Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Brodtkorb, Astrid H."
Now showing items 1-20 of 31
A brute-force spectral approach for wave estimation using measured vessel motions
Nielsen, Ulrik Dam; Brodtkorb, Astrid H.; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The article introduces a spectral procedure for sea state estimation based on measurements of motion responses of a ship in a short-crested seaway. The procedure relies fundamentally on the wave buoy analogy, but the wave ... -
Adaptive Backstepping Control of Ship Speed Tracking and Hybrid Mode Selection.
Gao, Fan; Brodtkorb, Astrid H.; Mo, Sigrid Marie; Ren, Zhengru; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper investigates the application of adaptive backstepping control to a hybrid power system for ship propulsion, using a main diesel engine in conjunction with a battery for auxiliary power supply. Fuel injection ... -
AMOS DP Research Cruise 2016: Academic full-scale testing of experimental dynamic positioning control algorithms onboard R/V Gunnerus
Skjetne, Roger; Sørensen, Mikkel Eske Nørgaard; Breivik, Morten; Værnø, Svenn Are Tutturen; Brodtkorb, Astrid H.; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Kjerstad, Øivind Kåre; Calabrò, Vincenzo; Vinje, Bjørn Ole (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)In order to validate relevant dynamic positioning (DP) control algorithms in a realistic environment, a full-scale DP test campaign, the AMOS DP Research Cruise 2016 (ADPRC’16), was organized in a collaboration between the ... -
An Output Feedback Controller with Improved Transient Response of Marine Vessels in Dynamic Positioning
Skjetne, Roger; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Værnø, Svenn Are Tutturen; Brodtkorb, Astrid H. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)An output feedback controller for dynamic positioning (DP) of marine surface vessels is developed. The proposed algorithm has good performance during transients as well as good steady state performance. The method achieves ... -
Comparing Controllers for Dynamic Positioning of Ships in Extreme Seas
Rabanal, Ole Maurice Røste (Master thesis, 2015)The primary purpose of this study is to develop two different dynamic position- ing (DP) controllers for a model-scale supply vessel Cybership III, and determine which control strategy provides a safer, smarter and greener ... -
Comparing Controllers for Dynamic Positioning of Ships in Extreme Seas
Rabanal, Ole Maurice Røste; Brodtkorb, Astrid H.; Breivik, Morten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This paper considers the design, implementation and experimental verification of two controllers for ship station keeping in extreme seas. In particular, the performance of two dynamic positioning controllers are compared, ... -
Compensation of bias loads in dynamic positioning of marine surface vessels
Værnø, Svenn Are Tutturen; Brodtkorb, Astrid H.; Skjetne, Roger (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper investigates different methods for compensating the mean and slowly varying environmental loads, and unmodeled dynamics (bias loads) in dynamic positioning of marine vessels. Four different methods are compared; ... -
Continuous and discrete abstractions for planning, applied to ship docking
Meyer, Pierre-Jean; Yin, He; Brodtkorb, Astrid H.; Arcak, Murat; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We propose a hierarchical control framework for the synthesis of correct-by-construction controllers for nonlinear control-affine systems with respect to reach-avoid-stay specifications. We first create a low-dimensional ... -
Data-driven method for hydrodynamic model estimation applied to an unmanned surface vehicle
Mounet, Raphaël Emile Gilbert; Nielsen, Ulrik Dam; Brodtkorb, Astrid H.; Øveraas, Henning; Dallolio, Alberto; Johansen, Tor Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) are increasingly appealing for gathering metocean data, including directional sea spectra. This paper presents new developments towards estimating the response amplitude operators (RAOs) ... -
Deriving spatial wave data from a network of buoys and ships
Mounet, Raphaël Emile Gilbert; Chen, Jiaxin; Nielsen, Ulrik Dam; Brodtkorb, Astrid H.; Pillai, Ajit C.; Ashton, Ian G.C.; Steele, Edward C.C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The real-time provision of high-quality estimates of the ocean wave parameters at appropriate spatial resolutions are essential for the sustainable operations of marine structures. Machine learning affords considerable ... -
Estimating waves via measured ship responses
Nielsen, Ulrik Dam; Bingham, Harry B.; Brodtkorb, Astrid H.; Iseki, Toshio; Jensen, Jørgen Juncher; Mittendorf, Malte; Mounet, Raphaël Emile Gilbert; Shao, Yanlin; Storhaug, Gaute; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Takami, Tomoki (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Optimisation of energy efficiency and operational performance as well as assessment of safety levels and emissions of marine operations require detailed information about the acting wave system. It is possible—with an ... -
Evaluation of Shipboard Wave Estimation Techniques Through Model-scale Experiments
Nielsen, Ulrik Dam; Galeazzi, Roberto; Brodtkorb, Astrid H. (Chapter, 2016)The paper continues a study on the wave buoy analogy that uses shipboard measurements to estimate sea states. In the present study, the wave buoy analogy is formulated directly in the time domain and relies only partly on ... -
Evaluation of wave-frequency motions extraction from dynamic positioning measurements using the empirical mode decomposition
Garcia Rosa, Paula Bastos; Brodtkorb, Astrid H.; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta (Chapter, 2019)For dynamic positioning operations, high-frequency wave induced motions cause excessive control action, and consequently additional power consumption and wear of actuators in the propulsion system. Thus, such operations ... -
Hybrid Control of Marine Vessels: Dynamic Positioning in Varying Conditions
Brodtkorb, Astrid H. (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:351, Doctoral thesis, 2017)The next generation marine control systems will, as a step towards increased autonomy, have more automatic functionality in order to cope with a set of complex operations in unknown and varying environments, while maintaining ... -
Hybrid controller concept for dynamic positioning of marine vessels with experimental results
Brodtkorb, Astrid H.; Værnø, Svenn Are Tutturen; Teel, Andrew R.; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Skjetne, Roger (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The next generation marine control systems will, as a step towards increased autonomy, have more automatic functionality in order to cope with a set of complex operations in unknown, challenging and varying environments ... -
Hybrid Observer Combining Measurements of Different Fidelities
Brodtkorb, Astrid H.; Teel, Andrew R.; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)A signal-based hybrid observer combining measurements of different fidelities is proposed for position and velocity estimation of marine vessels. The concept assumes that noisy position measurements are available only ... -
Hybrid observer for improved transient performance of a marine vessel in dynamic positioning
Brodtkorb, Astrid H.; Værnø, Svenn Are Tutturen; Teel, Andrew R.; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Skjetne, Roger (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Dynamic positioning (DP) systems are used on marine vessels for automatic station keeping and tracking operations solely by use of thrusters. Observers are key components of DP systems, and two main types are proposed in ... -
Modeling and Control of a Foiling Trimaran Sailboat
Hella, Amalie Hjellestad (Master thesis, 2021)For tiden er foiler på seilbåter som løfter dem ut av vannet veldig i vinden, og det har vært en økende trend de siste årene. Ved å fly over vannet, øker farten til båten. Dette er på grunn av den synkende hydrodynamiske ... -
Modeling and control of ship propulsion with shaft generator and battery storage system
Gao, Fan; Brodtkorb, Astrid H.; Zadeh, Mehdi (Chapter, 2022)The use of shaft generators in marine applications makes it possible to operate the main engine more efficiently and to provide additional power to the electrical system. This paper develops a dynamic model and controller ... -
Online wave estimation using vessel motion measurements
Brodtkorb, Astrid H.; Nielsen, Ulrik Dam; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In this paper, a computationally efficient online sea state estimation algorithm is proposed for estimation of the onsite sea state. The algorithm finds the wave spectrum estimate from motion measurements in heave, roll ...