Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir"
Now showing items 1-20 of 44
3D Numerical modelling of pile scour with free surface profile under waves and current using the level set method in model REEF3D
Ahmad, Nadeem; Bihs, Hans; Kamath, Arun; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Chapter, 2016)Wave action stirs up sediments and keeps it in suspension while currents wash it away from the coastal zone. The combined action of the waves and current close to the sediment bed may worsen the situation by creating ... -
A comparison of wave generation methods simulating extreme waves in a numerical wave tank
Alagan Chella, Mayilvahanan; Bihs, Hans; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Chapter, 2017)Extreme wave conditions emanate from the random and instantaneous interaction of waves during storm events. These wave conditions may cause potentially severe damage to ships and offshore oil and gas structures. There are ... -
A New Level Set Numerical Wave Tank with Improved Density Interpolation for Complex Wave Hydrodynamics
Bihs, Hans; Kamath, Arun; Alagan Chella, Mayilvahanan; Aggarwal, Ankit; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)A new three-dimensional numerical wave tank is developed for the calculation of wave propagation and wave hydrodynamics by solving the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. The free surface is modeled with the level set ... -
A numerical investigation of erosion around offshore pipelines
Ahmad, Nadeem; Bihs, Hans; Kamath, Arun; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Chapter, 2017)In this paper, a numerical investigation is carried out to model sea bed erosion around offshore pipelines deployed at the shoreline. The open-source CFD model REEF3D is used for the numerical modeling. The model solves ... -
Application Of A 6DOF Algorithm For The Investigation Of Impulse Waves Generated Due To Sub-Aerial Landslides
Kamath, Arun; Bihs, Hans; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Chapter, 2017)Inland water bodies such as lakes, rivers and streams are generally considered safe from extreme wave events. Such inland water bodies are susceptible to extreme wave events due to impact of aerial landslides, where a large ... -
Breaking Wave Interaction with a Vertical Cylinder and the Effect of Breaker Location
Kamath, Arun; Alagan Chella, Mayilvahanan; Bihs, Hans; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The open-source CFD model REEF3D is used to simulate plunging breaking wave forces on a vertical cylinder. The numerical results are compared with data from the experiments carried out at the Large Wave Channel, Hannover, ... -
Breaking wave interaction with tandem cylinders under different impact scenarios
Bihs, Hans; Kamath, Arun; Alagan Chella, Mayilvahanan; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The interaction of plunging breaking waves with a pair of cylinders placed in tandem is investigated using an open-source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. The model is validated using experimental data for total ... -
Calculation of Wave Forces on Structures using REEF3D
Kamath, Arun Mulky (Master thesis, 2012)Non-breaking wave forces on a cylindrical pile placed on a platform were calculated numerically by solving the 3D Navier Stokes equations in the Numerical Wave Tank of REEF3D. Initially, the numerical wave tank was validated ... -
CFD Based Study of Steep Irregular Waves for Extreme Wave Spectra
Aggarwal, Ankit; Alagan Chella, Mayilvahanan; Bihs, Hans; Pakozdi, Csaba; Berthelsen, Petter Andreas; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Offshore structures are exposed to irregular sea states. It consists of breaking and non-breaking waves. They experience extreme wave loads perpetually after being installed in the open ocean. Thus, the study of steep waves ... -
CFD Investigations of Wave Interaction with a Pair of Large Tandem Cylinders
Kamath, Arun; Alagan Chella, Mayilvahanan; Bihs, Hans; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Wave forces and the flow field around cylinders placed in a periodic wave field are investigated with a numerical model using the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations. The numerical model is validated by simulating ... -
CFD Modeling of Arctic Coastal Erosion due to Breaking Waves
Ahmad, Nadeem; Bihs, Hans; Alagan Chella, Mayilvahanan; Kamath, Arun; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling of breaking waves over a slope and the resulting erosion in the case of an Arctic coastline is presented in this study. The study is performed with the open-source numerical model ... -
CFD Modeling of Local Scour Around a Pair of Tandem Cylinders under Wave Conditions
Ahmad, Nadeem; Bihs, Hans; Kamath, Arun; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Local scour in a marine environment can lead to the failure of offshore and coastal structures. This is also the case, when marine infrastructure is built in Arctic conditions. The knowledge and understanding of erosion ... -
CFD modelling of irregular and focused waves using wave reconstruction
Aggarwal, Ankit; Alagan Chella, Mayilvahanan; Bihs, Hans; Pakozdi, Csaba; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Chapter, 2017)The real sea state is composed of the focused and steep irregular waves which makes their study very important in the design of offshore wind turbines. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can be used as an effective tool ... -
CFD Simulations of Roll Motion of a Floating Ice Block in Waves using REEF3D
Bihs, Hans; Kamath, Arun; Alagan Chella, Mayilvahanan; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Floating ice blocks in waves are generally seen in managed ice and in marginal ice zones. Detailed investigations into the hydrodynamics of a floating ice block provides insight into the interaction of floating ice with ... -
CFD Simulations of Wave Propagation and Shoaling over a Submerged Bar
Kamath, Arun; Bihs, Hans; Alagan Chella, Mayilvahanan; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The wave propagation over a submerged bar is simulated using the open source CFD model REEF3D and the numerical results are compared to the experimental data. The transformation of the wave resulting in higher harmonics ... -
CFD Simulations to Determine Wave Forces on a Row of Cylinders
Kamath, Arun; Bihs, Hans; Alagan Chella, Mayilvahanan; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The open source Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model REEF3D is used to simulate interaction of low steepness linear waves and high steepness 5th-order Stokes waves with a single cylinder and linear arrays of two, three, ... -
Energy transfer due to shoaling and decomposition of breaking and non-breaking waves over a submerged bar
Kamath, Arun; Alagan Chella, Mayilvahanan; Bihs, Hans; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Wave propagation over a submerged bar is simulated using the open source CFD model REEF3D with various incident wave heights to study shoaling, wave breaking features and the process of wave decomposition into higher ... -
Evaluating Wave Forces on Groups of Three and Nine Cylinders using a 3D Numerical Wave Tank
Kamath, Arun; Alagan Chella, Mayilvahanan; Bihs, Hans; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The evaluation of the complex wave regime due to wave interaction with a large group of cylinders placed in proximity requires an efficient and accurate numerical model. This paper presents the application of a two-phase ... -
Extreme Wave Generation, Breaking and Impact Simulations With REEF3D
Bihs, Hans; Kamath, Arun; Alagan Chella, Mayilvahanan; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Chapter, 2017)An accurate description of extreme waves is necessary in order to estimate maximum wave forces on offshore structures. On several occasions freak waves have been observed in the past, some causing severe damage. In order ... -
Extreme Wave Generation, Breaking, and Impact Simulations Using Wave Packets in REEF3D
Bihs, Hans; Kamath, Arun; Alagan Chella, Mayilvahanan; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)On several occasions, freak waves have been observed in the past, some causing severe damage. In order to model such extreme wave conditions, one possibility is to use focused waves of first- or second-order based on ...