Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Bech, Claus"
Now showing items 1-20 of 46
Assessing the effect of roads on impala (Aepyceros melampus) stress levels using faecal glucocorticoid metabolites
Lunde, Even Tvede (Master thesis, 2013)Loss of habitat is the main cause of species extinction, which today is 100 - 1000 times faster than the background extinction rate before the presence of mankind. One cause is that natural areas are being increasingly ... -
Black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) change their leukocyte profiles because of handling, repeated sampling and development
Skomsø, Dagfinn Breivik (Master thesis, 2013)Similar to other long-lived species, Black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) need to invest in the immune system to ensure future survival. However, since resources are considered to be limited, this investment constitutes ... -
Black-legged kittiwakes as messengers of Atlantification in the Arctic
Vihtakari, Mikko; Welcker, Jorg; Moe, Børge; Chastel, Olivier; Tartu, Sabrina; Hop, Haakon; Bech, Claus; Descamps, Sébastien; Gabrielsen, Geir W. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Climate warming is rapidly altering marine ecosystems towards a more temperate state on the European side of the Arctic. However, this “Atlantification” has rarely been confirmed, as long-term datasets on Arctic marine ... -
Breathing in the Cold: Seasonal Changes in the Ventilatory Pattern in a Small Boreal Passerine Bird
Bech, Claus; Mariussen, Carita (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Small passerine birds in the north need to take advantage of several behavioral and physiological mechanisms to maintain energy balance during the winter characterized by low food supply, low ambient temperatures, and short ... -
Climate change and the increasing impact of polar bears on bird populations
Prop, Jouke; Aars, Jon; Bårdsen, Bård-Jørgen; Hanssen, Sveinn Are; Bech, Claus; Bourgeon, Sophie; Fouw, Jimmy de; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Lang, Johannes; Noreen, Elin; Oudman, Thomas; Sittler, Benoit; stempniewicz, Lech; Tombre, Ingunn; Wolters, Eva; Moe, Børge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-03-25)The Arctic is becoming warmer at a high rate, and contractions in the extent of sea ice are currently changing the habitats of marine top-predators dependent on ice. Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) depend on sea ice for ... -
Corticosterone mediates carry-over effects between breeding and migration in the kittiwake Rissa tridactyla
Schultner, Jannik; Moe, Børge; Chastel, Olivier; Tartu, Sabrina; Bech, Claus; Kitaysky, Alexander S. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Carry-over effects, i.e. when processes in one season influence processes in the next, are believed to have important effects on behavior and fitness in animals. Despite an increasing interest in the identification of ... -
Differential reproductive responses to stress reveal the role of life-history strategies within a species
Schultner, Jannik; Kitaysky, Alexander S.; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Hatch, Scott; Bech, Claus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Life-history strategies describe that ‘slow’- in contrast to ‘fast’-living species allocate resources cautiously towards reproduction to enhance survival. Recent evidence suggests that variation in strategies exists not ... -
Does human activities affect stress level in Serengeti elephants (Loxodonta africana)?
Tingvold, Heidi Gunilla (Master thesis, 2011)African elephants play a vital role in the Serengeti ecosystem, with the opportunity to alter the entire ecosystem by their sheer number. Management of these animals with the ambition of improving their welfare is therefore ... -
Effect of experimentally increased adult foraging effort on the offspring in black legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla)
Smalås, Rune (Master thesis, 2011)The Black legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) is one of the more extensively studied seagull species, and much of their nesting behaviour and physiology concerning the breeding period has already been examined to a high ... -
Effect of Manipulated Stress Levels of Adult Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) on Offspring Immunocompetence
Bråthen, Vegard Sandøy (Master thesis, 2013)Low food availability increase food stress and can cause a shift of energy expenditure to invest in self-survival rather than reproductive effort in breeding Black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla). This affects early ... -
Effects of Climate on Chick Growth in the Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)
Alvestad, Rakel Jansen (Master thesis, 2015)Seabirds are declining worldwide as a result of anthropogenic influences, primarily through climate change affecting the food availability. One of the declining species is the black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), ... -
Effects of repeated investigator disturbance on corticosterone concentrations and the immune system in chicks of Black-Legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)
