Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Thornhill, Maria"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
Adsorptive retention of copper from acidic mine water at the disused sulphide mine at Lokken, central Norway - initial experiments using olivine
Kleiv, Rolf Arne; Thornhill, Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2004)This paper investigates the chemical potential of using forsterite olivine to remove copper from acidic mine water through the actions of neutralisation and adsorption. The study was initiated by The Norwegian Directorate ... -
Application of glucolipid bola-amphiboles biosurfactant in mineral processing
Dhar, Priyanka; Chernyshova, Irina; Thornhill, Maria; Roelants, Sophie; Soetaert, Wim; Kota, Hanumantha Rao (Chapter, 2021)Yeast-derived amphiboles have attracted considerable attention for their applications in various industrial sectors. However, only a few studies on this class of surfactant have been reported to be relevant to mineral ... -
Bergverk og avgangsdeponering: Status, miljøutfordringer og kunnskapsbehov (TA-nummer 2715/2010)
Iversen, Eigil rune; Kristensen, Torstein; Aanes, Karl Jan; Fosså, Jan helge; van der Meeren, Terje; Jensen, Tor; Rye, Henrik; Løkeland, Mads; Thornhill, Maria; Bøe, Reidulv; Dekko, Trygve; Dalen, Marius; Sørby, Harald; Storbraaten, Glenn; Braastad, Grethe (Research report, 2010)Det er gjort en sammenstilling av vårt erfaringsgrunnlag når det gjelder deponering av gråberg og avgang og miljøvurderinger knyttet til bergindustriens bruk av kjemikalier. Det er tatt utgangspunkt i nasjonale og ... -
Comparison of single and mixed reagent systems for flotation of copper sulphides from Nussir ore
Dhar, Priyanka; Thornhill, Maria; Kota, Hanumantha Rao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The present study investigates the application of thiol collectors and their mixtures on the flotation of copper-silver-gold minerals from a new copper mine located in northern Norway. The copper minerals (chalcopyrite, ... -
Deep-Sea Mining–A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Focus, Publishing Structures, International and Inter-Institutional Cooperation
Kleiv, Rolf Arne; Thornhill, Maria (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Deep-sea mining is a multidimensional concept that requires interdisciplinary research and development to close the current knowledge gaps. This study conducts a bibliometric analysis of the research focus, publishing ... -
The effect of mechanical activation in the production of olivine surface area
Kleiv, Rolf Arne; Thornhill, Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)This study investigates the effect of dry mechanical activation of olivine as a pre-treatment step prior to wet milling with respect to the production of specific surface area. Milling experiments combining the two milling ... -
En vurdering av forurensningspotensialet fra sulfidholdig gruveavfall fra Storwartz
Bryn, Mari Elise Furuheim (Master thesis, 2018)De siste årene har det vært økt fokus på å hindre forringelse av vannkvaliteten i norske vassdrag, som har medført økt oppmerksomhet på negative miljøkonsekvenser av nedlagt sulfidgruvedrift. Sur og tungmetallholdig avrenning ... -
En vurdering av forurensningstilstanden ved Røstvangen gruver - Undersøkelser av avrenningskvalitet og potensiell mobilisering av tungmetaller fra sulfidholdig avfall ved sekvensiell ekstraksjon
Bergli, Maren Møller (Master thesis, 2021)Forvitring av sulfidholdig avfall fra nedlagt gruvedrift kan forårsake sur avrenning og omfattende tungmetallforurensning av nærliggende vassdrag og biota. Ved Røstvangen gruver, Tynset kommune i Innlandet, var det drift ... -
ETP SMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)
Nilsson, Katarina; Reimer, Wolfgang; Thornhill, Maria; Hollis, Julie; Marina, Cabidoche (Research report, 2023)Officially recognized by the European Commission in 2008, ETP SMR successfully combines interdisciplinarity and deep commitment from its members. Its significance is underlined by the increasing political and strategic ... -
Geokjemiske analyser av veltemasser på Løkken
Osmoen, Jon Aukrust (Master thesis, 2018)Sur avrenning med høyt innhold av tungmetaller, også kalt AMD (acid mine drainage) er et stort problem ved mange av Norges nedlagte sulfidgruver. Fenomenet er hovedsakelig forårsaket av forvitring av kismineraler. ... -
Investigation of copper recovery from a new copper deposit (Nussir) in northern Norway
Dhar, Priyanka; Thornhill, Maria; Kota, Hanumantha Rao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Norway has seen an upsurge of interest in exploiting its mineral deposits during the last decade. One of the major areas of interest is a huge copper deposit, operated by Nussir ASA located in the Repparfjord tectonic ... -
Investigation of Copper Recovery from a New Copper Deposit (Nussir) in Northern-Norway: Thionocarbamates and Xanthate-Thionocarbamate Blend as Collectors
Dhar, Priyanka; Thornhill, Maria; Kota, Hanumantha Rao (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Norway has newly seen an upsurge of interest in exploiting its mineral deposits influenced by fresh Government focus and survey support for previously under-prospected areas. One of the major areas of interest is a huge ... -
Investigation of Copper Recovery from a New Copper Ore Deposit (Nussir) in Northern Norway: Dithiophosphates and Xanthate-Dithiophosphate Blend as Collectors
Dhar, Priyanka; Thornhill, Maria; Kota, Hanumantha Rao (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)he Norwegian mining industry is currently showing increasing interest in the production of metals. Recent research has demonstrated promising results identifying the high potential of the Nussir deposit for the production ... -
Linking molecular structures of yeast-derived biosurfactants with their foaming, interfacial, and flotation properties
Dhar, Priyanka; Thornhill, Maria; Roelants, Sophie; Soetaert, Wim; Chernyshova, Irina V.; Kota, Hanumantha Rao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Yeast-derived bola amphiphiles have attracted growing attention in various industrial sectors as green reagents. However, their physico-chemical properties relevant to mineral separation by froth flotation are poorly ... -
Mechanical Activation of Olivine
Kleiv, Rolf Arne; Thornhill, Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006)This paper investigates how mechanical activation of olivine can increase the mineral’s surface reactivity, and illustrates how such technology can give rise to new or improved olivine products. The olivine material used ... -
Novel reagent system in metal sulphide flotation
Dhar, Priyanka (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:214, Doctoral thesis, 2020) -
An overview of calcite recovery by flotation
Dhar, Priyanka; Thornhill, Maria; Kota, Hanumantha Rao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In general, precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) is used as amineral filler in paper industries; while natural calcite (CaCO3) ore is also suitable for industrial use if it is a finely ground high-grade material. Naturally, ... -
Predicting the neutralisation of acid mine drainage in anoxic olivine drains
Kleiv, Rolf Arne; Thornhill, Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2008)The precipitation of gypsum within anoxic limestone drains subjected to very acidic and sulphate rich acid mine drainage is a problem that can be prevented by initial neutralisation of the drainage using magnesium-rich ... -
Production of mechanically activated rock flour fertilizer by high intensive ultrafine grinding
Kleiv, Rolf Arne; Thornhill, Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2007) -
Purification of High-grade Calcite Ore by Flotation with Alkyl Diamines
Dhar, Priyanka; Thornhill, Maria; Kota, Hanumantha Rao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)A very high-grade calcite deposit located in northern Norway consists of CaCO3 ore with minor silicate and sulphide impurities. Cationic (Tallow-1,3-diaminopropane, Duomeen T) collector has been used in the purification ...