Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Solem, Stian"
12-month follow-up of intensive outpatient treatment for PTSD combining prolonged exposure therapy, EMDR and physical activity
Klaeth, Julie Rendum; Jensen, Andreas Gjerde; Auren, Trude Julie Brynhildsvoll; Solem, Stian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background: Preliminary evidence shows promising treatment outcomes at short-term follow-up for intensive posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment, but long-term follow-up studies are sparse. This study is a sequel ... -
A comparison of the attention training technique and the mindful self-compassion program : a three week intervention trial
Varting, Grunde; Hallan, Håvard Engen (Master thesis, 2015)The Attention Training Technique (ATT) and Mindful Self-Compassion Program (MSC) are two promising psychological interventions for anxiety and depression. Metacognitive theory posits that an increase in attention flexibility ... -
A metacognitive model of alcohol use: A cross-sectional study examining the role of metacognitions and desire thinking
Janssen, Arne Garvik (Master thesis, 2019)Metacognitive theory has proven itself useful in the conceptualization and treatment of common mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. A growing body of research has demonstrated that metacognitive beliefs and ... -
A Metacognitive Perspective on Mindfulness: An Empirical Investigation
Solem, Stian; Thunes, Susanne Semb; Hjemdal, Odin; Hagen, Roger; Wells, Adrian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Background: The primary aim of this study was to explore how metacognition, as implicated in Wells and Matthews’ metacognitive theory of emotional disorder, might relate to the concept of mindfulness, and whether metacognition ... -
A Metacognitive Perspective on Mindfulness: An Empirical Investigation
Thunes, Susanne Semb (Master thesis, 2013)The aim of this study was to explore the differences and similarities between mindfulness and metacognitions, and to investigate how these constructs relate to symptoms of psychiatric disorders. The Five Facet Mindfulness ... -
A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing the Attention Training Technique and Mindful Self-Compassion
Bleie Haukaas, Ragni; Bondkall Gjerde, Ingrid (Master thesis, 2017)The Attention Training Technique (ATT) and Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) are two promising psychological interventions. Metacognitive theory posits that ATT should increase attention flexibility and reduce symptoms of ... -
A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing the Attention Training Technique and Mindful Self-Compassion for Students With Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety
Haukaas, Ragni B.; Gjerde, Ingrid B.; Varting, Grunde; Hallan, Håvard E.; Solem, Stian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The Attention Training Technique (ATT) and Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) are two promising psychological interventions. ATT is a 12-min auditory exercise designed to strengthen attentional control and promote external focus ... -
A randomized controlled trial of concentrated ERP, self-help and waiting list for obsessive- compulsive disorder: The Bergen 4-Day Treatment
Launes, Gunvor; Hagen, Kristen; Sunde, Tor; Øst, Lars Gøran; Klovning, Ingrid; Laukvik, Inger Lill; Himle, Joseph A.; Solem, Stian; Hystad, Sigurd William; Hansen, Bjarne; Kvale, Gerd (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background: The Bergen 4-day treatment (B4DT) is a concentrated exposure-based treatment for patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) delivered during four consecutive days. The B4DT has in a number of effectiveness ... -
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Metacognitive Therapy for Depression: Analysis of 1-Year Follow-Up
Hjemdal, Odin; Solem, Stian; Hagen, Roger; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Nordahl, Hans Morten; Wells, Adrian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper reports the 1-year follow-up results from a randomized controlled trial (RCT), which examined the efficacy of metacognitive therapy (MCT) for unipolar depression compared to a waiting condition. Thirty-nine ... -
Academic performance: the role of grit compared to short and comprehensive inventories of conscientiousness
Hagen, Fredrik Stølan (Master thesis, 2019)Grit is a relatively new construct defined as passion and perseverance for long-term goals. It has been presented as a predictor of academic and vocational success over and above previously established personality constructs ... -