Tvedten, Øyvind Gjønnes (Master thesis, 2017)Repeated exposure to investigator disturbance increases the corticosterone levels and can give detrimental effects on the growth and immune system in nestlings. As the offspring is developing, they need to invest in different ... -
Energetics of whiskered bats in comparison to other bats of the family Vespertilionidae
Skåra, Karoline Hansen; Bech, Claus; Fjelldal, Mari Aas; van der Kooij, Jeroen; Sørås, Rune; Stawski, Clare (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Bats inhabit a variety of climate types, ranging from tropical to temperate zones, and environmental differences may therefore affect the basal metabolic rate (BMR) of bats from different populations. In the present study, ... -
Exposure to oxychlordane is associated with shorter telomeres in arctic breeding kittiwakes
Blévin, Pierre; Angelier, Frédéric; Tartu, Sabrina; Ruault, Stéphanie; Bustamante, Paco; Herzke, Dorte; Moe, Børge; Bech, Claus; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Chastel, Olivier (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Telomeres are DNA-protein complexes located at the end of chromosomes, which play an important role in maintaining the genomic integrity. Telomeres shorten at each cell division and previous studies have shown that telomere ... -
Fysisk prestasjon hos kvinnelige langrennsløpere i kulde og varme.: Termoregulatoriske og metabolske responser
Renberg, Julie (Master thesis, 2011)Bakgrunn: Langrennsutøvere blir utsatt for veldig varierende termisk stress. Termisk stress er vist å ha negativ effekt på prestasjonen til mannlige utholdenhetsutøvere. Prestasjon under fysisk aktivitet i kulde er mindre ... -
Global phenological insensitivity to shifting ocean temperatures among seabirds
Keogan, Katharine; Daunt, Francis; Wanless, Sarah; Phillips, Richard A.; Walling, Craig A.; Agnew, Philippa; Ainley, David G.; Anker-Nilssen, Tycho; Ballard, Grant; Barrett, Robert T; Barton, Kerry J.; Bech, Claus; Becker, Peter; Berglund, Per-Arvid; Bollache, Loïc; Bond, Alexander L.; Bouwhuis, Sandra; Bradley, Russell W.; Burr, Zofia; Camphuysen, Kees; Catry, Paulo; Chiaradia, Andre; Christensen-Dalsgaard, Signe; Cuthbert, Richard; Dehnhard, Nina; Descamps, Sébastien; Diamond, Tony; Divoky, George; Drummond, Hugh; Dugger, Katie M.; Dunn, Michael J.; Emmerson, Louise; Erikstad, Kjell Einar; Fort, Jérôme; Fraser, William; Genovart, Meritxell; Gilg, Olivier; González-Solís, Jacob; Granadeiro, José Pedro; Grémillet, David; Hansen, Jannik; Hanssen, Sveinn Are; Harris, Mike; Hedd, April; Hinke, Jefferson; Igual, José Manuel; Jahncke, Jaime; Jones, Ian; Kappes, Peter J.; Lang, Johannes; Langset, Magdalene; Lorentsen, Svein Håkon; Moe, Børge; Reiertsen, Tone; Lescroël, Amélie; Lyver, Phil O’B.; Mallory, Mark; Montevecchi, William A.; Monticelli, David; Mostello, Carolyn; Newell, Mark; Nicholson, Lisa; Nisbet, Ian; Olsson, Olof; Oro, Daniel; Pattison, Vivian; Poisbleau, Maud; Pyk, Tanya; Quintana, Flavio; Ramos, Jaime A.; Ramos, Raül; Rodríguez, Cristina; Ryan, Peter; Sanz-Aguilar, Ana; Schmidt, Niels M.; Shannon, Paula; Sittler, Benoit; Southwell, Colin; Surman, Christopher; Svagelj, Walter S.; Trivelpiece, Wayne; Warzybok, Pete; Watanuki, Yutaka; Weimerskirch, Henri; Wilson, Peter R.; Wood, Andrew G.; Phillimore, Albert B.; Lewis, Sue (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Reproductive timing in many taxa plays a key role in determining breeding productivity1, and is often sensitive to climatic conditions2. Current climate change may alter the timing of breeding at different rates across ... -
How to quantify thermal acclimation capacity?
Einum, Sigurd; Ratikainen, Irja Ida; Wright, Jonathan; Pelabon, Christophe; Bech, Claus; Jutfelt, Fredrik; Stawski, Clare; Burton, Tim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The capacity of organisms to acclimate will influence their ability to cope with ongoing global changes in thermal regimes. Here we highlight methodological issues associated with recent attempts to quantify variation in ... -
Incubation temperature and physiological aging in the zebra finch
Berntsen, Johan Henrik Hårdensson; Bech, Claus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In birds, incubation temperature has received increased attention as an important source of phenotypic variability in offspring. A lower than optimal incubation temperature may negatively affect aspects of nestling physiology, ... -
Interactions between Pollutant Exposure and the Physiology in Adult Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) at Svalbard
Svendsen, Niels Borup (Master thesis, 2015)This study investigated the use of feathers as a useful non-destructive biomonitoring tool for novel organic pollutants in black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla), and evaluated the interaction of both novel and legacy ... -
Is basal metabolic rate associated with recruit production and survival in free-living house sparrows?
Rønning, Bernt; Broggi, Juli; Bech, Claus; Moe, Børge; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Pärn, Henrik; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Jensen, Henrik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Life history theory predicts that available energy is limited and needs to be allocated among different processes such as growth, reproduction and self-maintenance. Basal metabolic rate (BMR), a common measure of an animal's ...