Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Håberg, Asta Kristine"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
A cross-sectional study on the relationship between BMI and cognition
Nilsen, Runi Elise Ertsås (Master thesis, 2020)Introduksjon: Tidligere forskning har vist sammenheng mellom overvekt/ fedme og patologier knyttet til overvekt/fedme og kognisjon, indikerte at individer med fedme i midten av livet kunne ha lavere kognitiv funksjon ... -
A longitudinal study of fractional anisotropy in white matter of preterm born very low birth weight adolescents and young adults compared to term born controls
Garnaas, Ane Min Hofplass (Master thesis, 2013)Preterm born children with very low birth weight (VLBW, birth weight < 1500 g)are at increased risk of perinatal brain damage. Perinatal factors, such as low birthweight and morbidity leading to intensive care treatment ... -
Beyond the Global Brain Differences: Intra-individual Variability Differences in 1q21.1 Distal and 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 Deletion Carriers
Bøen, Rune; Kaufmann, Tobias Herbert; van der Meer, Dennis; Frei, Oleksandr; Agartz, Ingrid; Espeseth, Thomas; Håberg, Asta Kristine; Haavik, Jan; Hellard, Stephanie le; Sando, Sigrid Botne; Selbæk, Geir; Grøntvedt, Gøril Rolfseng; Westlye, Lars Tjelta; Selmer, Kaja Kristine; Alnæs, Dag; Andreassen, Ole; Sønderby, Ida Elken (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Carriers of the 1q21.1 distal and 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 copy number variants exhibit regional and global brain differences compared with noncarriers. However, interpreting regional differences is challenging if a ... -
Cerebral cortical dimensions in headache sufferers aged 50-66 years: a population-based imaging study in the Nord-Trondelag Health Study (HUNT-MRI)
Husøy, Andreas Kattem; Håberg, Asta Kristine; Rimol, Lars Morten; Hagen, Knut; Vangberg, Torgil Riise; Stovner, Lars Jacob (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Based on previous clinic-based magnetic resonance imaging studies showing regional differences in the cerebral cortex between those with and without headache, we hypothesized that headache sufferers have a decrease in ... -
Combinatory strategies for promoting tissue remodelling and endogenous plasticity after experimental ischemic stroke
Augestad, Ingrid Lovise (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:145, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Ulike strategier for å fremme regenerering og endogen plastisitet i hjernen etter eksperimentelt iskemisk slag Hjerneslag er på verdensbasis en av sykdommene som rammer flest mennesker i tillegg til å ha høy dødelighet. ... -
Data acquisition for high resolution blood oxygen level dependent fMRI
Ladstein, Jarle (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:75, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Blood oxygen level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD fMRI) is an important non-invasive technique for investigation of brain function. Using BOLD fMRI, brain activity can be localized with high spatial ... -
Evolving video game opponents with NEAT and evaluating its impact on brain activity with fMRI
Tveiten, Kristian; Hallan, Martin Sondov (Master thesis, 2023)Neuroevolusjon, spesielt Neuroevolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT), har lovende potensial innen videospill for utvikling av dynamiske og engasjerende kunstige motstandere. Dens innvirkning på spill-opplevelsen ble ... -
Exercise and cardiorespiratory fitness in the aging brain: evidence from the Generation 100 brain MRI substudy
Pani, Jasmine (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:267, Doctoral thesis, 2022)As we age, the body as well as the brain changes in shape and function. Some of these changes are common and defined as “typical aging”, others are pathological. The world’s population is growing older, and it is estimated ... -
Exploring the Impact of Reactive and Reinforcement Learning Agents on Brain Activity and Behavior in Games
Hovland, Marie; Godlund, Kamomilla Madelen Ekrem Berg (Master thesis, 2024)Få studier har brukt hjerneaktivitet og personlighet for å utforske hvordan agenter utviklet med forskjellige metoder i kunstig intelligens (KI) kan påvirke mennesker forskjellig i en videospillkontekst. Det er viktig å ... -
