Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Dybvik, Henrikke"
An exploration of mixed methods, researching business model phenomena - Investigating the business model phenomena through literature, in-depth case study, statistical testing and user experiments
Dybvik, Henrikke (Master thesis, 2018)Paper 1 encompass a literature investigation and could aid in understanding the business model phenomena on an overarching process level and how these processes could be improved. Paper 2 encompass an in-depth case study ... -
Collaborative Work with Highly Automated Marine Navigation Systems
Veitch, Erik Aleksander; Dybvik, Henrikke; Steinert, Martin; Alsos, Ole Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In navigation applications, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can improve efficiency and decision making. It is not clear, however, how designers should account for human cooperation when integrating AI systems in navigation ... -
Demonstrating the Feasibility of Multimodal Neuroimaging Data Capture with a Wearable Electoencephalography + Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (EEG+FNIRS) in Situ
Dybvik, Henrikke; Steinert, Ralf Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We developed a wearable experimental sensor setup featuring multimodal EEG+fNIRS neuroimaging applicable for in situ experiments of human behavior in interaction with technology. A low-cost electroencephalography (EEG) was ... -
Description of a Wearable Electroencephalography + Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (EEG+FNIRS) for In-Situ Experiments on Design Cognition
Dybvik, Henrikke; Steinert, Ralf Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We developed a wearable experimental sensor setup featuring multimodal EEG+fNIRS neuroimaging data capture applicable for in situ experiments at a lower financial threshold. Consistent application of a good protocol and ... -
A dynamic and a static approach to the business model - Investigating the potential difference in business model focus
Dahle, Yngve; Dybvik, Henrikke; Steinert, Martin (Chapter, 2019)This white paper is conducted for Lean Business encompassing a first attempt at empirical testing of data extracted from the Lean Business database. Lean Business adhere to the Lean Startup Movement, where the core principle ... -
Evaluating Continuous Improvement Efforts in New Product Development
Dybvik, Henrikke; Erichsen, Jorgen Andreas Bogen; Steinert, Martin; Welo, Torgeir (Chapter, 2018)This paper addresses the need for methods for evaluating continuous improvement efforts in new-product development (NPD) aiming at radical product innovation. It gives an indication of various strategies. In an increasingly ... -
Exploring Challenges with Designing and Developing Shore Control Centres (SCCs) for Autonomous Ships
Dybvik, Henrikke; Veitch, Erik Aleksander; Steinert, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The concept of remotely operated, unmanned, and autonomous ships is creating increasing interest in the maritime domain, promising safety, increased efficiency and sustainability. Shore control centers (SCCs) have been ... -
Integration of low-cost, dry-comb EEG-electrodes with a standard electrode cap for multimodal signal acquisition during human experiments
Erichsen, Christian Nicolai Kuster; Dybvik, Henrikke; Steinert, Martin (Chapter, 2020)This paper describes development of an experimental setup that enables convenient and fast integration of low-cost, spring-loaded, dry electroencephalography (EEG) electrodes with a research-grade sensor cap. The proposed ... -
Introducing fNIRS to multimodal in-situ experiments in design research
Dybvik, Henrikke (Doctoral thesis, 2023)This PhD dissertation introduces fNIRS to multimodal, in-situ experiments in design research. Design serves physical, intellectual, and emotional human needs. Design solves problems. Through design and development of ... -
Investigating the relationship between mental state (workload and affect) and physiology in a control room setting (ship bridge simulator)
Wulvik, Andreas; Dybvik, Henrikke; Steinert, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper discusses how to investigate the human element in a control room setting in terms of situational settings (monitoring and active control) and mental state (workload and affect). We show an explorative experiment ... -
Measuring the Impact of Walking Environments on Brain Activation: Results from an fNIRS Pilot Study
Brunner, Lisa Marie; Hillnhütter, Helge; Aalto, Pasi Olav; Steinert, Martin; Dybvik, Henrikke (Chapter, 2023)Studying the impact of built urban environments on pedestrians' walking experience can improve our understanding of the environmental factors that influence perceived walkability. This can contribute to the design of ... -
A Modular Research Platform – Proof-of-Concept of a Flexible Experiment Setup Developed for Rapid Testing of Simulators, UIs and Human Physiology Sensors
Hatlem, Leif Arne; Chen, John; Dybvik, Henrikke; Steinert, Ralf Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This work presents a modular research platform to design, test and run human-machine interaction (HMI) experiments. Traditionally, HMI experiments are time and resource consuming, particularly in the piloting phase. ... -
Perception by Palpation: Development and Testing of a Haptic Ferrogranular Jamming Surface
Rørvik, Sigurd Bjarne; Auflem, Marius; Dybvik, Henrikke; Steinert, Ralf Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Tactile hands-only training is particularly important for medical palpation. Generally, equipment for palpation training is expensive, static, or provides too few study cases to practice on. We have therefore developed a ... -
Promoting open research by adapting proprietary hardware to open-source software
Bartnes, Cathrine; Ockernahl, Agnes Marie Ødegård; Dybvik, Henrikke; Steinert, Martin (Chapter, 2022)Physiological sensors can give valuable information about the human response when interacting with engineering products or systems, which is essential for engineers to know when developing new innovations. Observing multiple ... -
Prototyping an Experimental Setup to Quantify Neurophysiological Response during In Situ Interaction Experiments
Erichsen, Christian Kuster (Master thesis, 2020)Denne masteroppgaven beskriver prosessen og resultatene av et masterprosjekt utført ved institutt for maskinteknikk og produksjon (MTP) ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU) i Trondheim våren 2020. Målet ... -
Real-World fNIRS Brain Activity Measurements during Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
Dybvik, Henrikke; Steinert, Ralf Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is often praised for its portability and robustness towards motion artifacts. While an increasing body of fNIRS research in real-world environments is emerging, most fNIRS ... -
Steering a ship – investigating affective state and workload in ship simulations
Dybvik, Henrikke; Wulvik, Andreas; Steinert, Martin (Chapter, 2018)We present an experiment investigating concepts of affective state and workload in a large ship manoeuvring context. It is run on a consumer ship simulator software where student participants (N=31) perform two ecologically ...