Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Butcher, Charles"
Between Eurocentrism and Babel: A Framework for the Analysis of States, State Systems, and International Orders
Butcher, Charles; Griffiths, Ryan D (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Mindful of the growing interest in non-Western and pre-modern political systems, we propose a framework for the analysis of states, state systems, and international orders. We provide a culturally neutral definition of the ... -
Beyond ethnicity: historical states and modern conflict
Wishman, Marius; Butcher, Charles (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Historical states, be they sprawling empires or nominal vassal states, can make lasting impressions on the territories they once governed. We argue that more historical states located within the borders of modern states ... -
Determinants of Conflicts. How Do Elections Affect Conflict Severity?
Aksoy, Onur (Master thesis, 2020)In this thesis I investigate how elections affect conflict severity. The question of interest is whether conflicts become more or less severe during election periods. This paper proposes that elections may reduce conflict ... -
Do inequalities breed political terror? - An Instrumental time-series cross-section study on inequality and physical integrity rights violations
Thorkildsen, Thea Marie (Master thesis, 2019)Hvordan påvirker ulikhet statlig terror? Mye av litteraturen har fokusert på flere av de negati-ve konsekvensene ulikhet kan ha, gjerne i henhold til institusjoner, borgerkrig og demokrati, men få har adressert sammenhengen ... -
Does Democratisation depend on God's Will? A cross-national analysis of how religious actors participating in nonviolent - and violent resistance campaigns impact democratisation in the years following the campaigns in the timespan 1975-2013
Østerhus, Rune (Master thesis, 2018)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker hvordan religiøs deltakelse i ikke-voldelige og voldelige motstandskampanjer påvirker demokratisering i årene etter motstandskampanjene. Denne oppgaven har et todelt bidrag. For det første ... -
Does diversity within nonviolent campaigns affect the prospects of democratisation?
Marthinussen, Ingrid Helene Holberg (Master thesis, 2020)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker hvilken effekt mangfoldet i en ikke-voldelig kampanje har på utsiktene for suksessfull demokratisering. Dette undersøkes gjennom en komparativ case studie av den tunisiske og den egyptiske ... -
Does International Media Attention Matter?
Lervåg, Maj-Lisa (Master thesis, 2020)I denne masteroppgaven undersøker jeg om internasjonal medieoppmerksomhet har en effekt på utfallet av ikke-voldelige kampanjer. forskningsspørsmålet lyder som følger: Hva er effekten av internasjonal tradisjonell mediedekning ... -
Elections, Ethnicity, and Political Instability
Butcher, Charles; Goldsmith, Benjamin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This article provides a new perspective on the impact of elections on violent political instability in ethnically divided states. A number of scholars argue that elections may provoke large-scale violence in ethnically ... -
Friday on my mind: Re-assessing the Impact of Protest Size on Government Concessions
Butcher, Charles; Pinckney, Jonathan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Do more protesters on the streets make governments likely to grant their demands? Several studies link protest size and government concessions. Yet existing research has limitations: many studies suffer from potential ... -
Genocide Forecasting: Past Accuracy and New Forecasts to 2020
Goldsmith, Benjamin; Butcher, Charles (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)We assess the accuracy of genocide forecasts made by the Atrocity Forecasting Project (AFP) for 2011–15, and present new forecasts for 2016–20. Using data from the United Nations, Genocide Watch and the Political Instability ... -
Geography and the outcomes of civil resistance and civil war
Butcher, Charles (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper reports the results of the first cross-national examination of the impact of the geography of nonviolent contention on regime transitions. Nonviolent tactics ‘work’ in part by signalling the preferences of ... -
Hvordan forhindrer olje demokrati?
Johansen, Thea (Master thesis, 2019)Påstanden om at olje hindrer demokratisering, har oppnådd nær konsensus blant forskere. Hvordan olje forhindrer demokratisering, er fortsatt et ubesvart spørsmål. Denne artikkelen anvender kausal mediasjonsanalyse for å ... -
Introducing the Anatomy of Resistance Campaigns (ARC) dataset
Butcher, Charles; Braithwaite, Jessica Maves; Pinckney, Jonathan; Haugseth, Eirin; Bakken, Ingrid Vik; Wishman, Marius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)We introduce the Anatomy of Resistance Campaigns (ARC) dataset, which records information on 1,426 organizations that participated in events of maximalist violent and nonviolent contention in Africa from 1990 to 2015. The ... -
Introducing the Targeted Mass Killing Dataset for the Study and Forecasting of Mass Atrocities
Butcher, Charles; Goldsmith, Benjamin; Nanlohy, Sascha; Sowmya, Arcot; Muchlinski, David (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article describes a new data set for the study of genocide, politicide, and similar atrocities. Existing data sets have facilitated advances in understanding and policy-relevant applications such as forecasting but ... -
Janus-Faced: Historical Stathood and Organized Violence
Wishman, Marius Swane (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:37, Doctoral thesis, 2023) -
Organizations, Resistance and Democracy: How Civil Society Organizations Impact Democratization
Pinckney, Jonathan; Butcher, Charles; Braithwaite, Jessica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)When are episodes of resistance likely to lead to democratization? We argue that the participation of durable organizations rooted in quotidian relationships that are not themselves designed to compete for political power ... -
Regime Type and the Prospects of Nonviolent Mobilization
Løvoll, Ingrid Birgitte (Master thesis, 2021)Kvantitativ forskning på årsaker til og konsekvenser av ikke-voldelig mobilisering har økt kraftig de siste 20 årene som et resultat av at ikke-voldelige opprør har blitt stadig mer utbredt i verden. Denne oppgaven bidrar ... -
Rural Working-Class Illiberalism
Jensås, Ulrik (Master thesis, 2021)Denne oppgaven benytter se av data på parti- og landnivå for å analysere forholdene mellom illiberalisme i politiske partier og støtte fra den rurale arbeiderklassen. Teorigjennomgangen beskriver materielle og kulturelle ... -
States and their International Relations Since 1816: Introducing Version 2 of the International System(s) Dataset (ISD)
Butcher, Charles; Griffiths, Ryan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)We introduce version 2 of the International System(s) Dataset (ISD), a register of sovereign states across the 1816–2016 period that include numerous states that are missed in commonly used datasets like the Correlates of ... -
Striking it Free? Organized labor and the outcomes of civil resistance
Butcher, Charles; Gray, John Laidlaw; Mitchell, Liesel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This study draws from organizational theory to explain the outcomes of civil resistance campaigns. Organizational theory suggests that organizations embedded in extensive interpersonal networks upon which the state partially ...