Exploring the Impact of Reactive and Reinforcement Learning Agents on Brain Activity and Behavior in Games
Hovland, Marie; Godlund, Kamomilla Madelen Ekrem Berg (Master thesis, 2024)Få studier har brukt hjerneaktivitet og personlighet for å utforske hvordan agenter utviklet med forskjellige metoder i kunstig intelligens (KI) kan påvirke mennesker forskjellig i en videospillkontekst. Det er viktig å ... -
An incomplete Circle of Willis is not a risk factor for white matter hyperintensities: The Tromsø Study
Hindenes, Lars Bakke; Håberg, Asta Kristine; Mathiesen, Ellisiv B; Vangberg, Torgil Riise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Objective The Circle of Willis (CoW) is often underdeveloped or incomplete, leading to suboptimal blood supply to the brain. As hypoperfusion is thought to play a role in the aetiology of white matter hyperintensities ... -
Memoro: Evaluation of core psychometric properties and usability of a new self-administered web-based neuropsychological test platform
Hansen, Tor Ivar (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016:277, Doctoral thesis, 2016) -
Normative Data for Brainstem Structures, the Midbrain-to-Pons Ratio, and the Magnetic Resonance Parkinsonism Index
Ruiz, Sofia Tønnessen; Bakklund, Rannveig Vangen; Håberg, Asta Kristine; Berntsen, Erik Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Imaging biomarkers derived from different brainstem structures are suggested to differentiate among parkinsonian disorders, but clinical implementation requires normative data. The main objective ... -
Physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness, and brain health: Evidence from epidemiological studies and a 5-year exercise intervention in older adults
Zotcheva, Ekaterina (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:414, Doctoral thesis, 2021) -
Risk factors for cerebral infarction in a general population aged 50-66 years
Eriksen, Heidi Hammer (Master thesis, 2022)Målet med denne tverrsnittstudien var å undersøke ulike risikofaktorer for hjerneinfarkt i en generell populasjon. Kliniske og stille (synlige på MR-bilder) infarkter ble analysert som én gruppe i denne oppgaven. Risikofaktorene ... -
Safety and efficacy of plasma transfusion from exercise - trained donors in patients with early Alzheimer’s disease: protocol for the ExPlas study
Tari, Atefe R; Berg, Helene Haugen; Videm, Vibeke; Bråthen, Geir; White, Linda Rosemary; Røsbjørgen, Ragnhild; Scheffler, Katja; Dalen, Håvard; Holte, Espen; Håberg, Asta Kristine; Selbæk, Geir; Lydersen, Stian; Duezel, Emrah; Bergh, Sverre; Logan-halvorsrud, Kjell Rune; Sando, Sigrid Botne; Wisløff, Ulrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Introduction Given that exercise training reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD), induces changes in the blood composition and has widespread systemic benefits, it is reasonable to hypothesise that exercised ... -
The effect of cardiorespiratory fitness, metabolic syndrome and cerebro-cardiovascular disease on cognition in older adults.
Bjøralt, Stine (Master thesis, 2014)Background: Numerous studies have reported on the positive influence of superior physical health on the preservation of cognitive functions as we age. For ekxample, serveral exercise interventions of varying lengths aiming ... -
The Effect of Prenatal Development on Aging of the Human Brain and Cognition
Veien, Karoline (Master thesis, 2024)Tidligere studier har vist en økt risiko for aldersrelatert kognitiv dysfunksjon (dvs. kognitiv svekkelse og demens) sent i livet dersom man veier mindre enn 2,5 kg ved fødselen. Den nøyaktige mekanismen bak slike langsiktige ... -
Trajectories of occupational physical activity and risk of later-life mild cognitive impairment and dementia: the HUNT4 70+ study
Zotcheva, Ekaterina; Bratsberg, Bernt Magne; Strand, Bjørn Heine; Jugessur, Astanand; Engdahl, Bo Lars; Bowen, Catherine; Selbæk, Geir; Kohler, Hans-Peter; Harris, Jennifer Ruth; Weiss, Jordan; Tom, Sarah E.; Krokstad, Steinar; Yitayew, Teferi Mekonnen; Edwin, Trine Holt; Stern, Yaakov; Håberg, Asta Kristine; Skirbekk, Vegard Fykse (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background High levels of occupational physical activity (PA) have been linked to an increased risk of dementia. We assessed the association of trajectories of occupational PA at ages 33–65 with risk of dementia and ...