Now showing items 1-20 of 118

    • 3CAPS - A structural AP-site analogue as a tool to investigate DNA base excision repair 

      Schürmann, David; Scheidegger, Simon P.; Weber, Alain R.; Bjørås, Magnar; Leumann, Christian J.; Schär, Primo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Abasic sites (AP-sites) are frequent DNA lesions, arising by spontaneous base hydrolysis or as intermediates of base excision repair (BER). The hemiacetal at the anomeric centre renders them chemically reactive, which ...
    • 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (Ogg1) controls hepatic gluconeogenesis 

      Scheffler, Katja; Rachek, Lyudmila; You, Panpan; Rowe, Alexander D.; Wang, Wei; Kuśnierczyk, Anna; Kittelsen, Lene Svendsen; Bjørås, Magnar; Eide, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) resides in close proximity to metabolic reactions, and is maintained by the 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (Ogg1) and other members of the base excision repair pathway. Here, we tested the hypothesis ...
    • A novel approach to study the impact of reduced brain noradrenergic neuromodulation on transcriptome changes of cortical neurons and astrocytes 

      Fjeldstad, Synnøve Algrøy (Master thesis, 2024)
      Noradrenalin (NA) er eit viktig stoff som bidreg til å oppretthalde normal hjernefunksjon. NA er involvert i eit vidt spekter av funksjoner, mellom anna overgangar mellom ulike nivå av aktivitet i hjernen. Den viktigaste ...
    • A systems approach to study immuno- and neuro-modulatory properties of antiviral agents 

      Zusinaite, Eva; Ianevski, Alexandr; Niukkanen, Diana; Poranen, Minna M.; Bjørås, Magnar; Afset, Jan Egil; Tenson, Tanel; Velagapudi, Vidya; Merits, Andres; Kainov, Denis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      There are dozens of approved, investigational and experimental antiviral agents. Many of these agents cause serious side effects, which can only be revealed after drug administration. Identification of the side effects ...
    • A transgenic minipig model of Huntington’s disease shows early signs of behavioral and molecular pathologies 

      Askeland, Georgina; Rodinova, Marie; Štufková, Hana; Dosoudilova, Zaneta; Baxa, Monika; Smatlikova, Petra; Bohuslavova, Bozena; Klempir, Jiri; Nguyen, The Duong; Kuśnierczyk, Anna; Bjørås, Magnar; Klungland, Arne; Hansikova, Hana; Ellederova, Zdenka; Eide, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Huntington's disease (HD) is a monogenic, progressive, neurodegenerative disorder with currently no available treatment. The Libechov transgenic minipig model for HD (TgHD) displays neuroanatomical similarities to humans ...
    • abc4pwm: affinity based clustering for position weight matrices in applications of DNA sequence analysis 

      Ali, Omer; Farooq, Amna; Yang, Mingyi; Jin, Victor X.; Bjørås, Magnar; Wang, Junbai (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background Transcription factor (TF) binding motifs are identified by high throughput sequencing technologies as means to capture Protein-DNA interactions. These motifs are often represented by consensus sequences in form ...
    • Absence of NLRP3 Inflammasome in Hematopoietic Cells Reduces Adverse Remodeling After Experimental Myocardial Infarction 

      Louwe, Maria Cornelia; Olsen, Maria Belland; Kaasbøll, Ole Jørgen; Yang, Kuan; Fosshaug, Linn Elisabeth Lillerud; Alfsnes, Katrine; Øgaard, Jonas; Rashidi, Azita; Skulberg, Vidar Magne; Yang, Mingyi; Fonseca, Davi de Miranda; Sharma, Animesh; Aronsen, Jan Magnus; Schrumpf, Elisabeth; Ahmed, Muhammad Shakil; Dahl, Christen Peder; Nyman, Tuula Anneli; Ueland, Thor; Melum, Espen; Halvorsen, Bente; Bjørås, Magnar; Attramadal, Håvard; Sjaastad, Ivar; Aukrust, Pål; Yndestad, Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      An inflammatory response is required for tissue healing after a myocardial infarction (MI), but the process must be balanced to prevent maladaptive remodeling. This study shows that improved survival and cardiac function ...
    • Active components of commonly prescribed medicines affect influenza a virus–host cell interaction: A pilot study 

      Ianevski, Aleksandr; Yao, Rouan; Zusinaite, Eva; Lysvand, Hilde; Oksenych, Valentyn; Tenson, Tanel; Bjørås, Magnar; Kainov, Denis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background: Every year, millions of people are hospitalized and thousands die from influenza A virus (FLUAV) infection. Most cases of hospitalizations and death occur among the elderly. Many of these elderly patients are ...
    • Additive manufacturing of laminar flow cells for single-molecule experiments 

      Ahmadi, Arash; Till, Katharina; Hafting, Yngve; Schuttpelz, Mark; Bjørås, Magnar; Glette, Kyrre; Tørresen, Jim; Rowe, Alexander D.; Dalhus, Bjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      A microfluidic laminar flow cell (LFC) forms an indispensable component in single-molecule experiments, enabling different substances to be delivered directly to the point under observation and thereby tightly controlling ...
    • Age- and sex-dependent effects of DNA glycosylase Neil3 on amyloid pathology, adult neurogenesis, and memory in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease 

      Egiazarian, Milena Armenovna; Strømstad, Silje; Sakshaug, Teri; Nunez-Nescolarde, Ana; Bethge, Nicole; Bjørås, Magnar; Scheffler, Katja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Oxidative stress generating DNA damage has been shown to be a key characteristic in Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, how it affects the pathogenesis of AD is not yet fully understood. Neil3 is a DNA glycosylase initiating ...
    • ALKBH3 partner ASCC3 mediates P-body formation and selective clearance of MMS-induced 1-methyladenosine and 3-methylcytosine from mRNA 

