Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Lorås, Madeleine"
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
Active learning and student peer assessment in a web development course
Aalberg, Trond; Lorås, Madeleine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Active learning is a family of instructional practises that requires students to participate in learning activities and engages students in the learning process. For larger groups, however, this it is often challenging to ... -
Challenges Faced by Teaching Assistants in Computer Science Education Across Europe
Riese, Emma; Lorås, Madeleine; Ukrop, Martin; Effenberger, Tomáš (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Teaching assistants (TAs) are heavily used in computer science courses as a way to handle high enrollment and still being able to offer students individual tutoring and detailed assessments. TAs are themselves students who ... -
Characteristics of the Student-Driven Learning Environment in Computing Education: A Case Study on the Interaction between Educational Design and Study Behavior
Lorås, Madeleine; Aalberg, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Important learning happens outside organized lectures and labs, but much of the interaction between these educational design constructs and the study behavior of computing students is unknown. In this study, we follow a ... -
Creating Learning Environments Within the Constraints of Higher Education - a Case Study of a First-Year Computing Program
Lorås, Madeleine; Aalberg, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Designing a good learning environment is key to improve the student experience and ensure learning. However, it is becoming increasingly challenging to create such environments due the growing number of students and the ... -
The effect of mandatory assignments on students learning outcome and performance in introductory programming courses
Hellem, Vegard; Lorås, Madeleine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In a world in high demand of engineering professionals, higher education should be effective and quality conscious. A better understanding of what type of activities that are best suited for improving students' learning ... -
First year computer science education in Norway
Lorås, Madeleine; Sindre, Guttorm; Aalberg, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The need for ICT knowledge in Norway is increasing and the demand for candidates is currently higher than the number of students graduating. It has been identified that the first-year experience is crucial to student ... -
First Year Computing Study Behavior: Effects of Educational Design
Lorås, Madeleine; Aalberg, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This full research paper presents a study exploring first year computing students' study behavior and the effects of educational design. Some research has indicated that the relationship between students' study behavior ... -
From Studying to Learning Computer Science: A study of the first-year experience of computer science education at university
Lorås, Madeleine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Ensuring that computer science students graduate and learn the desired curriculum is important in order to meet future demands. However, educational institutions have limited room for action as the number of students ... -
The Importance of the Campus - A Study on the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in a CS2 Course
Lorås, Madeleine; Haugset, Børge; Trætteberg, Hallvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The educational context for students and educators across the world changed when the COVID-19 pandemic forced most educational institutions to shut down all on-campus activities in the spring of 2020. In this paper, we ... -
Investigating students’ journey through a computer science program using exam data: three new approaches
Lorås, Madeleine; Trætteberg, Hallvard; Sharma, Kshitij (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)A computing student will over the first three years of their studies complete approximately 20 exams and even more attempts due to failures and retakes. Details about all exam attempts are stored in a national database ... -
Learning from COVID-19 emergency remote teaching: A case study to compare pupil and teacher experiences
Lillebo, Miriam Størseth; Solum-Sjaavaag, Julie Adele (Master thesis, 2021)Den norske regjeringen besluttet den 12. mars 2020 å stenge alle skoler på grunn av COVID-19-pandemien. Skolestengingene førte til store forstyrrelser i de norske utdanningssystemene, da skolene ble tvunget til å finne ... -
Learning from COVID-19 emergency remote teaching: A case study to compare pupil and teacher experiences
Lillebo, Miriam Størseth; Solum-Sjaavaag, Julie Adele (Master thesis, 2021)Den norske regjeringen besluttet den 12. mars 2020 å stenge alle skoler på grunn av COVID-19-pandemien. Skolestengingene førte til store forstyrrelser i de norske utdanningssystemene, da skolene ble tvunget til å finne ... -
Let the gamification begin! - A qualitative case study of student experiences in the gamified learning environment Heimdall's Quest
Lorås, Madeleine (Master thesis, 2017)Educators in classrooms all over the world are focused on integrating and utilizing new technologies that can help with the challenge of unmotivated students. At the same time, digital games have the ability to engage ... -
Study Behavior in Computing Education—A Systematic Literature Review
Lorås, Madeleine; Sindre, Guttorm; Trætteberg, Hallvard; Aalberg, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)As the field of computing education grows and matures, it has become essential to unite computing education and higher education research. Educational research has highlighted that how students study is crucial to their ... -
Understanding the Relation Between Study Behaviors and Educational Design: Research in Computing Education
Lorås, Madeleine (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:368, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Important learning happens outside organized lectures and labs; however, much of the interaction between these educational design constructs and how students study is unknown. This thesis aims to understand how knowledge ... -
University students’ learning approaches: An adaptation of the revised two-factor study process questionnaire to Norwegian
Zakariya, Yusuf F.; Bjørkestøl, Kirsten; Nilsen, Hans Kristian; Goodchild, Simon; Lorås, Madeleine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper reports a Norwegian validation study of a widely used instrument to measure students’ approaches to learning, namely, Bigg’s revised two-factor study process questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F). Its cultural sensitivity ... -
Unreined Students or Not: Modes of Freedom in a Project-Based Software Engineering Course
Nytrø, Øystein; Nguyen Duc, Anh; Trætteberg, Hallvard; Lorås, Madeleine; Farshchian, Babak A. (Journal article, 2020)Software engineering courses include practical and theoretical elements that give many options for pedagogical combinations among them. In this paper, we report on two different pedagogical approaches for an undergraduate, ...