a variety of sources, including production feedback data. The ...
    • Staging for Creative Collaboration in Design Teams 

      Lerdahl, Erik (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2001:26, Doctoral thesis, 2001)
      Many design projects in industry require close collaboration between different actors in companies. Furthermore, due to globalisation and increased competition, companies have a growing need to quickly develop new innovative ...
    • Stiffened Aluminium Plates Subjected to Impact Loading 

      Hildrum, Hilde Giæver (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2002:69, Doctoral thesis, 2002)
      An experimental investigation has been carried out to study the behaviour of stiffened aluminium plates subjected to large mass (55 kg) projectiles in the low velocity regime. The stiffened aluminium plates were fabricated ...
    • Structural Behaviour of Post Tensioned Concrete Structures: Flat Slab. Slabs on Ground 

      Trygstad, Steinar (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2001:52, Doctoral thesis, 2001)
      In this investigation strength and structural behaviour of prestressed concrete is studied with one full scale test of one flat slab, 16000 mm x 19000 mm, and three slabs on ground each 4000 mm x 4000 mm with thickness 150 ...