Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Wangensteen, Sigrid"
Bachelor of nursing students' experiences of a longitudinal team training intervention and the use of teamwork skills in clinical practice—A qualitative descriptive study
Karlsen, Tore; Hall Lord, Märtha K Marie-Louise; Wangensteen, Sigrid; Ballangrud, Randi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Aims To describe nursing students' experiences of a TeamSTEPPS® longitudinal team training program and the application of teamwork skills in clinical practice. Design A descriptive qualitative design. Methods Overall, ... -
Cohort profile: Norwegian survey of health and ageing (NORSE)
Strand, Bjørn Heine; Skirbekk, Vegard Fykse; Langballe, Ellen Melbye; Bergh, Sverre; Landmark, Brynjar Fowels; Wangensteen, Sigrid; Selbæk, Geir; Kirkevold, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Purpose The Norwegian Survey of Health and Ageing (NORSE) was set up to provide internationally comparable data on ageing in Norway, which includes measured intrinsic capacity and cognitive function. Participants NORSE is ... -
Development of clinical competence – a longitudinal survey of nurse practitioner students
Taylor, Ingrid; Bing-Jonsson, P.C.; Karlemilsdatter, Elisabeth; Wangensteen, Sigrid; Sandvik, L.; Fagerström, L. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background In order to achieve a sustainable standard of advanced clinical competence for nurse practitioners leading to a credible role, it is important to investigate the development of clinical competence among nurse ... -
Experiences of the psychiatric specialist health services – The perspective of relatives of inpatients with severe depression
Kletthagen, Hege; Wangensteen, Sigrid; Hall-Lord, Marie Louise; Hedelin, Birgitta (Journal article, 2015)The aim of this study was to describe experiences of encountering the psychiatric specialist health services as a relative of an inpatient with severe depression. A qualitative and descriptive design using a phenomenographic ... -
Forskningsbasert undervisning i bachelorutdanningen i sykepleie
Berg, Geir V.; Hedelin, Birgitta; Johansson, Inger S.; Wangensteen, Sigrid; Østlie, Ingrid Landgraff (Høgskolen i Gjøviks rapportserie, Research report, 2009)I denne rapporten presenteres arbeidet med et utviklingsprosjekt i bachelor- utdanningen i sykepleie ved Høgskolen i Gjøvik, der målsettingen var å videreutvikle forskningens tilknytning til undervisningen. Hensikten med ... -
An interpretation of study programme leaders' mandates in higher education
Haugen, Kristin; Tosterud, Randi Beate; Wangensteen, Sigrid; Hoveid, Marit Honerød (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article addresses study programme leadership, a still-emerging phenomenon in European higher education (HE). Given its novelty, descriptions and insights into study programme leadership remain sparse. Therefore, this ... -
Karlsen, Tore (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:277, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Aim: The overall aim of the thesis was to implement a longitudinal team training intervention in bachelor of nursing education and describe students’ reactions to team training, explore changes in their attitudes toward ... -
Medication administration and interruptions in nursing homes: A qualitative observational study
Odberg, Kristian Ringsby; Hansen, Britt Sætre; Aase, Karina; Wangensteen, Sigrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Aims and objectives To contribute in‐depth knowledge of the characteristics of medication administration and interruptions in nursing homes. The following research questions guided the study: How can the medication ... -
Medication administration in nursing homes: A qualitative study of the nurse role
Odberg, Kristian Ringsby; Hansen, Britt Sætre; Wangensteen, Sigrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Aims: The objective of this study was to expand the knowledge of the nurse role dur‐ ing medication administration in the context of nursing homes. The following re‐ search question guided the study: How can the nurse role ... -
The Professional Nurse Self-Assessment Scale II – Translation and cultural adaptation for Nordic countries
Anåker, Anna; Fagerström, Lisbeth; Wangensteen, Sigrid; Andersen, Irene Aasen; Henriksen, Jette; Svavarsdóttir, Margrét Hrönn; Thorsteinsson, Hrund Scheving; Strandell-Laine, Camilla (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background: It is important to map the clinical competence of newly graduated nurses in Nordic countries. The use of a common Nordic instrument could provide insights into nurses' levels of self-assessed clinical competence ... -
The Professional Nurse Self-Assessment Scale: Psychometric testing in Norwegian long term and home care contexts
