Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Johansen, Christian"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
A Survey on Novel Services in Smart Home (Optimized for Smart Electricity Grid)
Tuly, Kaniz Fatema (Master thesis, 2016)Advancement in technology has not only transformed our life but also extended in every sphere of our way of living. Till now in most of the cases we are adapting our lifestyle with the way that is directed by the functions ... -
Apache Spark på OKD: Stordataanalyse for NTNU SOC ved bruk av en distribuert orkestreringsplattform
Pettersen, Alf; Moen, Anders Wormdal; Røe, Simon Rødsbakken (Bachelor thesis, 2021)NTNU SOC ønsker en utredning for hvor godt en konteinerbasert versjon av stordataanalyseverktøyet Apache Spark, som kjører i konteinerorkestrerings- plattformen Openshift Kubernetes Distribution (OKD), kan bidra til ... -
Attribute-based encryption with enforceable obligations
Arshad, Hamed; Picazo Sanchez, Pablo; Johansen, Christian; Schneider, Gerardo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a cryptographic mechanism that provides fine-grained access control to encrypted data, which can thus be stored in, e.g., public clouds. However, ABE schemes lack the notion of obligations, ... -
Bisimulations Respecting Duration and Causality for the Non-interleaving Applied Pi-Calculus
Aubert, Clement; Horne, Ross; Johansen, Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper shows how we can make use of an asynchronous transition system, whose transitions are labelled with events and which is equipped with a notion of independence of events, to define non-interleaving semantics for ... -
Building Confidence using Beliefs and Arguments in Security Class Evaluations for IoT
Shrestha, Manish; Johansen, Christian; Noll, Josef (Chapter, 2020)The proliferation of IoT (Internet of Things) though making life easier, comes with security and privacy challenges. We have previously proposed a security classification methodology meant to help in practice build IoT ... -
Centralizing security and operations of Windows clients in an emergency care IT infrastructure
Breivik, Sondre; Dvergsdal, Gaute K.; Sørli, Erik Ø. (Bachelor thesis, 2021)HDO er i dag i en omstillingsprosess der de ønsker å anskaffe en ny kommunikasjonsløsning for det norske nødnettet. Som en del av deres nye løsning, vil HDO sende ut Windows klienter til lokasjoner knyttet til nødnettet, ... -
Defining and measuring the effects of digital technologies on social sustainability: A systematic literature review
Szalkowski, Gabriel Andy; Johansen, Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Diamonds for Security: A Non-Interleaving Operational Semantics for the Applied Pi-Calculus
Aubert, Clement; Horne, Ross; Johansen, Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Digital Twin Of Knuckle Boom Crane
Johansen, Christian (Master thesis, 2019)I denne masteroppgaven har en digital tvilling av en miniatyrisert "knucle boom" kran blitt utviklet. En digital tvilling er en "finite element" (FE) modell av en fysisk gjenstand som gjennom FE-simuleringer basert på ekte ... -
A Kleene Theorem for Higher-Dimensional Automata
Fahrenberg, Uli; Johansen, Christian; Struth, Georg; Ziemiański, Krzysztof (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)We prove a Kleene theorem for higher-dimensional automata (HDAs). It states that the languages they recognise are precisely the rational subsumption-closed sets of interval pomsets. The rational operations include a gluing ... -
Languages of higher-dimensional automata
Fahrenberg, Uli; Johansen, Christian; Struth, Georg; Ziemiański, Krzysztof (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We introduce languages of higher-dimensional automata (HDAs) and develop some of their properties. To this end, we define a new category of precubical sets, uniquely naturally isomorphic to the standard one, and introduce ... -
Monitoring and reporting of Key Performance Indicators in an Emergency telephone system
Jølsett, Marte; Stene, Christian; Östergren, Petter (Bachelor thesis, 2021)Det norske legetjenestens nødtelefonnett er etter dagens tekniske standard delvis utdatert. Et velfungerende medisinsk nødtelefonnettverk er avgjørende for å sikre befolkningens helse og sikkerhet. Et utdatert system kan ... -
Sculptures in concurrency
Fahrenberg, Uli; Johansen, Christian; Trotter, Christopher A.; Ziemiański, Krzysztof (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We give a formalization of Pratt's intuitive sculpting process for higher-dimensional automata (HDA). Intuitively, an HDA is a sculpture if it can be embedded in (i.e., sculpted from) a single higher dimensional cell ...