Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Spigset, Olav"
Now showing items 1-20 of 93
Absorption and pharmacokinetics of bupivacaine after bilateral topical administration in tonsillar fossae for posttonsillectomy pain relief
Berg, Kristin Sandal; Seines, Ellisiv; Gál, Peter; Løberg-Emanuelsen, Lise; Stubhaug, Audun; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Spigset, Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)No previous studies have investigated the systemic absorption of bupivacaine when used topically for posttonsillectomy pain. The present study was undertaken to investigate the pharmacokinetics of bupivacaine after ... -
Academic detailing as a method of continuing medical education
Dyrkorn, Roar; Langaas, Harald Chr.; Giverhaug, Trude; Espnes, Ketil Arne; Rowett, Debra; Spigset, Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Introduction: Academic detailing is an interactive educational outreach to prescribers to present unbiased, non-commercial, evidence-based information, mostly about medications, with the goal of improving patient care. ... -
Academic detailing as a method to improve general practitioners’ drug prescribing in type 2 diabetes: evaluation of changes in prescribing
Langaas, Harald Chr.; Salvesen, Øyvind Olav; Dyrkorn, Roar; Blix, Hege Salvesen; Spigset, Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Objective To investigate the effect of an academic detailing intervention on the utilisation of type 2 diabetes medication among general practitioners. Design We developed an academic detailing campaign based on the ... -
Actigraphy assessment of motor activity and sleep in patients with alcohol withdrawal syndrome and the effects of intranasal oxytocin
Melby, Katrine; Fasmer, Ole Bernt; Henriksen, Tone Elise Gjøtterud; Gråwe, Rolf W.; Aamo, Trond Oskar; Spigset, Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background and aims The alcohol withdrawal syndrome increases autonomic activation and stress in patients during detoxification, leading to alterations in motor activity and sleep irregularities. Intranasal oxytocin has ... -
Adhd and mental health symptoms in the identification of young adults with increased risk of alcohol dependency in the general population—the hunt4 population study
Lauvsnes, Anders Dahlen Forsmo; Langaas, Mette; Olsen, Alexander; Vassileva, Jasmin; Spigset, Olav; Gråwe, Rolf Wilhelm (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Symptoms of ADHD are strongly associated with alcohol use disorders, and mental health symptoms attenuate this relationship. There is limited knowledge about how specific symptoms of inattentiveness and hyperactivity/impulsivity ... -
Adverse events with fatal outcome associated with alemtuzumab treatment in multiple sclerosis
Holmøy, Trygve; Fevang, Børre; Olsen, David Benee; Spigset, Olav; Bø, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Objective Sporadic fatal adverse events have been reported during treatment of multiple sclerosis with alemtuzumab. To provide a systematic overview, we searched the centralized European Medicines Agency database of ... -
Allmennleger og generisk bytte av legemidler
Bore, Sigrun (Master thesis, 2012)Bakgrunn: Ordningen med generisk bytte ble innført i Norge i 2001. Den innebærer at det i apotek kan byttes fra det legen har forskrevet til et generisk likeverdig legemiddel, og at kun det billigste alternativet dekkes ... -
Antihistamine use during breastfeeding with focus on breast milk transfer and safety in humans: A systematic literature review
Ngo, Elin Thuy Phuong; Spigset, Olav; Lupattelli, Angela; Panchaud, Alice; Annaert, Pieter; Allegaert, Karel; Nordeng, Hedvig Marie Egeland (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Current data on use of antihistamines during breastfeeding and risks to the breastfed infant are insufficient. The aim of this systematic review was to provide an overview of studies measuring the levels of antihistamines ... -
Antrasykliner og kardiotoksisitet
Lunde, Mats Joakimsen (Master thesis, 2013)Antrasykliner er blant de mest effektive cellegiftene som brukes i moderne farmakologisk kreftbehandling, og brukes særlig hos barn. Virkningsmekanismen er kompleks og ikke fullstendig klarlagt. Antrasyklinene brukes ... -
Association between low body weight and cytochrome P-450 enzyme activity in patients with anorexia nervosa
Sandvik, Pål; Lydersen, Stian; Hegstad, Solfrid; Spigset, Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Very little is known to which extent severe underweight could affect cytochrome P-450 (CYP) enzyme activity. In this study, 24 patients with anorexia nervosa at two occasions ingested single oral doses of five test drugs ... -