An investigation into the relation between extraversion and passion in Norwegian-speaking students
Bakker, Sondre Johannes Hoel (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Forskningen på sammenhengen mellom personlighetstrekk og lidenskap er begrenset, og denne artikkelen hadde som mål å bidra til den knappe eksisterende litteraturen ved å undersøke sammenhengen mellom ekstroversjon og ... -
Associations between self-control and symptoms of anxiety, depression and insomnia
Bélanger, Sissel Marguerite (Master thesis, 2017)Self-control refers to a person’s ability to consciously manage his or her responses in order to achieve a wanted outcome, and can be regarded as a personality trait. Self-control has been shown to be important to a range ... -
Assosiasjonen mellom Helseorientert Ledelse og Lederens Mentale Helse: En Strukturert Litteraturgjennomgang
Graczyk, Maja (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Helseorientert ledelse (HoL) representerer en ledelsesstil som fokuserer på lederens og de ansattes engasjement i å fremme den mentale helsen på arbeidsplassen. Hensikten med denne strukturerte litteraturgjennomgangen ... -
Assosiasjoner mellom ulike typer Overgrep og Omsorgssvikt med Empati og Altruisme i Voksen Alder: En Strukturert Litteraturgjennomgang
Rekkebo, Jeanette Simonsen (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Hensikt: Formålet og problemstillingen med denne bacheloroppgaven var sentrert rundt å undersøke om det i litteraturen fremstilles ulike assosiasjoner mellom barndomserfaringer med distinkte former for overgrep og omsorgssvikt ... -
Behandlingseffekten hos Personer med Personlighetsforstyrrelse i Ordinær Poliklinisk Behandling
Høgåsen-Manshaus, Pia (Master thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Personlighetsforstyrrelse (PF) er en prevalent, varig og inngripende lidelse som er assosiert med negativ effekt på en rekke psykososiale områder, i tillegg til dårligere behandlingsutfall. Generelt har ... -
The Bergen 4-Day Treatment (B4DT) for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Outcomes for Patients Treated After Initial Waiting List or Self-Help Intervention
Launes, Gunvor; Hagen, Kristen; Öst, Lars Gøran; Solem, Stian; Hansen, Bjarne; Kvale, Gerd (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The Bergen 4-day treatment (B4DT) for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) was recently tested in a randomized controlled trial, where the results showed that the B4DT was more effective than a self-help intervention (SH) ... -
The Bergen 4-day treatment for panic disorder: implementation in a rural clinical setting
Eide, Thorstein Olsen; Hjelle, Kay Morten; Sætre, Ida Ueland; Solem, Stian; Olsen, Thorbjørn; Skøld, Rolf Olof; Kvale, Gerd; Hansen, Bjarne Kristian Aaslie; Hagen, Kristen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Introduction The Bergen 4-Day Treatment (B4DT) is a concentrated treatment with individually tailored exposure exercises. The format has shown promising results in the treatment of panic disorder. Aim The aim of the ... -
The Bergen 4-day treatment for panic disorder: replication and implementation in a new clinic
Iversen, Hanne Moe; Eide, Thorstein Olsen; Harvold, Mathea; Solem, Stian; Kvale, Gerd; Hansen, Bjarne Kristian Aaslie; Hagen, Kristen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Bergen 4-day treatment (B4DT) is a concentrated exposure-based treatment (cET), where the patient receives concentrated, individually tailored cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) during four consecutive days. ... -
The Bergen 4-day treatment for social anxiety disorder: a pilot study
Hansen, Bjarne Kristian Aaslie; Eide, Thorstein Olsen; Reiråskag, Marie Aaslie; Tjelle, Kristian August; Solem, Stian; Hagen, Kristen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background: Few studies have examined the use of concentrated and intensified cognitive behaviour therapy for treating social anxiety disorder (SAD). The aim of this study was to examine the feasibility of the Bergen 4-Day ... -
Bruk av antidepressiva i Norge - utvikling og forskjeller i alder og kjønn
Tallaksen, Emma Mathilde Ørgersen (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Bakgrunn og formål: Denne studien har som formål å undersøke utvikling, kjønns- og aldersforskjeller i bruk av antidepressive legemidler i Norge i perioden 2004-2020. Metode: Data er innhentet fra Folkehelseinstituttets ...