• Analyse av bacheloringeniørstudenters opplevelse av relevans i et obligatorisk fysikkemne 

      Haugnes, Vegard (Master thesis, 2024)
      I dagens teknologiske samfunn, er ingeniører med tekniske ferdigheter veldig ettertraktet. Følgelig er forståelse av fysikk, en av disse ettertraktete ferdighetene. På grunn av dette vil man mest sannsynlig tenke at fysikk ...
    • Bringing pre-school playful learning to the university 

      Støckert, Robin; Thorseth, Trond Morten; Talmo, Tord Mjøsund (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The role and importance of playful learning in early children education is well documented through research, which examines the playful learning environment (PLE) and how to apply the correct pedagogy and methodology related ...
    • Influence of clouds on the spectral actinic flux density in the lower troposphere (INSPECTRO): overview of the field campaigns 

      Thiel, S; Ammannato, L; Bais, A; Bandy, B; Blumthaler, M; Bohn, B; Engelsen, O; Gobbi, GP; Grobner, J; Jakel, E; Junkermann, W; Kazadzis, S; Kift, R; Kjeldstad, Berit Johanne; Kouremeti, N; Kylling, A; Mayer, B; Monks, PS; Reeves, CE; Schallhart, B; Scheirer, R; Schmidt, S; Schmitt, R; Schreder, J; Silbernagl, R; Topaloglou, C; Thorseth, Trond Morten; Webb, Ann; Wendisch, M; Werle, Peter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      Ultraviolet radiation is the key factor driving tropospheric photochemistry. It is strongly modulated by clouds and aerosols. A quantitative understanding of the radiation field and its effect on photochemistry is thus ...
    • Making Sense Of Text Responses - The Sequel 

      Stoica, George Adrian; Thorseth, Trond Morten; Talmo, Tord Mjøsund (Journal article, 2017)
      Lectures can be made more engaging and interactive through response technology. While dealing with answers from multiple choice question is quite easy, the open text questions prove to be much more challenging. This ...
    • Meaning Making Through Use of Interactive Whiteboards During Physics Group Work: A Case Study from Engineering Education 

      Mellingsæter, Magnus Strøm (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2014:148, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
      This thesis investigates physics group work among engineering students. A case study is presented, in which first-year engineering students attended physics group work as part of a basic physics course. Each student group ...
    • Numeriske metoder og programmering i fysikk 1 

      Skøien, Johanna Xiaoli (Master thesis, 2023)
      Med fagfornyelsen ble det vedtatt at norske fysikkelever skal arbeide mer digitalt. Denne digitaliseringen kommer spesielt til syne i fysikk 1 gjennom kompetansemålet: «… eleven skal kunne bruke numeriske metoder og ...
    • Spectral actinic flux in the lower troposphere: measurement and 1-D simulations for cloudless, broken cloud and overcast situations 

      Kylling, A; Webb, AR; Kift, R; Gobbi, GP; Ammannato, L; Barnaba, F; Bais, A; Kazadzis, S; Wendisch, M; Jakel, E; Schmidt, S; Kniffka, A; Thiel, S; Junkermann, W; Blumthaler, M; Silbernagl, R; Schallhart, B; Schmitt, R; Kjeldstad, Berit Johanne; Thorseth, Trond Morten; Scheirer, R; Mayer, B (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005)
      In September 2002, the first INSPECTRO campaign to study the influence of clouds on the spectral actinic flux in the lower troposphere was carried out in East Anglia, England. Measurements of the actinic flux, the irradiance ...