Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Gjøsteen, Kristian"
Now showing items 1-20 of 107
A Correct Shuffle Using Product Proofs A Lattice-Based Zero-Knowledge Approach
Rødland, Thomas Fardal (Master thesis, 2024)Formålet med denne oppgaven er å benytte seg av gitterbaserte kunnskapsløse bevis for å konstruere en omstokk for et sett med chiffertekster. Vi bygger oppgaven fra bunn av med å introdusere de matematiske forkunnskapene ... -
A Framework for Describing and Analyzing Anonymity Networks
Mestl, Elsie Margrethe Staff (Master thesis, 2019)Oppgaven introduserer et rammeverk som tillater en idealisering av anonymitetesnettverk og netverksimulering. En hovedfordel med dette rammeverket er at anonyitetskarakterestikker kan bli definert for en spesifik ... -
A Look Into Homomorphic Cryptography and the BV Homomorphic Encryption Scheme
Goldhahn, Oskar (Bachelor thesis, 2020)Vi tar en titt på det homomorfiske kryptosystemet BV og ser i tillegg på sikkerhets-, korrekthets- of compakthets-bevis for dette som et eksempel på hvordan man driver med homomorfisk kryptografi og hvordan man kan skrive ... -
A Roadmap to Fully Homomorphic Elections: Stronger Security, Better Verifiability
Gjøsteen, Kristian; Strand, Martin (Chapter, 2017)After the trials of remote internet voting for local elections in 2011 and parliamentary elections in 2013, a number of local referendums has renewed interest in internet voting in Norway. The voting scheme used in ... -
A Security Analysis of the Helios Voting Protocol and Application to the Norwegian County Election
Salamonsen, Kristine (Master thesis, 2014)We present Helios, an end-to-end verifiable internet voting system. We describe the existing protocol, the encryption and decryption process with corresponding proofs, and analyse an attack against ballot secrecy. Further ... -
A Thousand Variations of Prêt à Voter
Goodwin, Sam (Master thesis, 2019)This thesis is about the cryptographic voting protocol Prêt à Voter. This is a protocol that has been used in elections and could be applied to more in the future, whether it be electronic or traditional elections. Some ... -
Algorithms For Solving The Learning With Errors Problem
Enerhaug, Elisabeth (Master thesis, 2021)Denne avhandlinga ser på fire ulike algoritmar for å løyse "Learning with Errors" (LWE, Læring med Feil) problemet. Den første, BKW-algoritmen, kan samanliknas med gaussisk eliminasjon. Deretter viser vi at LWE kan ... -
An Analysis of a Cryptographic Communication Protocol
Strand, Maria (Master thesis, 2010)We have considered a cryptographic communication protocol and given a proof for its security. -
Analysis of the Transport Layer Security protocol
Firing, Tia Helene (Master thesis, 2010)In this master thesis we have presented a security analysis of the TLS protocol with particular emphasis on the recently discovered renegotiation attack. From our security proof we get that the Handshake protocol with ... -
Anonymity for Decentralized Electronic Cash Systems
Dahle, Siri (Master thesis, 2018)In 2008 Bitcoin was introduced as the first decentralized electronic cash system and it has seen widespread adoption since it became fully functional in 2009. This thesis describe the Bitcoin system, anonymity aspects for ... -
Anonymity in Network Connections for Mobile Communication
Henriksen, Ragne Elisabeth (Master thesis, 2012)This thesis summarizes an existing protocol, that we have chosen to call the Token Key Agreement protocol. It then goes on to introduce two new protocols we have chosen to name the Symmetric Key Agreement protocol and the ... -
Applications of Paillier s Cryptosystem.
Pettersen, Nina (Master thesis, 2016)Applications of Paillier s crypto system to electronic voting. -
Bilinear Pairings in Cryptography
Thuen, Øystein (Doctoral Theses at NTNU, 1503-8181; 2011:143, Doctoral thesis, 2011) -
Bilinear Pairings on Elliptic Curves
Høvik, Jenny Kvamme (Master thesis, 2019)I denne oppgåva studerer vi bilineære parringer på elliptiske kurver. Først gir vi ein introduksjon til algebraisk geometri og spesielt omgrepet divisorar. Vidare ser vi på elliptiske kurver og deira aritmetikk. Vi ser på ... -
A Blind Coupon Mechanism Enabling Veto Voting over Unreliable Networks
Gjøsteen, Kristian; Gritti, Clementine Jeanne Pierrette; Boyd, Colin Alexander; Haines, Thomas Edmund (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)A Blind Coupon Mechanism (BCM) allows spreading of alerts quietly and quickly over unreliable networks. The BCM primitive ensures that alerts are efficiently broadcast while the nature of these signals are securely hidden. ... -
Cloud-assisted Asynchronous Key Transport with Post-Quantum Security
Davies, Gareth Thomas; Galteland, Herman; Gjøsteen, Kristian; Jiang, Yao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In cloud-based outsourced storage systems, many users wish to securely store their files for later retrieval, and additionally to share them with other users. These retrieving users may not be online at the point of the ... -
Coercion Mitigation for Voting Systems with Trackers: A Selene Case Study
Gjøsteen, Kristian; Haines, Thomas; Solberg, Morten Rotvold (Chapter, 2023) -
Constructing elliptic curves over finite fields using complex multiplication
Thuen, Øystein Øvreås (Master thesis, 2006)We study and improve the CM-method for the creation of elliptic curves with specified group order over finite fields. We include a thorough review of the mathematical theory needed to understand this method. The ability ... -
Constructing Error-Correction Codes using Algebraic Function Fields
Hageli, Sander Støle (Master thesis, 2024)I denne oppgaven gir vi først en introduksjon til kodeteori. Vi vil deretter utforske noen konsepter fra algebraisk geometri, som funksjonskropper og valuasjonsringer. Vi vil vise at alle plasser i funksjonskropper i én ... -
Constructing Isogenies Between Elliptic Curves
Juel, Jørgen (Master thesis, 2021)I denne oppgaven utforsker vi metoder for å beregne isogenier mellom elliptiske kurver i både det ordinære og supersingulære tilfellet. Dette er et forsøk på å forstå sikkerhetsgrunnlaget til isogenibasert kryptografi. ...