Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Georges, Laurent"
A Norwegian ZEB-definition embodied emission
Kristjansdottir, Torhildur; Fjeldheim, Henning; Selvig, Eivind; Risholt, Birgit Dagrun; Time, Berit; Georges, Laurent; Dokka, Tor Helge; Bourelle, Julien; Bohne, Rolf André; Cervenka, Zdena (ZEB Project report;17-2014, Research report, 2014) -
A Simplified Power Sizing Method for the Correct Building Integration of Wood Stoves
Thalfeldt, Martin; Skare, Anders; Georges, Laurent; Skreiberg, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Wood stoves are widely used in dwellings for space heating, however transient heat output and relatively large heat emission might cause problems with over-heating in new well-insulated buildings. This paper introduces a ... -
A zero emission concept analysis of a single family house
Dokka, Tor Helge; Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie; Georges, Laurent; Mellegård, Sofie Elisabet; Time, Berit; Haase, Matthias; Maltha, Mette Maren; Lien, Anne Gunnarshaug (ZEB Project report;9-2013, Research report, 2013) -
A zero emission concept analysis of a single family house: Part 2 sensitivity analysis
Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie; Georges, Laurent; Fufa, Selamawit Mamo; Risholt, Birgit Dagrun; Good, Clara Stina (ZEB Project report;21-2015, Research report, 2015)This report presents the results from a sensitivity analysis regarding the influence of using emission data from Norwegian EPD’s instead of the generic data from Ecoinvent, using different CO2eq-factors (for electricity ... -
Adapting the Design Procedures of Heat Pump Systems to nZEB
Ytterhus, Mikkel (Master thesis, 2015)Several changes in the previous Simulink model have been conducted. This have significantly reduced computational time and made the model more user friendly. A more realistic representation of the ground source and the ... -
Adaptive Linear Grey-Box Models for Model Predictive Controller of Residential Buildings
Yu, Xingji; Georges, Laurent; Imsland, Lars Struen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Model predictive control (MPC) is an advanced optimal control technique to minimize a control objective while satisfying a set of constraints and is well suited to activate the building energy flexibility. The MPC controller ... -
Air heating of passive houses in cold climates: Investigation using detailed dynamic simulations
Georges, Laurent; Berner, Monica; Mathisen, Hans Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)The passive house (PH) standard was originally defined for Central Europe and has subsequently been applied to many cold climate countries. In these conditions, the relation between this standard and the air heating (AH) ... -
Analysing energy upgrading projects of single-family houses towards a Norwegian nZEB level
Moschetti, Roberta; Time, Berit; Gullbrekken, Lars; Heide, Vegard; Georges, Laurent; Lien, Anne Gunnarshaug (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)As the existing building stock is responsible for high energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, energy upgrading projects have been acknowledged as crucial for the energy performance improvement of existing buildings, as ... -
Analysis and design of solar based systems for heating and cooling of buildings
Shesho, Igor (Master thesis, 2014)Thermal performance of the solar thermal systems are estimated using numerical methods and software since the solar processes are transitient in nature been driven by time dependent forcing functions and loads. The system ... -
Analysis and design of systems for thermal-energy storage at moderate temperatures based on Phase Change Materials (PCM)
Trogrlic, Martina (Master thesis, 2014)Because human population is growing at such a high rate, as well as the energy consumption per person, new ways of preserving and efficiently using available energy must be explored. Until new and abundant energy sources ... -
Analysis of a Thermo-Active Building System in a Modern Norwegian Office Building
Simonsen, Lasse (Master thesis, 2021)Termoaktive Bygningssystemer (TABS) er et konsept for oppvarming og kjøling av bygg som utnytter termisk aktivering av bygningskroppen for å forbedre konstruksjonens termiske egenskaper. Det Nye Regjeringskvartalet som ... -
Analysis of change in design procedures for heat pump systems in nZEB
Murer, Thomas Markus (Master thesis, 2015)The work done in this master s thesis is a continuation of a previous thesis on an early decision tool on the heat pump (HP) integration in office buildings. The simulation tool (SimTool) proposed in this thesis enables ... -
Analysis of dynamical behaviour of the boiler room at Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Sarajevo in standard exploitation conditions.
Aganovic, Amar (Master thesis, 2013)ynamical analysis of the boiler room behaviour will be conducted by using state of the art software packages and available libraries for modelling and simulation of the HVAC systems. Mathematical model for transient analysis ... -
Analysis of ground-source heat pump and hybrid PVT for Norwegian conditions
Buan, Amanda Malene Eide (Master thesis, 2023)Form ̊alet med dette arbeidet har vært ̊a utføre en analyse av en grunnvarmepumpe med PVT-paneler i TRNSYS. Systemet skulle analyseres b ̊ade med tanke p ̊a en- ergieffektivitet, men ogs ̊a fra et økonomisk perspektiv, ... -
Analysis of Hybrid Ground Source Heat Pumps for Chinese and Norwegian Conditions
Haave, Vilde; Larsen, Karoline Nyland (Master thesis, 2024)Implementering av rene teknologier i energiforsyning og klimatisering av bygg er avgjørende for dekarbonisering av sektoren. Varmepumper anses som den mest lovende teknologien for å dekke behovene for oppvarming, kjøling ... -
Analysis of Hybrid Ground Source Heat Pumps for Chinese and Norwegian Conditions
Haave, Vilde; Larsen, Karoline Nyland (Master thesis, 2024)Implementering av rene teknologier i energiforsyning og klimatisering av bygg er avgjørende for dekarbonisering av sektoren. Varmepumper anses som den mest lovende teknologien for å dekke behovene for oppvarming, kjøling ... -
Analysis of the Heating Needs in Natatoriums
Perisse, Clément Charles (Master thesis, 2018)In the quest of improving energy performance in buildings, swimming facilities stand out due to their excessive consumption. When it comes to scientific research, few publications have addressed this type of facility ... -
Analysis of the radiant heating and cooling System in the Green Energy Laboratory
Nielsen, Ludvig (Master thesis, 2015)Climate change and energy scarcity put higher requirements on the use of energy in the society today. Buildings are a major contributor to the energy use and much attention is placed on energy efficient solutions in building ... -
Analysis of the Thermal Energy System at Nidarvoll Rehabilitation Centre and School: Results from the First Year of Operation and Commissioning
Thrane, Ida Marie (Master thesis, 2024)Nidarvoll nullutslippsnabolag, som består av et rehabiliterings-senter og en skole med aktivitetshaller, er det nyeste tilskuddet til Trondheim kommunes klimanøytrale eiendomsportefølje. Rehabiliteringssenteret er 10 000 ... -
Assessment of the indoor environment of existing Norwegian dwellings
Skyttern, Silje (Master thesis, 2020)Hensikten med dette arbeidet har vært å undersøke om et tilfredsstillende inneklima kan oppnås i soverom kun gjennom å åpne vinduet på natten. Det overordnede målet var å se om bruk av naturlig ventilasjon, i kombinasjon ...