Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Schjølberg, Ingrid"
Now showing items 1-20 of 82
3D visualization of autonomous underwater robots
Sunde, Christian Heimdal (Master thesis, 2014)This thesis has an objective aimed to develop a functional real-time visualization of an underwater robot manipulator, and present the relevant theory and steps related to this system. Then the system should be prepared ... -
A Bayesian approach to risk modeling of autonomous subsea intervention operations
Hegde, Jeevith; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Schjølberg, Ingrid; Thorkildsen, Brede (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The introduction of autonomy in subsea operations may affect operational risk related to Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair (IMR). This article proposes a Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) to model the risk affecting autonomous ... -
A Survey on the Use of Advanced Underwater Robots in Future Operations
Fossum, Helene Hogstad (Master thesis, 2019)Formålet med denne oppgaven er å undersøke ansatte i havromsindustrienes holdninger til fremtidig utvikling av undervannsoperasjoner, med fokus på undervannsroboter. For å samle data ble det brukt to undersøkelsesmetoder. ... -
Acoustic-Based Probabilistic Localization and Mapping for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles in Aquaculture Operations
Sandøy, Stian Skaalvik (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:208, Doctoral thesis, 2020)The aquaculture industry needs automation to meet the world's increasing demand for fish protein. However, it is considered to be one of the most dangerous occupations in Norway due to the required amount of manual labor ... -
Adaptive sampling with marine robots: Applied adaptive and collaborative sampling for autonomous underwater vehicles
Mo-Bjørkelund, Tore (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:506, Doctoral thesis, 2024) -
Advanced Mission Planner for Cooperative Underwater Vehicles
Buadu, Stephanie (Master thesis, 2018)In later years, the complexity of underwater missions has increased, resulting in a growing interest in cooperative Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) systems. When executing a complex mission, cooperative systems are ... -
Aided Inertial Navigation of Underwater Vehicles
Stovner, Bård Nagy (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:96, Doctoral thesis, 2018)This thesis is motivated by cost reduction in subsea inspection, maintenance, and repair operations, which requires autonomy and automatic functionality in order to save time and money. Autonomy and automatic functions ... -
Applicability of current remotely operated vehicle standards and guidelines to autonomous subsea IMR operations
Hegde, Jeevith; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Schjølberg, Ingrid (Chapter, 2015)This paper employs a combination of literature review and case study methodology to assess the gap between current remotely operated vehicle (ROV) standards and future autonomous IMR operation requirements. With advent of ... -
Application of fuzzy logic for safe autonomous subsea IMR operations
Hegde, Jeevith; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Schjølberg, Ingrid; Thorkildsen, Brede (Chapter, 2015)Numerous technical and knowledge gaps pose challenges towards implementation of autonomous subsea intervention, maintenance, and repair operations. One such gap is related to development of methods for ensuring subsea asset ... -
Applying Machine Learning Using Custom Trained Convolutional Neural Networks on Subsea Object Detection and Classification
Breistein, Kasper (Master thesis, 2019)Med bakgrunn i aldrende utstyr på norsk kontinentalsokkel er behovet for inspeksjoner, vedlikehold og reparasjoner forventet å øke betydelig de kommende årene. Fjernstyrte undervannsfarkoster (ROV) spiller en vesentlig ... -
Attitude Estimation by Multiplicative eXogenous Kalman Filter
Stovner, Bård Nagy; Johansen, Tor Arne; Fossen, Thor I.; Schjølberg, Ingrid (Journal article, 2018)This paper presents a novel attitude estimator called the multiplicative exogenous Kalman filter. The estimator inherits the stability properties of a nonlinear observer and the near-optimal steady-state performance of the ... -
Autonomous Grasping Using Novel Distance Estimator
Skaldebø, Martin Breivik; Haugaløkken, Bent Oddvar Arnesen; Schjølberg, Ingrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This paper introduces a novel distance estimator using monocular vision for autonomous underwater grasping. The presented method is also applicable to topside grasping operations. The estimator is developed for robot ... -
Autonomous navigation of an ROV using tightly coupled integration of inertial and pseudo-range measurements
Seel, Katrine (Master thesis, 2017)Underwater navigation is one of the key issues that need to be addressed in order to make operation of underwater vehicles more autonomous. This thesis investigates two different methods for integration of inertial and ... -
Autonomous subsea intervention (SEAVENTION)
Transeth, Aksel Andreas; Schjølberg, Ingrid; Lekkas, Anastasios; Risholm, Petter; Mohammed, Ahmed Kedir; Skaldebø, Martin Breivik; Haugaløkken, Bent Oddvar Arnesen; Bjerkeng, Magnus Christian; Tsiourva, Maria Efstathia; Py, Frédéric (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper presents the main results and latest developments in a 4-year project called autonomous subsea intervention (SEAVENTION). In the project we have developed new methods for autonomous inspection, maintenance and ... -
Autonomous Technology for IMR Operations in the Norwegian Aquaculture
Haugaløkken, Bent Oddvar Arnesen (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:9, Doctoral thesis, 2020) -
Cable Selection Considerations for Subsea Vehicles
Nejati Fard, Razieh; Eidsvik, Ole Alexander; Tedeschi, Elisabetta; Schjølberg, Ingrid (Chapter, 2018)The aim of this paper is to present a methodology for selecting proper voltage level and power cables as a part of the AC distribution system design for subsea vehicles, such as Remotely Operated Vehicles, seafloor trenchers ... -
Constrained multi-body dynamics for modular underwater robots — Theory and experiments
Nielsen, Mikkel Cornelius; Eidsvik, Ole Alexander; Blanke, Mogens; Schjølberg, Ingrid (Journal article, 2018)This paper investigates the problem of modelling a system of interconnected underwater robots with highly coupled dynamics. The objective is to develop a mathematical description of the system that captures its most ... -
Deep Learning for Station Keeping of AUVs
Knudsen, Kristoffer Borgen (Master thesis, 2019)Denne oppgaven undersøker mulighetene for å anvende maskinlæring, mer spesifikt dyp læring, for å holde et autonomt undervannsfartøy i en fast ønsket posisjon (eng: station keeping). Dette er en videreføring av forarbeidet ... -
Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Controllers In Underwater Robotics
Kjærnli, Eirik F. (Master thesis, 2018)This thesis investigates the possibility of creating a controller for a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) using deep neural networks, optimized by either of the model-free reinforcement learning algorithms Deep Deterministic ... -
Deep Reinforcement Learning based tracking behavior for underwater vehicles
Khan, Abir (Master thesis, 2018)This thesis introduces the use of Machine Learning, specifically Reinforcement Learning, to create a model-free tracking property for Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV). In detail, the ROV is trained by a RL algorithm to ...