Association of Prenatal Ibuprofen Exposure with Birth Weight and Gestational Age: A Population-Based Sibling Study
Nezvalova-Henriksen, Katerina; Wood, Mollie; Spigset, Olav; Nordeng, Hedvig Marie Egeland (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Blood Glucose Control Using a Novel Continuous Blood Glucose Monitor and Repetitive Intravenous Insulin Boluses: Exploiting Natural Insulin Pulsatility as a Principle for a Future Artificial Pancreas
Skjaervold, Nils Kristian; Østling, Dan; Hjelme, Dag Roar; Spigset, Olav; Lyng, Oddveig; Aadahl, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)The aim of this study was to construct a glucose regulatory algorithm by employing the natural pulsatile pattern of insulin secretion and the oscillatory pattern of resting blood glucose levels and further to regulate the ... -
Changes in drug disposition of lithium during pregnancy: A retrospective observational study of patient data from two routine therapeutic drug monitoring services in Norway
Westin, Andreas; Brekke, Malin; Molden, Espen; Skogvoll, Eirik; Aadal, Marianne; Spigset, Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Objectives Pregnancy may cause changes in drug disposition, dose requirements and clinical response. For lithium, changes in disposition during pregnancy have so far been explored in a single-dose study on 4 participants ... -
Co-prescription of metoprolol and CYP2D6-inhibiting antidepressants before and after implementation of an optimized drug interaction database in Norway
Gedde-Dahl, Ane; Spigset, Olav; Molden, Espen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
A Compilation of Serum Concentrations of 12 Antipsychotic Drugs in a Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Setting
Jonsson, Anna K.; Spigset, Olav; Reis, Margareta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background: No comprehensive collection of routine therapeutic drug monitoring data for antipsychotic drugs has been published. Methods: In this compilation, data on 12 antipsychotics are presented. The drugs included ... -
Cytotoxicity and effect on wound re-epithelialization after topical administration of tranexamic acid
Eikebrokk, Tuva; Vassmyr, Brita; Ausen, Kjersti; Gravastrand, Caroline S.; Spigset, Olav; Pukstad, Brita (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background Topical administration of tranexamic acid (TXA) reduces bleeding from surgical wounds similarly to intravenous use, but with negligible risk of adverse systemic events. Topical use is expanding, but is ... -
Depression and antidepressant treatment in the development of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: Results from a prospective cohort study
Galbally, Megan; Watson, Stuart J; Spigset, Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are associated with longer term cardiovascular risk. Understanding if depression or antidepressant use in pregnancy is associated with HDP is important in identifying those ... -
Direct oral anticoagulant concentrations and adherence in stroke patients
Aakerøy, Rachel; Gynnild, Mari Nordbø; Løfblad, Lena; Dyrkorn, Roar; Ellekjær, Hanne; Lydersen, Stian; Helland, Arne; Spigset, Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)No therapeutic ranges linking drug concentrations of apixaban and rivaroxaban to clinical outcomes have been defined. We investigated whether direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) concentrations among patients admitted to ... -
Discrepancies in drug histories at admission to gastrointestinal surgery, internal medicine and geriatric hospital wards in Central Norway: A cross-sectional study
Sund, Janne Kutschera; Sletvold, Olav; Mellingsæter, Trude Cecilie; Hukari, Randi; Hole, Torstein; Uggen, Per Einar; Vadset, Petra Thiemann; Spigset, Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Objectives To compare discrepancies in drug histories among patients acutely admitted to different hospital wards, classify the discrepancies according to their potential clinical impact and identify appropriate selection ... -
Drug information centres and their provision of decision support: The Scandinavian experience
Schjøtt, Jan; Spigset, Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)What is known and objective Appraisal of drug information centres (DICs) is mainly by word of mouth communication and surveys of overall user satisfaction. Efforts to study the impact of this type of informatics and ...