Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Stenseng, Frode"
''Å våge å være'' - Psykisk helse hos barn som opplever sosial engstelse og angst - en fokusgruppestudie blant lærere på barnetrinnet
Bjerkan, Ingrid (Master thesis, 2017)En økende oppmerksomhet på psykisk helse har gjort området til et ansvar for hele samfunnet. En god psykisk helse er grunnleggende for et hvert menneske - avgjørende for velvære og livskvalitet. Psykiske helseplager er ... -
Barn med foreldre i rusbehandling: En kvalitativ studie basert på intervju med foreldre om representasjonene av deres barn og relasjonen dem i mellom
Skjelten, Ingunn (Master thesis, 2013)Children who have parents with a drug addiction is the main issue in this paper. The importance of early intervention and further research into the topic of childhood-at-risk due to parental and family problems are also ... -
Barns seksuelle atferd - støtte det normale og oppfatte det unromale
Berge, Maria Chanett (Master thesis, 2020)Denne studien tar for seg hvordan seks ansatte i barneskolen forholder seg til seksualisert atferd og overgrep i dag i tre forskjellige barneskoler i Trondheim Kommune. Videre tar den for seg hvordan de ansatte kan jobbe ... -
Burnout and Subjective Perfomance Among Junior Athletes- Associations with Affective and Cognitive Components
Moen, Frode; Hrozanova, Maria; Stiles, Tore C; Stenseng, Frode (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The current study investigated associations between cognitive components such as psychological resilience and perceived stress, and affective components such as positive and negative affect, and athlete burnout and perceived ... -
Change in parenting, change in student-teacher relationships, and oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR): Testing a Gene-×-Environment (G×E) Hypothesis in Two Samples
Hygen, Beate Wold; Belsky, Jay; Li, Zhi; Stenseng, Frode; Guzey, Ismail Cuneyt; Wichstrøm, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Prior research suggests that parenting affects children’s relationships, including those with teachers, although there is variation across individuals in such effects. Given evidence suggesting that oxytocin may be ... -
The changing faces of autism: The fluctuating international diagnostic criteria and the resulting inclusion and exclusion—A Norwegian perspective
Chahboun, Sobh; Stenseng, Frode; Page, Alexander Gamst (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The common understanding of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has gone through a number of permutations since the first description in 1943. Throughout these shifting understandings, there have been a number of behaviors and ... -
Child exposure to serious life events, COMT, and aggression: Testing differential susceptibility theory
Hygen, Beate Wold; Belsky, Jay; Stenseng, Frode; Lydersen, Stian; Guzey, Ismail Cuneyt; Wichstrøm, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Both genetic and environmental factors contribute to individual differences in aggression. Catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158Met (COMT), a common, functional polymorphism, has been implicated in aggression and aggression ... -
Childcare Providers’ Nominations of Preschool Children at Risk for Mental Health Problems: Does it Discriminate Well Compared to the Caregiver-Teacher Report Form (C-TRF)?
Stensen, Kenneth; Lydersen, Stian; Stenseng, Frode; Wallander, Jan Lance Anders; Tveit, Håvard; Drugli, May Britt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Childcare providers are vanguards in identifying children at risk for mental health problems. Thus, the aim of the current study was to investigate the accuracy of childcare providers’ nominations of children at risk for ... -
The co-occurrence between symptoms of internet gaming disorder and psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence: prospective relations or common causes?
