Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Nymark, Marianne"
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
A CRISPR/Cas9 system adapted for gene editing in marine algae
Sparstad, Torfinn; Sharma, Amit Kumar; Bones, Atle M.; Nymark, Marianne; Winge, Per (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Here we report that the CRISPR/Cas9 technology can be used to efficiently generate stable targeted gene mutations in microalgae, using the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum as a model species. Our vector design opens ... -
An integrated analysis of molecular acclimation to high light in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Nymark, Marianne; Valle, Kristin Collier; Brembu, Tore; Winge, Per; Hancke, Kasper; Andresen, Kjersti; Johnsen, Geir; Bones, Atle M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-11-03)Photosynthetic diatoms are exposed to rapid and unpredictable changes in irradiance and spectral quality, and must be able to acclimate their light harvesting systems to varying light conditions. Molecular mechanisms behind ... -
Cell death in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Szura, Kamil Piotr (Master thesis, 2023)Diatoméer utgjør en mangfoldig gruppe av encellede fotosyntetiske organismer med unike egenskaper som intrikate silicacellvegger og det gulbrune pigmentet fucoxanthin. Diatoméer representerer en essensiell del av fytoplanktonet ... -
Creation and preliminary characterization of LHCR6/LHCR8 single and double knockout strains of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Starheim, Eirin J. (Master thesis, 2021)Kiselalger er en gruppe eukaryote mikroalger som er utbredt i de fleste akvatiske habitater. Æren for den betydelige økologiske suksessen til denne gruppen kan i stor grad tildeles den eksepsjonelle lystilpasning-evnen ... -
Creation of activity of bc1 complex kinase (abc1k) knockout mutants to investigate their role in light acclimation in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Grov, Kristine Austlid (Master thesis, 2022)Kiselalger er encellede fotosyntetiske mikroalger med en viktig økologisk rolle på grunn av deres bidrag til primærproduksjonen. Marine kiselalger kan oppleve raske endringer i lysintensiteten når de befinner seg i turbulent ... -
Creation of Phaeodactylum tricornutum mutant strains with truncated light harvesting antennas through CRISPR/Cas9 mediated knockout of members of the CpSRP pathway
Hafskjold, Marthe Caroline (Master thesis, 2017)Production of marine fatty acids by diatom cultivation has previously been proposed as a way to create a new source of omega-3 to be used in aquafeed. However, low photosynthetic productivity of diatoms in mass cultivation ... -
The Development of Polydimethysiloxane/ZnO–GO Antifouling Coatings
Zhang, Xiaoxue; Årstøl, Erland; Nymark, Marianne; Fages-Lartaud, Maxime René; Mikkelsen, Øyvind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The development of antifouling coating for sensor is desirable because the biofilm can shorten sensor’s life and cause inaccurate reading. In this study, a facile one-pot reaction was used to synthesized ZnO–graphene oxide ... -
Engineering the microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum to remediate heavy metal polluted water: An attempt to increase its heavy metal tolerance and uptake
Kjønnøy, Christine Gerd Cooper (Master thesis, 2021)Tungmetallforurensning er et stort problem over hele verden og er et resultat av økende antropogeniske aktiviteter. Likevel, er de eksisterende teknologiene for fjerning av tungmetaller antatt å være dyre, ødeleggende for ... -
Functional studies and characterization of the light-harvesting systems of a marine alga
Flo, Snorre (Master thesis, 2019)CRISPR-Cas9 har vist seg som et verdifullt verktøy i gen-redigering av mikroalger. En problemstilling knyttet til Cas9-basert gen-redigering er at Cas9:guide-RNA-komplekset er promiskuøst, og kan kutte også på gen-lokasjoner ... -
Generation and Phenotypic Screening of Suspected ALB3 Insertase Interaction Partner Knock-Out Mutants by CRISPR/Cas9 in Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Holme, Jonathan Elias (Master thesis, 2023)Kiselalger er en gruppe encellede fotosyntetiserende mikroalger som finnes i marine og ferskvannshabitater. De står for en stor del av jordas primærproduksjon. I tillegg til å ha en viktig økologisk rolle, er kiselalger ... -
Genome editing in diatoms: achievements and goals