Finnbakk, Elisabeth Bell; Wangensteen, Sigrid; Skovdahl, Kirsti-Iren; Fagerström, Lisbeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Background Nurses’ clinical competence is vital to ensure safe and high quality care, and the continuous assessment of nurses’ clinical competence is of major concern. A validated instrument for the self-assessment of ... -
Prosedyrer til gleder og besvær for anestesisykepleieren Kvalitetssikringsstudie av intravenøs legemiddelhåndtering med noradrenalin: en observasjonsstudie ved tre anestesienheter med kvantitative data
Holmqvist, Tage Jonas (Master thesis, 2022)Hvert år rammes 37.000 pasienter ved norske somatiske sykehus av uønskede hendelser. Under anestesi skjer det uønskede hendelser og spesielt under legemiddeladministrasjonen. Alvorlige og uønskede legemiddelhendelser skjer ... -
A qualitative document analysis of national guidelines in Nordic nursing education using the European Federation of Nurses Associations Competency Framework
Eronen, Lotta; Strandell-Laine, Camilla; Wangensteen, Sigrid; Anåker, Anna; Thorsteinsson, Hrund Scheving; Svavarsdóttir, Margrét Hrönn; Henriksen, Jette; Fagerström, Lisbeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Initial harmonization has been found within nursing education in the European Union member states, but with a need for the establishment of further, well-defined standards. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze ... -
Reliability and structural validity of the Norwegian version of the TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire: A cross-sectional study among Bachelor of Nursing students
Karlsen, Tore; Ballangrud, Randi; Hall-Lord, Marie Louise; Wangensteen, Sigrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-04)Aim To test the reliability and structural validity of the Norwegian version of the TeamSTEPPS® Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire (T‐TAQ) among Bachelor of Nursing students. Design Cross‐sectional study. Methods Bachelor ... -
Reliability and structural validity of the Norwegian version of the TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire: A cross‐sectional study among Bachelor of Nursing students
Karlsen, Tore; Hall-Lord, Marie Louise; Wangensteen, Sigrid; Ballangrud, Randi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Aim To test the reliability and structural validity of the Norwegian version of the TeamSTEPPS® Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire (T-TAQ) among Bachelor of Nursing students. Design Cross-sectional study. Methods Bachelor ... -
Self-assessed competence and need for further training among registered nurses in somatic hospital wards in Sweden: a cross-sectional survey
Allvin, Renee; Bisholt, Birgitta; Blomberg, Karin; Bååth, Carina Barbro; Wangensteen, Sigrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background Professional competence and continuous professional development is essential for ensuring high quality and safe nursing care, and it might be important for motivating nurses to stay in the profession. Thus, ... -
Studenters erfaringer med tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring: Fra «prøvekanin» til pioner Students' experiences gained through interprofessional learning: from «guinea pig» to pioneer
Dolva, Anne-Stine; Johansen, Astrid Smedsrud; Lindstad, Marte Ørud; Martinsen, Frank Rune; Steinseth, Else Berit; Wangensteen, Sigrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Utdanningsinstitusjoner har ansvar for å utdanne profesjonsutøvere som er forberedt på tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid i sin yr- kesutøvelse. Det er behov for mer kunnskap om studenters erfaringer når ulike profesjonsutdan- ... -
The self-assessment of clinical competence and the need for further training: A cross-sectional survey of advanced practice nursing students
Taylor, Ingrid; Bing-Jonsson, Pia Cecilie; Wangensteen, Sigrid; Finnbakk, Elisabeth Bell; Sandvik, Leiv; McCormack, Brendan; Fagerström, Lisbeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Aims and objectives: (a) To describe and analyse advanced practice nursing students' self-assessment of their clinical competence and need for further training and (b) to analyse the possible predictive variables in their ... -
A work system analysis of the medication administration process in a Norwegian nursing home ward
Odberg, Kristian Ringsby; Hansen, Britt Sætre; Aase, Karina; Wangensteen, Sigrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Nursing home patients often have multiple diagnoses and a high prevalence of polypharmacy and are at risk of experiencing adverse drug events. The study aims to explore the dynamic interactions of stakeholders and work ...