      Wollen, Kristian Lied; Hagen, Lars; Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg; Rabe, Renana; Iveland, Tobias Solli; Aas, Per Arne; Sharma, Animesh; Sporsheim, Bjørnar; Erlandsen, Hilde O.; Palibrk, Vuk; Bjørås, Magnar; Fonseca, Davi de Miranda; Mosammaparast, Nima; Slupphaug, Geir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background: Reversible enzymatic methylation of mammalian mRNA is widespread and serves crucial regulatory functions, but little is known to what degree chemical alkylators mediate overlapping modifcations and whether cells ...
    • Alkyladenine DNA glycosylase associates with transcription elongation to coordinate DNA repair with gene expression 

      Montaldo, Nicola Pietro; Bordin, Diana Lilian; Brambilla, Alessandro; Rösinger, Marcel; Martin, Sarah Fordyce; Bjørås, Karine Øian; Bradamante, Stefano; Aas, Per Arne; Furrer, Antonia; Olsen, Lene Christin; Kunath, Nicolas; Otterlei, Marit; Sætrom, Pål; Bjørås, Magnar; Samson, Leona D.; van Loon, Barbara (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Base excision repair (BER) initiated by alkyladenine DNA glycosylase (AAG) is essential for removal of aberrantly methylated DNA bases. Genome instability and accumulation of aberrant bases accompany multiple diseases, ...
    • Antibiotic-induced DNA damage results in a controlled loss of pH homeostasis and genome instability 

      Booth, James; Špírek, Mário; Lobie, Tekle Airgecho; Skarstad, Kirsten Jane; Krejci, Lumir; Bjørås, Magnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Extracellular pH has been assumed to play little if any role in how bacteria respond to antibiotics and antibiotic resistance development. Here, we show that the intracellular pH of Escherichia coli equilibrates to the ...
    • Antimicrobial resistance: A challenge awaiting the post-COVID-19 era 

      Lobie, Tekle Airgecho; Roba, Aklilu Abrham; Booth, James; Kristiansen, Knut Ivan; Aseffa, Abraham; Skarstad, Kirsten Jane; Bjørås, Magnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Microbe exposure to pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical agents plays a role in the development of antibiotic resistance. The risks and consequences associated with extensive disinfectant use during the COVID-19 pandemic ...
    • Antiviral Immunoglobulins of Chicken Egg Yolk for Potential Prevention of SARS-CoV-2 Infection 

      Ravlo, Erlend; Evensen, Lasse; Sanson, Gorm; Hildonen, Siri; Ianevski, Aleksandr; Skjervold, Per Olav; Ji, Ping; Wang, Wei; Kaarbø, Mari; Kaynova, Gerda Dominyka; Kainov, Denis; Bjørås, Magnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background: Some viruses cause outbreaks, which require immediate attention. Neutralizing antibodies could be developed for viral outbreak management. However, the development of monoclonal antibodies is often long, ...
    • Assessing the Electrophysiological Functionality of Place Cells in TDG-depleted Hippocampus 

      Opsahl, Karoline (Master thesis, 2023)
      Når dyr utforsker nye omgivelser, dannes det romlige minner som oppdateres med erfaring og hentes frem igjen ved gjeneksponering for det samme miljøet. Koordinert modifikasjon av synaptisk styrke mellom de parahippocampa ...
    • Assessing the Role of TDG in the Hippocampus-dependent Memory using Transgenic Mouse Models and rAAV Viral Tools 

      Døskeland, Dagny Sanden (Master thesis, 2022)
      Tymin DNA-glykosylase (TDG) er et enzym med viktige roller i genomisk reperasjon og epigenetisk regulering. Tiltredende bevis indikerer en viktig rolle for TDG i aktiv DNA-demetylering. DNA-methylering har en regulerende ...
    • Boosted production of antibodies that neutralized different SARS-CoV-2 variants in a COVID-19 convalescent following messenger RNA vaccination - a case study. 

      Fenstad, Mona H.; Ravlo, Erlend; Ianevski, Aleksandr; Starheim, Eirin Johannessen; Wang, Wei; Lysvand, Hilde; Smura, Teemu; Ji, Ping; Kivi, Gaily; Voolaid, Maia-Liisa; Plaan, Kati; Ustav, Mart; Ustav, Mart; Žusinaite, Eva; Tenson, Tanel; Kurg, Reet; Oksenych, Valentyn; Walstad, Kirsti; Nordbø, Svein Arne; Kaarbø, Mari; Ernits, Karin; Bjørås, Magnar; Kainov, Denis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Vaccinated convalescents do not develop severe COVID-19 after infection with new SARS-CoV-2 variants. We questioned how messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccination of convalescents provides protection from emerging virus variants. ...
    • Characterization of a GRAB-based ATP Sensor in the Mouse Cortex and Hippocampus 

      Jabeen, Aqsa (Master thesis, 2022)
      Abstract will be available on 2022-12-31
    • Characterizing the newly generated CamKIIα-Tdg-/- mouse model 

      Nielsen, Liv Støldal (Master thesis, 2023)
      Tymin DNA glycosilase (TDG) er et enzym som har en viktig rolle i genom reparasjon via fjerningen av T/G uoverensstemmelser. Nyere forskning viser at TDG også har en aktiv rolle i DNA demetylering, noe som tilsier at den ...