Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Persson, Clas"
Anisotropic contribution to the van der Waals and the Casimir-Polder energies for CO2 and CH4 molecules near surfaces and thin film
Thiyam, Priyadarshini; Parashar, Prachi; Shajesh, K. V.; Persson, Clas; Schaden, Martin; Brevik, Iver Håkon; Parsons, Drew F.; Milton, Kimball A.; Malyi, Oleksandr; Boström, Mathias (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)In order to understand why carbon dioxide ( CO 2 ) and methane ( CH 4 ) molecules interact differently with surfaces, we investigate the Casimir-Polder energy of a linearly polarizable CO 2 molecule and an isotropically ... -
Casimir forces in a plasma: possible connections to Yukawa potentials
Ninham, Barry W.; Boström, Mathias; Persson, Clas; Brevik, Iver Håkon; Buhmann, Stefan Yoshi; Sernelius, Bo. E. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)We present theoretical and numerical results for the screened Casimir effect between perfect metal surfaces in a plasma. We show how the Casimir effect in an electron-positron plasma can provide an important contribution ... -
Casimir quantum levitation tuned by means of material properties and geometries
Dou, Maofeng; Lui, F; Boström, Mathias; Brevik, Iver Håkon; Persson, Clas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)The Casimir force between two surfaces is attractive in most cases. Although stable suspension of nano-objects has been achieved, the sophisticated geometries make them difficult to be merged with well-established thin ... -
Chemical stability of Ca3Co4−xO9+δ/CaMnO3−δ p–n junction for oxide-based thermoelectric generators
Gunnæs, Anette Eleonora; Tofan, Raluca; Berland, Kristian; Gorantla, Sandeep Madhukar; Storaas, Thomas Aarflot; Desissa, Temesgen Debelo; Schrade, Matthias; Persson, Clas; Einarsrud, Mari-Ann; Wiik, Kjell; Norby, Truls Eivind; Kanas, Nikola (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)An all-oxide thermoelectric generator for high-temperature operation depends on a low electrical resistance of the direct p–n junction. Ca3Co4−xO9+δ and CaMnO3−δ exhibit p-type and n-type electronic conductivity, respectively, ... -
Dispersion forces in inhomogeneous planarly layered media: A one-dimensional model for effective polarizabilities
Fiedler, Johannes; Spallek, Fabian; Thiyam, Priyadarshini; Persson, Clas; Boström, Mathias; Walter, Michael; Buhmann, Stefan Yoshi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Dispersion forces such as van der Waals forces between two microscopic particles, the Casimir-Polder forces between a particle and a macroscopic object, or the Casimir force between two dielectric objects are well studied ... -
Distance-dependent sign reversal in the Casimir-Lifshitz torque
Thiyam, Priyadarshini; Parashar, Prachi; Shajesh, Kuloth Vayalombron; Malyi, Oleksandr; Boström, Mathias; Milton, Kimball A.; Brevik, Iver Håkon; Persson, Clas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The Casimir-Lifshitz torque between two biaxially polarizable anisotropic planar slabs is shown to exhibit a nontrivial sign reversal in its rotational sense. The critical distance $a_c$ between the slabs that marks this ... -
Effect of excess charge carriers and fluid medium on the magnitude and sign of the Casimir-Lifshitz torque
Thiyam, Priyadarshini; Parashar, Prachi; Shajesh, Kuloth Vayalombron; Malyi, Oleksandr; Boström, Mathias; Milton, K. A.; Brevik, Iver Håkon; Forsman, Jan; Persson, Clas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Last year, we reported a perturbative theory of the Casimir-Lifshitz torque between planar biaxially anisotropic materials in the retarded limit [Thiyam et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 131601 (2018)], which is applied here ... -
Effective polarisability models
Fiedler, Johannes; Thiyam, Priyadarshini; Kurumbail, Anurag; Burger, Friedrich A.; Walter, Michael; Persson, Clas; Brevik, Iver Håkon; Parsons, Drew F.; Boström, Anders Mathias; Buhmann, Stefan Yoshi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Theories for the effective polarizability of a small particle in a medium are presented using different levels of approximation: we consider the virtual cavity, real cavity, and the hard-sphere models as well as a continuous ... -
Finite-size-dependent dispersion potentials between atoms and ions dissolved in water
Thiyam, Priyadarshini; Boström, Mathias; Persson, Clas; Parsons, Drew F.; Brevik, Iver Håkon; Sernelius, Bo. E. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)A non-expanded theory is used for dispersion potentials between atoms and ions dissolved in a medium. The first-order dispersion interaction between two atoms in an excited state must account for the fact that the two atoms ... -
Fluid sensitive nanoscale switching with quantum levitation controlled by a-Sn/b-Sn phase transition
Boström, Anders Mathias; Dou, Maofeng; Malyi, Oleksandr; Parashar, Prachi; Parsons, Drew F.; Brevik, Iver Håkon; Persson, Clas (Journal article, 2018)We analyze the Lifshitz pressure between silica and tin separated by a liquid mixture of bromobenzene and chlorobenzene. We show that the phase transition from semimetallic α−Sn to metallic β−Sn can switch Lifshitz forces ... -
