Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Butcher, Charles"
The Policy Value of Quantitative Atrocity Forecasting Models
Nanlohy, Sascha; Butcher, Charles; Goldsmith, Benjamin E (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)It is time to integrate quantitative atrocity forecasting more directly and systematically into the foreign policy processes of middle and major powers interested in preventing these terrible but all too common events. ... -
Three Forms of Heteronomy
Butcher, Charles; Griffiths, Ryan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)It is thought that political order in premodern Europe was characterized by overlapping and crosscutting forms of authority. Scholars have called this heteronomy, arguing that it preceded and may follow the modern sovereign ... -
War, Interaction Capacity and the Structures of State Systems
Butcher, Charles; Griffiths, Ryan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)How have the structures of state systems varied over time and space? We outline a game theoretic model of the decision by political units to accept offers of graded sovereignty from imperial centers. We conceptualize four ... -
When Women Rally
Barland, Kari-Anne (Master thesis, 2022)Hvorfor lykkes noen land i å demokratiseres seg, mens andre ikke gjør det? «Aktør-tilnærmingen» setter søkelys på hvem aktørene i prodemokratiske motstandsbevegelser er, og hvordan de involverte aktørene påvirker utfallet. ... -
Who’s Had Enough? The Effects of Organisational Participation on Post-Resistance Democratisation - A quantitative analysis of the composition of resistance campaigns and subcomponents of democracy in Africa, 1990-2015
Haugseth, Eirin (Master thesis, 2020)Hvem deltar i protestbevegelser, og påvirker dette bestanddeler av demokrati forskjellig? Denne studien utforsker hvordan motstandsbevegelser med mål om strukturelle endringer dominert av ulike organisasjoner, her ... -
Women and Dissent: Opportunities, Barriers and Empowerment
Bakken, Ingrid Vik (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:179, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Sammendrag (english below): “Where are the women?” spurte Cynthia Enloe i ei kjend bok frå 1990 og sikta til fråværet av focus på kvinner og kjønn i studiet av internasjonal politikk og konfliktprosessar. Opp gjennom ...