Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Martins, Catia"
Now showing items 1-20 of 40
An investigation of potential variables affecting the physiological adaptations to weight loss: weight loss rate, nature of energy restriction, and ketosis
Coutinho, Sílvia dos Santos Ribeiro Fiandeiro (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:53, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Various reviews published over the last decades have shown that several compensatory responses on both sides of the energy balance (EB) equation are activated with weight loss (WL), which oppose the maintenance of a reduced ... -
Appetite in obesity and subsequent effects of weight loss induced by dietary restriction alone or combined with bariatric surgery
Aukan, Marthe Isaksen (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:71, Doctoral thesis, 2023) -
Appetite suppression during ketogenic diets: Do fecal short-chain fatty acids play a role?
Stakvik, Karina (Master thesis, 2021)Introduction: Ketogenic diets (KDs) have the ability to suppress the increase in appetite otherwise seen with diet-induced weight loss (WL). The exact mechanisms involved remains unknown, but changes in gut microbiota ... -
Association between Energy Intake, Macronutrient Distribution, Intake of Different Food Groups, Meal Frequency, Physical Activity and Weight Loss Outcomes Ten years after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Lundanes, Julianne (Master thesis, 2020)Bakgrunn: Fedmekirurgi er den mest effektive langtidsbehandlingen for sykelig fedme og dens komorbiditet. Det har vist seg at opp til 20-30% av de som gjennomfører fedmekirurgi opplever suboptimalt vekttap (SWL) innen de ... -
Association between habitual sleep duration/quality and appetite markers in individuals with obesity
Nymo, Siren; Kleppe, Malin M.; Coutinho, Silvia; Rehfeld, Jens F.; Kulseng, Bård Eirik; Martins, Catia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Study Objectives: To assess if habitual sleep duration/quality was associated with appetite in individuals with obesity, and if the association was modulated by sex. Methods: Sleep duration/quality was measured with ... -
Association between ß-Hydroxybutyrate Plasma Concentrations after Hypocaloric Ketogenic Diets and Changes in Body Composition
Martins, Catia; Nymo, Siren; Aukan, Marthe Isaksen; Røkenes, Jessica Ann; Coutinho, Sílvia; Hunter, Gary R; Gower, Barbara A (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background Early studies show that ketogenic diets (KDs) lead to preferential loss of fat mass (FM), whereas preserving fat-free mass (FFM). Additionally, animal data support the anticatabolic effects of DL-3-hydroxybutyrate. ... -
Associations between hedonic appetite, eating behavior traits and weight loss outcomes ten years after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
Skjølsvold, Oda (Master thesis, 2020)Bakgrunn: Fedmekirurgi er den beste behandlingen for å oppnå et langvarig vekttap. Likevel opplever en gruppe av fedmeopererte et vekttap som ikke er optimalt, og/eller vektoppgang etter vektnedgangen. De nøyaktige årsakene ... -
Associations between the FTO rs9939609 genotypes and insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance, energy metabolism, appetite hormones, and diet in patients with severe obesity
de Soysa, Ann Kristin Hjelle (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:398, Doctoral thesis, 2022) -
Assosiasjon mellom ketose og appetittregulering under vekttap, hos personer med fedme
Aukan, Marthe Isaksen (Master thesis, 2019)Introduksjon: Diett-indusert vekttap medfører økt appetitt, med en oppregulering i både sultfølelse og ghrelin sekresjon. Ketogene dietter ser ut til å kunne minimere denne responsen. Målet med denne studien var dermed å ... -
Bariatric surgery versus lifestyle interventions for severe obesity: 5-year changes in body weight, risk factors and comorbidities
Øvrebø, Bente; Strømmen, Magnus; Kulseng, Bård Eirik; Martins, Catia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Changes in body weight (BW), risk factors and comorbidities 5 years after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) or different lifestyle interventions are compared. A total of 209 (75% women) severe obese adults were non-randomly ... -
Changes in hedonic hunger after weight loss induced by diet or sleeve gastrectomy
Brandsæter, Ingrid Øfsti (Master thesis, 2021)Introduksjon: Personer med fedme har en høyere hedonisk appetitt for svært velsmakende mat, og vekttap har vist en reversering av dette mønsteret. Det er imidlertid usikkert om metoden bak vekttap har en uavhengig påvirkning ... -
Changes in hedonic hunger and food reward after a similar weight loss induced by a very low-energy diet or bariatric surgery