Full-Spectrum High-Resolution Modeling of the Dielectric Function of Water
Fiedler, Johannes; Boström, Mathias; Persson, Clas; Brevik, Iver Håkon; Corkery, R.; Buhmann, S. Y.; Parsons, D. F. (Journal article, 2020)In view of the vital role of water, exact knowledge of its dielectric function over a large frequency range is important. We report on currently available measurements of the dielectric function of water at room temperature ... -
Ice particles sink below the water surface due to a balance of salt, van der Waals and buoyancy forces
Thiyam, Priyadarshini; Fiedler, Johannes; Buhmann, Stefan Yoshi; Persson, Clas; Brevik, Iver Håkon; Boström, Mathias; Parsons, Drew F. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)According to the classical Archimedes’ principle, ice floats in water and has a fraction of its volume above the water surface. However, for very small ice particles, other competing forces such as van der Waals forces due ... -
Lattice thermal conductivity of TixZryHf1−x−yNiSn half-Heusler alloys calculated from first principles: Key role of nature of phonon modes
Eliassen, Simen Nut Hansen; Katre, Anikta; Madsen, Georg; Persson, Clas; Løvvik, Ole Martin; Berland, Kristian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)In spite of their relatively high lattice thermal conductivity κℓ, the XNiSn (X=Ti, Zr, or Hf) half-Heusler compounds are good thermoelectric materials. Previous studies have shown that κℓ can be reduced by sublattice ... -
Lifshitz interaction can promote ice growth at water-silica interfaces
Boström, Mathias; Malyi, Oleksandr; Parashar, Prachi; Shajesh, Kuloth Vayalombron; Thiyam, Priyadarshini; Milton, Kimball A.; Persson, Clas; Parsons, Drew F.; Brevik, Iver Håkon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)At air-water interfaces, the Lifshitz interaction by itself does not promote ice growth. On the contrary, we find that the Lifshitz force promotes the growth of an ice film, up to 1–8 nm thickness, near silica-water ... -
Non-perturbative theory of dispersion interactions
Boström, Mathias; Thiyam, Priyadarshini; Persson, Clas; Parsons, Drew F.; Buhmann, Stefan Yoshi; Brevik, Iver Håkon; Sernelius, Bo. E. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Some open questions exist with fluctuation-induced forces between extended dipoles. Conventional intuition derives from large-separation perturbative approximations to dispersion force theory. Here, we present a full ... -
Nonperturbative theory for the dispersion self-energy of atoms
Thiyam, Priyadarshini; Persson, Clas; Brevik, Iver Håkon; Sernelius, Bo. E.; Boström, Mathias (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)We go beyond the approximate series expansions used in the dispersion theory of finite-size atoms. We demonstrate that a correct, and nonperturbative, theory dramatically alters the dispersion self-energies of atoms. The ... -
Orientational dependence of the van der Waals interactions for finite-sized particles
Fiedler, Johannes; Persson, Clas; Boström, Mathias; Buhmann, Stefan Yoshi (Journal article, 2018)Dispersion forces, especially van der Waals forces as interactions between neutral and polarizable particles act at small distances between two objects. Their theoretical origin lies in the electromagnetic interaction ... -
Premelting and formation of ice due to Casimir-Lifshitz interactions: Impact of improved parameterization for materials
Li, Yang; Milton, Kimball A.; Brevik, Iver Håkon; Malyi, Alexandr I.; Thiyam, Priyandarshini; Persson, Clas; Parsons, Drew F.; Boström, Mathias (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Recently, the premelting and formation of ice due to the Casimir-Lifshitz interaction, proposed in early 1990s by Elbaum and Schick [Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 1713 (1991)], have been generalized to diverse practical scenarios, ... -
Self-preserving ice layers on CO2 clathrate particles: Implications for Enceladus, Pluto, and similar ocean worlds
Boström, Mathias; Esteso, Victoria; Fiedler, Johannes; Brevik, Iver Håkon; Persson, Clas; Buhmann, Stefan Yoshi; Carretero-Palacios, Sol; Parsons, Drew F.; Corkery, Robert W. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Context. Gas hydrates can be stabilised outside their window of thermodynamic stability by the formation of an ice layer – a phenomenon termed self-preservation. This can lead to a positive buoyancy for clathrate particles ... -
The influence of Lifshitz forces and gas on premelting of ice within porous materials
Boström, Mathias; Malyi, Oleksandr; Thiyam, Priyadarshini; Berland, Kristian; Brevik, Iver Håkon; Persson, Clas; Parsons, Drew F. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Premelting of ice within pores in earth materials is shown to depend on the presence of vapor layers. For thick vapor layers between ice and pore surfaces, a nanosized water sheet can be formed due to repulsive Lifshitz ...