Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Nordfjærn, Trond"
Now showing items 1-20 of 91
Aberrant driving behaviour among home healthcare workers
Nordfjærn, Trond; Nordgård, Amanda; Mehdizadeh, Milad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study investigates how job demands, such as time and work pressure, as well as fatigue and safety climate are related to aberrant driving behaviour including inattention, speeding, and driving while tired among employees ... -
Acceptance of disincentives to driving and pro-environmental transport intentions: the role of value structure, environmental beliefs and norm activation
Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In order to facilitate pro-environmental transport mode use it is important to promote acceptance for disincentives to driving and intentions to use public transport. The present study aims to investigate values, environmental ... -
Accident involvement among Iranian lorry drivers: Direct and indirect effects of background variables and aberrant driving behaviour
Mehdizadeh, Milad; Shariat, Afshin; Nordfjærn, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Road accident rates among Iranian lorry drivers are considerably high and, according to empirical evidence, aberrant driving behaviours, summed to certain demographic, psycho-social and work-related factors, may explain ... -
Active travel as a pro-environmental behaviour: An integrated framework
Zavareh, Mohsen; Mehdizadeh, Milad; Nordfjærn, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)A travel mode may be chosen due to its emotional appeal (affective motive) or to express social status (symbolic motive). Previous studies have overlooked the role of such motives in active mode use as pro-environmental ... -
Adolescents' Perspectives on Well-Being and Mental Health in the Flight Phase: A Mixed Methods Study With Syrian Adolescent Refugees in Lebanon
Ghebriel, Snit Hagosa; Telnes, Svanhild Amdal (Master thesis, 2019)The armed conflicts in Syria have caused the most extensive refugee crisis of our time, and a great proportion of the refugees are children and adolescents. This mixed methods study was conducted in Lebanon, and has aimed ... -
Analysis of Pedestrians’ Behavior: A Segmentation Approach Based on Latent Variables
Shoabjareh, Azamsadat Hosseini; Mamdoohi, Amir Reza; Nordfjærn, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Crash statistics indicate that the number of pedestrian fatalities has been increasing at an alarming rate in Iran. Crossing over non-designed places is a main cause of traffic crashes among pedestrians. This study aimed ... -
Arbeidsgiveres perspektiv på ansettelse av tidligere straffedømte
Aleksandersen, Hannah Mitlid (Master thesis, 2022)Introduksjon: Deltakelse i arbeidslivet antas å være en viktig forutsetning for en vellykket tilbakeføring til samfunnet etter gjennomført fengselsstraff. Dessverre er det et problem for mange tidligere straffedømte at ... -
Are Norwegian car users ready for a transition to Vehicle-to-grid technology?
Mehdizadeh, Milad; Nayum, Alim; Nordfjærn, Trond; Klöckner, Christian Andreas Nikolaus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) is a technology which enables electric vehicles (EVs) to transfer electricity back to the power network. The V2G technology allows energy systems to balance renewable energy, thus contributing to ... -
Assessing health service satisfaction among users with substance use disorders within the municipalities in Norway
Stallvik, Marianne; Flemmen, Grete; Salthammer, Jo Arild; Nordfjærn, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background The purpose of this study was to assess what is associated with health service satisfaction among adults with a substance use disorder receiving services provided within different municipalities in Norway. An ... -
The association between lifestyle and aberrant driving behavior among Iranian car drivers
Dabirinejad, Shahab; Kashani, Ali Tavakoli; Nordfjærn, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Aberrant driving is one of the most important contributors to traffic crashes, and drivers' lifestyle attributes might affect aberrant driving behavior. However, people in developing countries, especially in the Middle ... -
Barriers to children’s walking to school in Iranian and Chinese samples
Zavareh, Mohsen; Abolhasannejad, Vahid; Mamdoohi, Amir Reza; Nordfjærn, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Factors that contribute to children’s walking to school have been investigated in previous research, which primarily focussed on socio-economic variables in high income countries. There is a general lack of studies which ... -
Behaviour of parents and children in the way they use public transport: A case study of Iranian households
Ehteshamrad, Shideh; Saffarzadeh, Mahmood; Mamdoohi, Amir Reza; Nordfjærn, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)While parents are the ultimate decision makers for their children’s mode of transport when commuting to school, their own travel mode choice is also under the influence of their children’s trip requirements. This study ... -
Brukersentrert tjenesteutvikling - En kvantitativ studie av rusmisbrukeres tilfredshet med kommunale rustjenester i 20 norske kommuner
Halsan, Henrikke (Master thesis, 2020)Rusfeltet har i løpet av de siste tiårene mottatt økt oppmerksomhet gjennom flere offentlige handlingsplaner og reformer. Sentralt i disse planene har vært å utbedre og utvikle de kommunale tjenestene for individer med ... -
Change in psychosocial factors connected to coping after inpatient treatment for substance use disorder: A systematic review
Johannessen, Dagny Adriaenssen; Nordfjærn, Trond; Geirdal, Amy Østertun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background: Among the adult population worldwide, about 0.5% has illicit drug use disorder (DUD) and about 5% has alcohol use disorder (AUD). Dependency on alcohol, medication or illicit drugs are recognised as risk factors ... -
Changes in opiate and stimulant use through 10 years: The role of contextual factors, mental health disorders and psychosocial factors in a prospective SUD treatment cohort study
Ostling, Grete Lauritsen; Nordfjærn, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Aim To examine temporal changes in opiate and stimulant use among patients in substance abuse treatment over a ten-year observation period and to explore the role of contextual factors, mental health disorders and ... -
Cognitive remediation therapy for patients with eating disorders: a qualitative study
Thorsrud, Tora; Bang, Marit Aspelund; Dahlgren, Anna Maria Camilla Lindvall; Nordfjærn, Trond; Weider, Siri (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background: Transdiagnostic Cognitive Remediation Therapy (TCRT) is a new adaptation of cognitive remediation therapy for eating disorders (EDs) developed to address common cognitive difficulties across ED diagnoses (i.e., ... -
Considering spatial heterogeneity and time of day in self-reported seat belt use
Hezaveh, Amin; Nordfjærn, Trond; Everett, Jerry; Cherry, Christopher (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
De små voksne: Barn som pårørende til foreldre med selvmordsatferd - en kvalitativ eksplorerende studie av barnas behov i møte med helsevesenet
Solheim, Marte Neraas; Lykke, Alba de Figueiredo (Master thesis, 2022)Barn som pårørende til foreldre med selvmordsatferd er en gruppe det er forsket lite på. Formålet med denne eksplorerende studien var å undersøke barn som pårørende til foreldre med selvmordsatferd sine behov i møte med ... -
Demand for mitigating the risk of COVID-19 infection in public transport: the role of social trust and fatalistic beliefs
Zavareh, Mohsen; Mehdizadeh, Milad; Nordfjærn, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The rapid surge of COVID-19 cases worldwide drew attention to COVID-19 infection as a new source of risk in transport. The virus introduced a need for viral transmission mitigation as a major priority when selecting a mode ... -
Driver behaviour among professional taxi and truck drivers: Light passenger cars versus heavy goods vehicles
Mehdizadeh, Milad; Shariat-Mohaymany, Afshin; Nordfjærn, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Professional drivers are drivers whose profession is to drive a vehicle such as truck and taxi for working purposes. However, these drivers constitute a heterogeneous group and generalizing assumptions about risky driving ...