Aukan, Marthe Isaksen; Brandsæter, Ingrid Øfsti; Skårvold, Silje; Finlayson, Graham; Nymo, Siren; Coutinho, Silvia; Martins, Catia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Objective The aim of this study was to compare changes in hedonic hunger and food reward in individuals with severe obesity achieving 10% to 15% weight loss with a very low-energy diet (VLED) alone or VLED and bariatric ... -
Compensatory mechanisms activated with intermittent energy restriction: a randomized trial
Coutinho, Silvia dos Santos Ribeiro F; Halset, Eline Holli; Gåsbakk, Sigrid; Rehfeld, JF; Kulseng, Bård Eirik; Truby, H; Martins, Catia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background & aims Strong compensatory responses, with reduced resting metabolic rate (RMR), increased exercise efficiency (ExEff) and appetite, are activated when weight loss (WL) is achieved with continuous energy ... -
Differences in gastrointestinal hormones and appetite ratings among obesity classes: Gastrointestinal hormones and appetite in obesity
Aukan, Marthe Isaksen; Nymo, Siren; Ollestad, Karoline Haagensli; Akersveen Boyesen, Guro; DeBenedictis, Julia Nicole; Rehfeld, Jens Frederik; Coutinho, Silvia; Martins, Catia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The aim of this study was to compare gastrointestinal (GI) hormones and subjective ratings of appetite among obesity classes, and between classes of obesity and controls. Ninety-eight adult individuals with obesity, divided ... -
Differences in gastrointestinal hormones and appetite ratings between individuals with and without obesity—A systematic review and meta-analysis
Aukan, Marthe Isaksen; Coutinho, Silvia; Pedersen, Sindre Andre; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Martins, Catia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Determining if gastrointestinal (GI) hormone response to food intake differs between individuals with, and without, obesity may improve our understanding of obesity pathophysiology. A systematic review and meta-analysis ... -
Effect of a ketogenic diet on pain and quality of life in patients with lipedema: The LIPODIET pilot study
Sørlie, Vilde; De Soysa, Ann Kristin Hjelle; Hyldmo, Åsne Ask; Retterstøl, Kjetil; Martins, Catia; Nymo, Siren (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background Lipedema is an underdiagnosed condition in women, characterized by a symmetrical increase in subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) in the lower extremities, sparing the trunk. The lipedema SAT has been found to be ... -
Effect of Aerobic Exercise Intensity on Energy Expenditure and Weight Loss in Severe Obesity-A Randomized Controlled Trial
Berge, Jarle; Hjelmesæth, Jøran; Hertel, Jens Kristoffer; Gjevestad, Espen Svendsen; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova; Johnson, Line Kristin; Martins, Catia; Andersen, Eivind; Helgerud, Jan; Støren, Øyvind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Objective This study aimed to compare the effects of two aerobic exercise programs of different intensities on energy expenditure. Methods This was a single‐center randomized controlled trial of patients with severe obesity ... -
Effects of a similar weight loss achieved by sleeve gastrectomy or a very low energy diet on homeostatic appetite markers
Skårvold, Silje (Master thesis, 2021)Introduksjon: Bariatrisk kirurgi (sleeve gastrektomi (SG)) har fram til nå vist seg å være den mest effektive behandlingen for fedme. Det er blitt antatt at langsiktig suksess kommer fra de gunstige endringene i det ... -
Gastrointestinal hormones and appetite ratings after weight loss induced by diet or bariatric surgery
Aukan, Marthe Isaksen; Skårvold, Silje; Brandsæter, Ingrid Øfsti; Rehfeld, Jens Frederik; Holst, Jens Juul; Nymo, Siren; Coutinho, Silvia; Martins, Catia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Objective The aim of this study was to compare changes in gastrointestinal hormones and appetite ratings after a similar weight loss induced by a very low-energy diet alone or in combination with sleeve gastrectomy (SG) ... -
Gastrointestinal hormones and subjective ratings of appetite after low-carbohydrate vs low-fat low-energy diets in females with lipedema - A randomized controlled trial
Lundanes, Julianne; Storliløkken, Gunnhild Eggen; Solem, Marte Siwsdotter; Dankel, Simon N; Tangvik, Randi Julie; Ødegård, Rønnaug Astri; Holst, Jens Juul; Rehfeld, Jens Frederik; Martins, Catia; Nymo, Siren (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background Ketosis seems to attenuate, or prevent, the rise in both ghrelin concentrations and subjective hunger ratings that follow weight loss. However, most of the previous studies have employed very-low energy diets ...