Kroth, Peter G.; Bones, Atle M.; Daboussi, Fayza; Ferrante, Maria I.; Jaubert, Marianne; Kolot, Misha; Nymark, Marianne; Rio Bártulos, Carolina; Ritter, Andrés; Russo, Monia T.; Serif, Manuel; Winge, Per; Falciatore, Angela (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Diatoms are major components of phytoplankton and play a key role in the ecology of aquatic ecosystems. These algae are of great scientific importance for a wide variety of research areas, ranging from marine ecology and ... -
Genome editing of diatoms using CRISPR/Cas9 technology - Creation of LPA2 and LPA3 mutant Phaeodactylum tricornutum strains
Grande, Silje Blikø (Master thesis, 2017)The diatom (Bacillaryophycea) Phaeodactylum tricornutum is a photosynthetic, unicellular eukaryote phytoplankton, living in freshwaters and oceans. Diatoms are nutritionally suitable as feedstock for the marine culture ... -
Genome editing of marine algae: Technology development and use of the CRISPR/Cas9 system for studies of light harvesting complexes and regulation of phosphate homeostasis
Sharma, Amit Kumar (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:160, Doctoral thesis, 2020) -
Investigating heavy metal tolerance in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Creating mutants of three putative metal transporters using CRISPR/Cas9 technology
Loriente, Andreas Holm (Master thesis, 2022)Sammendrag Industrialisering har gjort antropogen tungmetallforurensning til et globalt problem, da utslippet av disse elementene ofte representerer en alvorlig risiko for menneskehelse og miljøet. Til tross for at dette ... -
Investigating the photoprotective properties of marine microalgal pigments in skin
Gedde-Dahl, Amalie Sildnes (Master thesis, 2024)Eksponering for UV-stråling fra sol er viktig for menneskers helse og velvære, men er også årsaken til foto-oksidativ hudskade som resulterer i solbrenthet, fotoaldring og hudkreft. Marine mikroalger er en naturlig kilde ... -
Light responses in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Nymark, Marianne (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:378, Doctoral thesis, 2013)Marine diatoms fix more CO2 than all rainforest and have a fundamental role for production in the oceans and global climate. Almost all life on Earth somehow depends on photosynthesis fuelled by light energy from the sun. ... -
Loss of ALBINO3b insertase results in truncated light-harvesting antenna in diatoms
Nymark, Marianne; Volpe, Charlotte; Grønbech Hafskjold, Marthe Caroline; Kirst, Henning; Serif, Manuel; Vadstein, Olav; Bones, Atle M.; Melis, Anastasios; Winge, Per (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The family of chloroplast ALBINO3 (ALB3) proteins function in the insertion and assembly of thylakoid membrane protein complexes. Loss of ALB3b in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum leads to a striking change of ... -
Loss of CpFTSY Reduces Photosynthetic Performance and Affects Insertion of PsaC of PSI in Diatoms
Nymark, Marianne; Finazzi, Giovanni; Volpe, Charlotte; Serif, Manuel Philipp; Fonseca, Davi de Miranda; Sharma, Animesh; Sanchez Puerto, Nicolas; Sharma, Amit Kumar; Ashcroft, Felicity Jayne; Kissen, Ralph; Winge, Per; Bones, Atle Magnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The chloroplast signal recognition particle (CpSRP) receptor (CpFTSY) is a component of the CpSRP pathway that post-translationally targets light-harvesting complex proteins (LHCPs) to the thylakoid membranes in plants and ... -
Molecular and photosynthetic responses to prolonged darkness and subsequent acclimation to re-illumination in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Nymark, Marianne; Valle, Kristin Collier; Hancke, Kasper; Winge, Per; Andresen, Kjersti; Johnsen, Geir; Bones, Atle M.; Brembu, Tore (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Photosynthetic diatoms that live suspended throughout the water column will constantly be swept up and down by vertical mixing. When returned to the photic zone after experiencing longer periods in darkness, mechanisms ... -
Molecular and physiological responses to shifts in light quality and genomic editing using CRISPR Cas9 system targeting highly regulated genes in light response of diatom phaeodactylum tricornutum
Gebre, Dechasa Shitaye (Master thesis, 2016)Molecular and physiological responses to shifts in light quality and genomic editing using CRISPR Cas9 system targeting highly regulated genes in light response of diatom phaeodactylum tricornutum