Hygen, Beate Wold; Skalicka, Vera; Stenseng, Frode; Belsky, Jay; Steinsbekk, Silje; Wichstrøm, Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Internet gaming disorder (IGD) is highlighted as a condition for further study in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM‐5). Some studies indicate that IGD appears comorbid with other ... -
De urolige barna
Bromstad, Ida Elisabeth Bye (Master thesis, 2021)Denne forskningen har som hensikt å skaffe innsikt i hvordan kontaktlærere motiverer elever med konsentrasjonsvansker og deres erfaringer knyttet til praktisering på småtrinnet. Et mål var å få et innblikk i hvordan lærere ... -
«Det er jo bare det jeg vil: kjærlighet, kjærlighet, kjærlighet» - En kvalitativ observasjonsstudie av følelsesregulering for de største barna i barnehagen
Sjømark, Merethe Aalton (Master thesis, 2020)Tematikken for denne studien omhandler omsorgsgiveres følelseregulering av de største barna i barnehagen, følgelig hvilke pedagogiske strategier som tas i bruk. Hensikten med studien er å gi innsikt i ulike måter å bedrive ... -
"Det er så viktig at man har venner og noen å være med, som godtar deg for den du er"
Sandmo, Benedicte (Master thesis, 2020)Studien tar sikte på å innhente kunnskap om hvordan selvregulering og relasjonsbygging blir arbeidet med i første klasse. Målet med studien er å få en bredere forståelse for hvordan fire ulike lærere støtter opp barns ... -
"Det som er utfordringen er at vi må finne ut all ting selv" - Friedreich Ataxia; en kvalitativ undersøkelse om hvilke erfaringer tre personer med diagnosen Friedreich Ataxia har å leve med den sjeldne diagnosen i Norge?
Sundet, Christin (Master thesis, 2018)I forskning kommer det frem at personer med en sjelden diagnose får en ekstra belastning i form av diagnosens sjeldenhet, som blant annet medfører mangelfull kompetanse i nærmiljøet. I denne studien ønsker jeg å få innsyn ... -
Does Mothers’ Mental Health Predict Children's Emotion Regulation and School Performance? Longitudinal Relations Through Ages 8, 10, 12 and 14
Risnes, Mona; Mikalsen, Nina Foss (Master thesis, 2021)Children need a secure and stable childhood in order for an optimal development across all stages. It is known that the mother or caregiver, the familial environment and the level of support stand as main mediators towards ... -
Does Mothers’ Mental Health Predict Children's Emotion Regulation and School Performance? Longitudinal Relations Through Ages 8, 10, 12 and 14
Mikalsen, Nina Foss; Risnes, Mona (Master thesis, 2021)Children need a secure and stable childhood in order for an optimal development across all stages. It is known that the mother or caregiver, the familial environment and the level of support stand as main mediators towards ... -
Does the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Programme Improve Child–Teacher Relationships in Childcare Centres? A 1-Year Universal Intervention in a Norwegian Community Sample.
Tveit, Håvard Horndalen; Drugli, May Britt; Fossum, Sturla; Handegård, Bjørn Helge; Stenseng, Frode (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management (IY TCM) programme has shown promise in reducing behaviour problems among high-risk children in childcare. However, at present, we do not know whether the IY TCM successfully ... -
Early detection of preschool children at risk for mental health problems
Stensen, Kenneth (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:144, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Tidlig identifisering av barnehagebarn i risiko for å utvikle psykiske vansker Denne avhandlingen omhandler identifisering av barnehagebarn i risiko for å utvikle psykiske vansker, nærmere bestemt barnehagelæreres evne ... -
Effects of a one-year coaching educational program on athlete perception of the coach–athlete working alliance
MOEN, FRODE; Haugan, Jan Arvid; Olsen, Maja; Stenseng, Frode (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Effects of Mentor Program for Coaches on the Coach-Athlete Relationship
Haugan, Jan Arvid; Moen, Frode; Østerås, Maja Gunhild Olsen; Stenseng, Frode (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Abstract: The present study was designed to explore the effects of a one-year coach education program on coaches’ perceptions of their communication skills and co-orientation of their coach- athlete relationships. The study ... -
Examining the Role of Self-Esteem on Coping in a Life Skill Intervention
Storm Myrmæl, Mari (Master thesis, 2020)Denne masteroppgaven søker å bidra til forståelsen rundt hvordan utdanning innenfor psykisk helse og livsmestring kan bidra til å øke mestringsfølelse gjennom bedret selvtillit. Intervensjonsstudien "Utdanning i Psykisk ...