Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Preisig, Heinz A."
Now showing items 1-20 of 30
A Graphical User Interface for the Computational Fluid Dynamics Software OpenFOAM
Melbø, Henrik Kaald (Master thesis, 2014)A graphical user interface for the computational fluid dynamics software OpenFOAM has been constructed. OpenFOAM is a open source and powerful numerical software, but has much to be wanted in the field of user friendliness. ... -
Application of an ontology based process model construction tool for active protective coatings: Corrosion inhibitor release
Klein, Peter; Preisig, Heinz A.; Horsch, Martin Thomas; Konchakova, Natalia (Chapter, 2021)Ontology-based integrated materials modelling for an active protective coating system design is presented and applied to a practical example. For this purpose, an ontological methodology implemented using the ProMo (Process ... -
Application of Discrete-Event Dynamic Systems in Plant Analysis and Control
Thombre, Mandar (Master thesis, 2017)Chemical process plants typically follows continuous dynamics. However, for various plant operations like start-up, shut-down and maintaining safe operability, it is necessary to obtain information about the discrete state ... -
Bringing together materials and business ontologies for protective coatings
Natalia, Konchakova; Preisig, Heinz A.; Kavka, Carlos; Horsch, Martin Thomas; Klein, Peter; Belouettar, Salim (Chapter, 2022)This work discusses how to connect business decision support systems, implemented in terms of the BPMN and DMN standards, with materials modelling workflows. The suggested approach facilitates interoperability of materials ... -
Butanol production from lignocellulosic biomass: revisiting fermentation performance indicators with exploratory data analysis
Birgen, Cansu; Dürre, Peter; Preisig, Heinz A.; Wentzel, Alexander (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)After just more than 100 years of history of industrial acetone–butanol–ethanol (ABE) fermentation, patented by Weizmann in the UK in 1915, butanol is again today considered a promising biofuel alternative based on several ... -
CFD Simulation of Concentration Sensor
Gensor, Martin (Master thesis, 2016)This thesis deals with the CFD modelling of a NaCl concentration sensor, specifically its pressure drop, but also velocity and pressure profile. The main goal of the work is twofold: firstly, to confirm whether the simulations ... -
Dynamic modelling of a Hydrocracker
Leirpoll, Anders Tyseng (Master thesis, 2016)Different types of petroleum refining processes were considered to be modelled in the Kongsberg dynamic modelling software K-Spice. Multiple oil and gas processing units exist in the model library, which begs the question ... -
The Effect of Feeding Strategy on Butanol Production by Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 Using Glucose and Xylose
Birgen, Cansu; Markussen, Sidsel; Wentzel, Alexander; Preisig, Heinz A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)We performed fed-batch fermentations of glucose and xylose mixtures producing butanol. Our aim was to develop a feeding strategy for coping with carbon catabolite repression (CCR) and sequential utilization problems as ... -
Efficacy of a novel sequential enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass and inhibition characteristics of monosugars
Baksi, Sibashish; Ball, Akash K.; Sarkar, Ujjaini; Banerjee, Debopam; Wentzel, Alexander; Preisig, Heinz A.; Kuniyal, Jagdish Chandra; Birgen, Cansu; Saha, Sudeshna; Wittgens, Bernd; Markussen, Sidsel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Efficient production of sugar monomers from lignocellulose is often hampered by serious bottle-necks in biomass hydrolysis. The present study reveals that ultra-sonication assisted pretreatment following autoclaving, termed ... -
Experimental and Modeling Studies of Fermentative Butanol Production from Lignocellulosic Sugars
Birgen, Cansu (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:378, Doctoral thesis, 2019)The primary focus of the work performed and summarized in this thesis was to understand and improve anaerobic fermentation of lignocellulosic sugars for butanol production by Clostridia. Experimental studies form the basis ... -
Experiments on ion exchange membrane
Erstad, Ramn (Master thesis, 2017)To achieve the goal of increasing the amount of biofuels, esters with their acid and alcohol components made from lignocellulose can be a sustainable technology. The maximal achievable concentration of carboxylic acids ... -
Hazard and Operability Study by Utilizing Hybrid Automata
Mathisen, Bjørn Tore (Master thesis, 2014)The following thesis is the end of a five year master program at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, as part of the process eng. group at the institute of chemical engineering. Supervisor for the thesis has ... -
Kinetic Study of Butanol Production from Mixtures of Glucose and Xylose and Investigation of Different Pre-growth Strategies
Birgen, Cansu; Berglihn, Olaf Trygve; Preisig, Heinz A.; Wentzel, Alexander (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This study proposes a dynamic model that describes key characteristics of fermentative butanol production from glucose and xylose mixtures. The model has 12 parameters and incorporates noncompetitive inhibitory interaction ... -
Model-based characterization of mili-reactor
Vanek, Petr (Master thesis, 2013)This thesis focuses on development of a functioning, reliable and representative computation fluid dynamics model of milli-reactors in OpenFOAM in order to characterize them. Characterization and validation of the model ... -
Modeling and simulation of a membrane module
Galis, Michal (Master thesis, 2017)This work presents a way of simulating the operation of an anion exchange membrane module. A CFD simulation of this module was made in OpenFOAM software. The membrane module contains an ion exchange membrane and is used ... -
Modeling of a Hydrogen Refueling Station
Omdahl, Nina Helene (Master thesis, 2014)Gaseous hydrogen is one of several alternatives to fossil-based vehicle fuels. In order to establish hydrogen as a good alternative, it is necessary to implement hydrogen refueling stations that can compete with conventional ... -
Modeling the Growth of Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 on Lignocellulosic Sugars
Birgen, Cansu; Markussen, Sidsel; Wentzel, Alexander; Preisig, Heinz A.; Wittgens, Bernd (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)To our knowledge, this is the first growth model of Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 on glucose and xylose as representative lignocellulosic sugars, which considers the synergistic effects of sugars on the growth rate. ... -
Modelling a tracer injection and sensor manifold
Mekonnen, Abel Tenu (Master thesis, 2016)Results of the simulations showed that the conductivity sensor has a high pressure drop due to different cross sectional areas in some parts; the main effects are due to the rozita and cone part. Hence, there is a need for ... -
Ontology Design for Representation of mathematical Models
Elve, Arne Tobias (Master thesis, 2015)In this study, ontologies intended for structuring information of physical-chemical-biological processes has been presented. The ontologies was implemented in a tool, called the "Ontology Editor", that facilitate for ... -
Ontology-based Computer-aided modelling Tool
Roll, Sebastian (Master thesis, 2012)A long-lived software project for using the advantages of a computer in modelling of physical-chemical-biological processes has been under development by supervisor Prof Heinz A. Preisig. The software is designed to assist ...