Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Neupane, Bibek"
Mishra, Parash Mani (Master thesis, 2019) -
Cyclic fatigue in unlined hydro tunnels caused by pressure transients
Neupane, Bibek; Panthi, Krishna Kanta; Vereide, Kaspar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Regulated hydropower is currently the most capable load balancing technology for the future renewable energy system which will be characterized by a large share of unregulated energy from solar and wind power. Increased ... -
Effect of pressure fluctuations in long-term stability of unlined pressure shaft at Svandalsflona Hydropower project, Norway
Neupane, Bibek; Panthi, Krishna Kanta (Chapter, 2019)The main design principle of unlined pressure tunnels/shafts in a hydropower scheme is to provide sufficient confinement (minor principal stress) to withstand the internal hydrostatic water pressure. Rock support is only ... -
Engineering Geological Evaluation of Underground Works at Upper Tamakoshi Hydroelectric Project, Nepal
Neupane, Bibek (Master thesis, 2010)Construction of underground structures in the Himalaya is a challenging issue due to the complex nature of the rock mass in the region. Proper engineering sological assessment of the rock mass conditions in which the ... -
Evaluation on the Efect of Pressure Transients on Rock Joints in Unlined Hydropower Tunnels Using Numerical Simulation
Neupane, Bibek; Panthi, Krishna Kanta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Frequent pressure transients are identified as the cause of block failures in many unlined hydropower tunnels. The primary design objective of such tunnels is to prevent hydraulic jacking at design static pressure and mass ... -
Evaluation on the Potential Use of Shotcrete Lined High Pressure Tunnel at Upper Tamakoshi Hydroelectric Project
Neupane, Bibek; Panthi, Krishna Kanta (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Optimization of rock support is a key for the successful use of underground space for hydropower development in the Himalaya. Therefore, finding innovative, optimum and economic solution will be the only way to guarantee ... -
Ingeniørgeologisk vurdering for etablering av et næringsbygg over en eksisterende T-banetunnel i Oslo
Ottestad Hansen, Sindre (Master thesis, 2024)Det blir stadig trangere om plassen i bergmassen under hovedstaden. Dette fører til at flere undergrunnsanlegg må konstrueres i nærhet til hverandre og ofte i bergmasser av dårlig kvalitet. Langsiktig planlegging og ... -
Instrumentation and pore pressure monitoring technique for unlined tunnels of Norwegian hydropower projects – a case study
Neupane, Bibek; Panthi, Krishna Kanta; Vereide, Kaspar (Chapter, 2019)The power market in Norway was deregulated in 1991 and have caused power plants to operate with more frequently varying loads within short time periods. Such operation causes significant pressure fluctuations and unsteady ... -
Long-term impact on unlined tunnels of hydropower plants due to frequent start/stop sequences
Neupane, Bibek (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:400, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Abstract The concept of unlined pressure tunnel design is well-tested and has a history of more than 100 years. In Norway, more than 95% of hydropower pressure tunnels are unlined and most of it was built between 1950 ... -
Long-term impact on unlined tunnels of hydropower plants due to frequent start/stop sequences
Neupane, Bibek (HydroCen brief;Nr. 7, Report, 2021) -
Numerical simulation of pore pressure in rock joints during pressure transient in an unlined hydropower tunnel
Neupane, Bibek; Panthi, Krishna Kanta (Chapter, 2020)Recent experimental result shows that pressure transients of both short and long time periods; i.e. water hammer and mass oscillation; can travel into the rock mass of an unlined hydropower tunnel through rock joints. It ... -
Operation of Norwegian Hydropower Plants and Its Effect on Block Fall Events in Unlined Pressure Tunnels and Shafts
Neupane, Bibek; Vereide, Kaspar; Panthi, Krishna Kanta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of hydropower plant operation on the long-term stability of unlined pressure tunnels of hydropower plants in Norway. The authors analyzed the past production ... -
Stability assesment of the headrace tunnel system at Brattset Hydropower Project
Halseth, Ragna Torås (Master thesis, 2018)Unlined high pressure tunnels and shafts are regarded as a Norwegian specialty in the hydropower industry. During the last 60 years, more than 4000 km of hydropower tunnels have been excavated, where most of the tunnels ... -
Stability assessment of the asphalt concrete tunnel invert of Roskrepp hydropower project
Mong Urdal, Anna Helene (Master thesis, 2018)Rebuilding a hydropower plant into a pumped-storage plant in an underground tunnel, means that the water will rapidly change directions, instead of streaming evenly in one direction. This will cause extra water pressure ... -
Study on the long-term stability issues of the headrace tunnel of Ulset Hydropower Project
Døvle, Linn (Master thesis, 2019)Den norske vannkraftindutrien er et resultat av over hundre år med erfaring fra utvikling av design og bygging av vannkraftprosjekter. Erfaringene har resultert i en norsk spesialitet, ufôrete trykktunneler og -sjakter. ...